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  • 1. (2023高二下·德阳开学考) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    In any survey of self-made millionaires, you're likely to notice the key to their success is that they never stop learning. So how does one build a lifelong learning mindset?

    Seek out information that may be contrary to what you believe. Expand your horizons. Challenge yourself to find a better way. You will find a way around barriers!

    Turn mistakes into opportunities. The practice of learning from mistakes is one of the best lifelong learning skills anyone can master. They show us better way to think and work. They also provide insights into hidden knowledge and awareness.

    Adopt a growth mindset. A mindset that is in line with how our brains really works really helps. Individuals with a fixed mindset believe their intelligence and talents are fixed. People with a growth mindset believe they can improve themselves through practice.

    Establish goals. What do you want to learn? When do you want to learn it? Every year set goals for yourself on skills and knowledge you want to acquire. Besides, I always have the daily goal of learning something new whether through reading or by talking to other people.

    Avoid stress. As stress increases, the body releases chemicals to cause a fear response. This creates an environment in which a person simply can't focus or work, let alone learn. Keep life relaxed and learning will follow.

    There are many other tips for successfully creating a learning plan, but those don't have a fighting chance if your mindset is passive.

    A. Try new things.

    B. Challenge conventional thinking.

    C. This means having the end clearly in mind.

    D. There is much to learn from making mistakes.

    E. I usually set three big learning goals each year.

    F. They don't think they can improve with efforts.

    G. This way, success will happen much more naturally.
