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更新时间:2023-10-17 浏览次数:37 类型:中考模拟
  • 11.  补全对话5选5

    A: Hello, this is Mary. May I speak to Hank?

    B: Hi, Hank speaking. 

    A: Morning, Hank. What are you doing now?

    B: Nothing much.  

    A: Could you tell me the name of it?


    A: Is it about aliens? 

    B: I'm deeply moved by it.

    A: Sounds great. I'll enjoy it when I'm free.

    B: I'm sure you'll like it.

    A: I found an interesting place to go camping. Would you like to join us tomorrow?


    A: OK. I'm looking forward to your reply.

    A. Well, but what do you call me for?

    B. Umm, let me check my schedule first. 

    C. It's a science fiction film called Wandering Earth.

    D. I'm just watching a wonderful film on the Internet.

    E. No, it's about how humans in the future save themselves.

  • 12. 完形填空

    According to a Chinese legend, there was once a great flood(洪水) that covered the whole earth. That was because there appeared some 1 in the sky. The people were worried and didn't know what to do. In order to save people and their animals, the goddess Nuwa 2 to take action.

    Nuwa 3  a big turtle to carry a pillar made of colorful pillar stones to the bottom of the sea. She then used some 4  to repair the holes in the sky. 

    Nuwa's actions saved people and restored order to the world. She is still remembered and respected in China today as a(n) 5 and beautiful goddess.

    The story of Nuwa Repairs the Sky also teaches us about the importance of taking action to solve problems. 

    A .  holes B .  birds C .  clouds
    A .  decided B .  agreed C .  learned
    A .  drew B .  turned C .  created
    A .  cloth B .  stones C .  clouds
    A .  educational B .  powerful C .  meaningful
  • 13. 完形填空

    The young girl was always interested in everything. She was always 1 questions, and she always wanted to know more. One day, she 2 a new book from the library. The book was called "The Magic Treehouse". The girl was so 3 that she read the whole book in one night. The next day, the girl went back to the 4 to borrow another book. She found another book in the "Magic Treehouse" series. The girl skipped the whole way home. When she got home, she sat down and started 5 the book. She read and read, but she just couldn't get into it. She put the book down and 6 why she didn't like it. She realized that the book was not as good as the first one because she was 7 comparing it to the first book. She went there and found another book that she had never read before. This time, she didn't compare it to anything else, and she enjoyed it. The girl learned a(n) 8 lesson that day. She learned that it was important to 9 new things without comparing them to what she had experienced before. She also learned that it was okay to 10 doing the things that she didn't like and move on to find something else.

    A .  doubting B .  answering C .  asking
    A .  borrowed B .  bought C .  received
    A .  nervous B .  scared C .  excited
    A .  school B .  library C .  bookstore
    A .  reviewing B .  writing C .  reading
    A .  saw B .  wondered C .  remembered
    A .  always B .  never C .  sometimes
    A .  useful B .  interesting C .  careful
    A .  find B .  avoid C .  enjoy
    A .  finish B .  continue C .  stop
  • 14.  阅读判断

    Many countries have ceremonies to celebrate their young people becoming adults. However, some countries do not. Instead, young people think of themselves as adults when they can do ‘adults' things. But when do you become an adult in the USA? Let's look at what some American teenagers say.

    Sam: I think you are an adult at 18. That's when you can vote(投票). You can help to choose who runs the country. That's what a grown-up does! My grandfather couldn't vote until he was 21. They only changed it to 18 in 1971. I guess they think we are more responsible at 18 now.

    Jenny: I think it's hard to say. I get to drive a car at 16, don't I? That's a serious responsibility. So 16 must be the age when you change from a young, person to an adult. Because driving a car shows that you are not a kid.

    Suzie: I think there is something crazy about American laws for when young people can do things. So I can vote at 18 and drive at 16. So you would think that 18 is grown-up, even if I 16 isn't. But then I can't drink alcohol (酒) until I'm 21! If I'm already an adult at 18, how can people stop me from buying alcohol in a shop?

    1. (1) Sam's grandfather wished to be able to vote at 18.
    2. (2) Jenny believes that the age of adulthood in the US is 16. 
    3. (3) Buying alcohol at the age of 18 is not allowed in the US. 
    4. (4) The drinking age in the US is lower than in any other country. 
    5. (5) It's not certain when young people can do ‘adult' things in the US.
  • 15. 阅读理解



    SCHEDULE FOR Spring and Summer 2023

    Zoo HOURS: 9:00 a. m. -6:00 p. m. 

    Weather may affect some activities. 

    ×Do not cross safety lines to take photos. 

    ×Do not touch or feed any animals. 

    √keep children in sight at all times. 

    WARNING: It is against the law to feed or disturb any animals in the zoo. Violators will be required to leave the zoo, and could pay fines up to ¥300. 

    Thank you for treating animals and their living space with respect!


    For more information, please contact the visitor centre (825-202-1202) or visit newcityzoo. com. 

    1. (1) What's TRUE about the schedule for the animal experiences at New City Zoo?
      A . The schedule is not provided in the material. B . The schedule is from 9:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. every day this year. C . The schedule includes watching 5 kinds of animals at different times.
    2. (2) What is the Guided Bus Tour at New City Zoo?
      A . A round-trip in the zoo with bus ticket, 1-Day Pass or yearly card. B . A guided tour around the zoo with a hand stamp. C . A guided tour on a mini-train inside the zoo.
    3. (3) How can visitors ride the mini-train?
      A . They need to pay extra for a ticket. B . They need to get a hand stamp at the gate of the zoo. C . They can ride it anytime during the day without any restrictions.
    4. (4) Which of the following is the rule at New City Zoo?
      A . B . C .
    5. (5) Which of the following blanks can be filled with the underlined word "violators"?
      A . At the graduation ceremony, the ________ recalled many wonderful moments. B . The company has strict rules. Any ________ will be asked to leave. C . We will invite the ________ to have a welcome dinner party.
  • 16. 阅读理解                                                                  

    Kung fuIt is a traditional Chinese martial art that focuses on both balance and strength training. It is a wonderful way for kids to develop proper balance. Kids can let go of a good deal of energy and have fun while doing kung fu. 

    KarateIt is one of the most popular martial art among kids because it isn't very difficult to learn. Karate is a striking martial art at first; it includes punching(拳打), kicking, open-hand techniques, knee strikes, and elbow strikes. Some of the more modern styles now use grappling(擒拿), throws and more.

    Brazilian Jiu-JitsuThis is a martial art that teaches children kinds of life skills. It also teaches kids that their size doesn't matter; you can take down a bigger opponent(对手) with your mind as well as your body. Children practicing this martial art should be able to deal with such close contact.

    AikidoThis modern Japanese martial art is known for teaching people not just how to protect themselves but also their attacker. It requires a lot of techniques that allow you to use your opponent's strength against them. It teaches kids how to fall without hurting themselves. This can help kids keep safe in other sports and physical activities.

    1. (1) If you want to practice your balance, which martial art should you choose?
      A . Kung fu. B . Karate. C . Aikido.
    2. (2) What is needed for a person who wants to learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?
      A . Life skills. B . A big body size. C . A clever mind.
    3. (3) Which martial art is known for teaching people not just how to protect both themselves and their attackers?
      A . Karate B . Aikido C . Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
    4. (4) How many types of martial arts in the four passages are suitable for children to practice?
      A . 2. B . 3. C . 4.
    5. (5) What is the purpose of the four passages?
      A . To let people know different kinds of martial arts. B . To teach people how to fight with others. C . To ask people to learn these martial arts.
  • 22. 在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确;一空一词。

    Li Ming and his Canadian friend Amy are chatting online. 

    (A=Amy L=Li Ming)

    A: Hi, Li Ming! How was your school trip to China National Museum?

    L: Great! I saw many old things and learned a lot. Among them, Jiaguwen  me the most. 

    A: Oh, what is that? 

    L: "Jiagu" means oracle bones and "wen" means our ancient Chinese characters.

    A: Oh, I see. But when and  do your ancestors write on these bones? 

    L: In Shang Dynasty, over 3,000 years ago. At that time, the emperors especially believed in gods in the sky and always asked the gods to help  the future. They believed the oracle bones can  the answers provided by the gods. 

    A: Amazing! But I really want to know how. Could you please tell me more details?

    L: First, the king would ask a question such as "Will the be sunny tomorrow?" The diviner (卜官) wrote the king's question on a bone. Then a heated stuck was held against the bone. After some time, many small cracks will in the bone.

    A: And what?

    L: Those cracks a "picture". Then a special oracle reader would "read" the picture which means analyze(分析) and the cracks.

    A: Oh, my god! I really  if this way really worked?

    L: Of course not! But these questions told us a lot about the  life during the Shang dynasty, such as if they had enough to eat, if they could win a war, and so on. 

  • 23. 从下面方框中选择10个单词,并将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通顺(每词限用一次)。                                 

    able create complete influence how science

    sense think understand value why young

    What's the first thing you remember doing? Most of us have a "" early memory of our childhood, but can we really believe those memories? Did those special moments really happen or did we just make them up?

    It's really strange and difficult , but according to a research, about four out of ten of us "invent" our first childhood memory. Rather than having experienced something, we could have made up a fake (假的) memory from videos or photos we've seen. We could by a story and regarded someone else's memory as our own. It means that memories of our years, especially before the age of two, may be inexact, or false.

    But why don't we have clear memories from that age? Well, that is because our to hold memories from before the age of two isn't great. While at that age we do have short-term memories, according to an expert at the University of Westminster, the memories that baby make are not long-lasting. This is possibly because of the rapid of brain cells (细胞) in our early years. Some also believe that after the age of seven, we get some kind of childhood amnesia (遗忘症).

    So  do we make up fake memories? Some experts believe that there is a clear desire (渴望) for a  of self and having our whole story. Creating memories can give us a more complete picture for our early lives. As we get older, we want to have a full picture of our lives. 

  • 24.  阅读还原6选5

    Rain Water, also known as Yushui in Chinese, is the second solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar.  During this period, the weather is getting warmer, and the snow and ice begin to melt, indicating the arrival of spring. 

    Rain Water is important for farming as it provides water to the soil, which is good for plant growth.  Moreover, Rain Water is also the best time to cultivate rice seedlings. 

    Besides its significance in agriculture, Rain Water also has cultural and social implications. In ancient China, people believed that Rain Water was the time when dragons began to wake up from their hibernation. To avoid being harmed by the dragons. people would hang red lanterns and paste red paper on their doors and windows. 

     The weather becomes warmer and more humid, so people may get coughs and colds more easily. Therefore, it is necessary for people to wear warm clothes. 

    In conclusion. Rain Water is a significant solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar, marking the beginning of spring and the start of new farming activities.  As we welcome the arrival of Rain Water, let us highly value the new beginnings it brings and take good care of our health. 

    A. It always falls on February 18th or 19th each year. 

    B. Although some people don't think it's scientific. Chinese farmers believe it.

    C. This tradition has been passed down and is still done in some parts of China. 

    D. Its cultural and social meanings also make it a key period in Chinese culture. 

    E. Some early crops such as peas(豌豆) and radishes(萝卜) can be sown at this time. 

    F. In terms of daily life, Rain Water is a time when people should take care of their health. 

  • 25. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成图表中所缺的信息。

    In English-language news reports. When you read "relations between Beijing and Moscow", it actually means "relations between China and Russia". That's how important the capital is. We know that the central government of a country is always located in the capital. The leaders of a country usually work and live there as well.

    Many of you may know that Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. But this will change soon. Indonesia has decided that the country would move its capital from Jakarta to Kalimantan. This is big news for the country, even for the world. 

    Choosing a good place as the capital is significant for a country. In many countries, the capital is the richest city. This is because when a city becomes a major business center, it takes on a more important place in the world. London, for example, has been the economic(经济的) center of Britain for nearly 2,000 years, so people naturally chose it as the capital. 

    Sometimes, capitals are chosen for some other reasons. For example, Brazil's capital used to be Rio, which is a coastal(海岸的) city. Later the capital moved to the inland city of Brasilia, because coastal cities can be attacked(袭击) more easily during a war.

    In the case of Indonesia, the new capital was chosen in order to balance the development in different areas. Kalimantan is an underdeveloped area. By becoming the new capital, it can expect faster economic growth. 


  • 26. 上周,你校各班开展了"以快乐之姿展青春风采"的主题班会活动,你班同学就"如何做一名快乐的中学生"进行了热烈讨论,下图是讨论的结果,请你根据图片所示向学校英文报杜投稿介绍你班的讨论结果。

    注意:1. 请先在答题卡上填写图示中空格(一空一词);2. 须全面反映图文信息;3. 文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称;4. 词数:80-100词。

