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更新时间:2023-11-08 浏览次数:49 类型:中考模拟
  • 1.  Edison and Frank are brothers. There is ____ uncommon similarity between  two boys.
    A . an; / B . an; the C . a; / D . a; the
  • 2.  —How did you put together the model plane so perfectly?

    —I just followed the____. They're easy.

    A . instructions B . instruction C . instruments D . instrument
  • 3.  Last Sunday, Jerry talked happily ____a loud voice with Kelvin as they went to the park ____bike.
    A . by; by B . in; on C . in; by D . by; on
  • 4.  The Browns had a party with their neighbors yesterday. ____ all enjoyed____.
    A . We; ourselves B . You; yourselves C . They; themselves D . He; himself
  • 5. Tina's mother looks young and beautiful. It's hard to imagine she is in her ____.
    A . forties B . forty C . fourteen D . fourteens
  • 6. —Why are you driving so____, Tony? I'm feeling sick.

    —Sorry, but the train is leaving in 20 minutes. We have to hurry.

    A . late B . later C . fast D . faster
  • 7.  WeChat Pay and Alipay make our life convenient. We can buy  things ____ we don't take any money.
    A . after that B . and then C . even if D . so that
  • 8.  —Dr Jackson is not in his office at the moment.

    —All right. I _________ him later.

    A . will call B . have called C . call D . called
  • 9. — Shall I wear the pink evening dress or the white one?

    —They both look beautiful, but I think the white one is ____.

    A . suitable B . more suitable C . most suitable D . the most suitable
  • 10.  ____role she played in the movie! No wonder she has won an Oscar.
    A . How interesting B . How terrible C . What a terrible D . What an interesting
  • 11.  –Amy invites us to have dinner at her home at 6:00 tonight. Must we arrive before 6:00?

    —____. You can get there before 6:30.

    A . Yes, you must B . No, you can't C . No, you mustn't D . No, you needn't
  • 12. —Could you please ____be late again?

    —Sorry, I won't be late again.

    A . to try not B . try not to C . trying not to D . to try not to
  • 13. Students da less homework now. Usually it ____before 9 o'clock in the evening.
    A . finishes B . finished C . is finished D . was finished
  • 14.  In Western countries, ladies usually don't like to be asked ____.
    A . whether have they got married B . how much they weigh C . where do they come from D . how old are they
  • 15. —OK, I'll fix your computer right now.

    —Oh, ____________, take your time.

    A . I can't stand it B . I'm in no hurry C . That's a great idea D . It's not my cup of tea
  • 16.  通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 

    I recently started a new job in a small office. There four of us1 a water filter pitcher(净水壶). One of my workmates complained to me that the water tasted "2 "It went on for a few days, and she was surprised why I could drink the water without any3 In fact, I didn't find anything wrong with the water. It tasted just fine to me.

    Finally, she found the cause of the problem. The "dirty smell" was actually from her4 . She simply forgot to clean it, and after a while it started5 the water inside. She cleaned her cup carefully, and then drank the water with great satisfaction.

    Looking at this, I can't help6 the world we live in. Most of the time we quickly blame(责怪)other people, other things, anything else but we will never think about7 We can hear words like "You're lazy", "You're careless" or "You're the problem" everywhere. The world isn't8 , but I think we should take a step back sometimes and ask ourselves some9 . Can I be better? Am I really nice? Can I help others with kindness?

    I want to tell you this: please clean your cup.10  you do so, the water will taste much better, and maybe the surroundings will be much better, too.

    A .  carried B .  left C .  shared D .  found 
    A .  natural B .  soft C .  dirty D .  clean 
    A .  trouble B .  chance C .  reason D .  help 
    A .  pitcher B .  cup C .  hand D .  taste
    A .  improve B .  protect C .  increase D .  influence
    A .  caring about B .  hearing about C .  talking about D .  thinking about 
    A .  themselves B .  ourselves C .  myself D .  herself 
    A .  perfect B .  real C .  kind D .  magic 
    A . results B .  information C .  advice D .  questions 
    A .  Unless B .  Until C .  If D .  Since 
  • 17.  阅读理解。

    Robots now are doing more work than ever before. While some experts believe robots will help people in the future, others are worried. They say machines will someday perform 45 percent of the jobs humans now do. Some workers fear that machines are coming to take away their jobs.

    Tim OReilly, the president of a technology company, says most computer software depends on human beings to keep it operating(运行). "It's so important that we have to think about not using technology to replace people—but to help them to do something that was impossible before the technology." O'Reilly says.

    Jonathan Brewer, a trainer, says technology experts must consider how their inventions can help people. He adds there isn't much reason to have machines do difficult work if people are not able to use and enjoy the results of their work. But also, Brewer hopes that people and ma—chines will continue to work together. He says there is technology that tells city workers when street lights need to be repaired or when rubbish bins are full. That means the workers do no need to examine the lights or bins, as many now do. But he says when the technology tells when repairs are needed or bins must be emptied, humans still must provide the service.

    Many people support technology and the changes it will bring. But many are also starting to think about its influence on humans and how to help people live in a world where machines do so much work.

    1. (1) Some people are afraid that the machines will____.
      A . take their place to work B . refuse to listen to humans C . do all the jobs for humans D . depend on humans too much
    2. (2) According to the passage, we know that the writer suggests____.
      A . machines should replace people at work B . people and machines should work together C . people should learn to work without machines D . machines shouldn't depend on people to operate
    3. (3) The underlined word "replace" probably means ____ in Chinese.
      A . 支援 B . 阻挡 C . 代替 D . 鼓励
    4. (4) Which of the following is true according to the passage?
      A . Technology has been improved very slowly B . Machines shouldn't do difficult work as humans do. C . Technology has also brought disadvantages to people. D . People are not able to use and enjoy the results of their work.
    5. (5) What's the main idea of the passage?
      A . Workers want to do more jobs than machines. B . Workers hope there will be more machines to help them. C . Workers ask tech companies to produce fewer machines. D . Workers want machines to have less influence on their work
  • 18.  请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在空格处。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    Adelphi Academy of Brooklyn is a famous academy(学院) in New York. It has a popular programme  Spirit Day, in which students and teachers are allowed to come to school dressing up as Disney characters on super heroes, or in ugly sweaters.

    It is continuing this year. January 27th, the academy held Pajama Day, one of Adelphi's favorite Spirit Day e events. On that day students and teachers came to  in their most comfortable pajamas (睡衣裤). Many of the  also brought their favorite toys to class!

    Each month, since 2016, the academy has a Spirit Day event. Following a Hero Day event in September, the academy celebrated Disney Day in , Crazy Hat Day in November and Ugly Holiday Sweater Day in December. Ugly Holiday Sweater Day was fully welcomed by students of all ages who come to class their most creative clothes. "We want our students to be comfortable after enter this building and to their most creative think of the school as a second home," said Iphigenia Romano, head of the academy.

    "The monthly Spirit Day event not encourages important things like school spirit, creativity and pride in our school, but also teaches the students about understanding and community. Most , it helps the students understand that school can be fun and doesn't need to be too serious in order for students to learn and grow," she said.

  • 19. 请你以" Color and Mood"为题提前写好一份英文演讲稿。


    (2)语句连贯,词数 80 个左右。

