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  • 1. (2024八上·浦北期末)  根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

    The Tianchi Meteorological Station is one of China's best weather stations. It is at an altitude(海拔)of about 2, 620 meters and is about 150 meters away from Tianchi Lake on the top of Changbai Mountain. Weather workers there enjoy wonderful sights, but also work under terrible weather conditions. The average temperature there is -7. 3℃ with the lowest of -44. 0℃. Every year, there are strong winds in about 269 days with some up to 74 kilometers per hour. Snow can be seen in about 250 days. And there are 56 days of thunderstorms.

    The station was set up in 1958 to collect more weather information. Since it was set up, many workers have done their part in collecting weather information from Changbai Mountain. Jiao Xiangzhao, 53, is one of them. He has worked there for 24 years. Over the past years, conditions have improved a lot. Since 2010, new equipment has been used at the station. In 2016, a new building of 1, 000 square meters was built. Workers could work more safely there. 

    Working at the station may be hard but important. Jiao feels happy that he can help to change the world for the better through his job. 

    1. (1) What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
      A . The setting up of the station. B . The weather condition at the station. C . The beautiful sight at the station.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "conditions" mean in Chinese?
      A . 状况 B . 困难 C . 危险
    3. (3) Why was the station built there at first?
      A . To protect the wild animals there. B . To report the terrible weather. C . To get weather information
    4. (4) When did Jiao Xiangzhao start to work at the station?
      A . In 1958. B . In 1999. C . In 2013.
    5. (5) What does Jiao Xiangzhao think of his job now?
      A . Safe. B . Successful. C . Helpful.
