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  • 1. (2023高一下·唐山月考)  阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    It was December 30. My friend Mel Olsen and I1  to climb 11,250-foot Mount Hood in Oregon. I loved the2  of overcoming something bigger than me. 

    It's3 to start winter climbs at night when there's less risk of the sun 4 a snowslide (雪崩). After about five hours, we5 Devil's Kitchen, at about 10,000 feet, just before the final6 to the top. By this point, the wind conditions were7 . Other climbers we met along the way turned back, but Mel and I8 .

    When we arrived at the path with ice stairs, I volunteered to go first. Confident that I was safe, I put my full weight on it. Suddenly, a big piece of ice broke off the9 , right under my foot. In an instant, I fell backward. I stuck out my arms and legs, trying to10 anything. But I was still sliding. After a few seconds, I came to a11 on a shallow slope (斜坡). I'd fallen 600 feet. My left leg was broken. Before I was rescued I had been lying there for four hours.

    The fall has made me more12 . I learn to watch my step while climbing. One13 on a mountain can change everything. But it has also made me14 , becoming more complete and fully developed. I've climbed another 60 mountains since then. One slip won't15 me from doing my favorite thing in the world.

    A . managed B . preferred C . continued D . attempted
    A . challenge B . impression C . competition D . inspiration
    A . luckier B . easier C . safer D . faster
    A . causing B . raising C . developing D . reflecting
    A . positioned B . entered C . reached D . searched
    A . round B . approach C . period D . push
    A . changeable B . horrible C . comfortable D . predictable
    A . went ahead B . gave in C . held back D . turned up
    A . rope B . vehicle C . step D . foot
    A . observe B . seize C . replace D . throw
    A . decision B . view C . close D . stop
    A . energetic B . awake C . cautious D . patient
    A . fall B . decision C . lesson D . failure
    A . succeed B . grow C . ache D . expand
    A . protect B . rescue C . excuse D . discourage
