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更新时间:2023-11-21 浏览次数:18 类型:中考真卷
  • 16.  (A)从下面所给句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面对话,其中有两个多余选项。

    A: Good afternoon. 

    B: Yes. I'd like to buy a shirt for my grandfather.

    A: What a nice boy you are! 

    B: Size L. 

    A: OK. What about this one?

    B:  Have you got any other colours?

    A: Oh, yes. We have also got blue, brown and black. 

    B: Can I have a look at the blue ones? Blue is my grandfather's favourite colour.

    A: Sure. Here you are. 

    B: It looks nice. 

    A: Ninety-nine yuan. 

    B: Oh, that's too much.

    A: There's a sale on today. Everything is half price.

    B: OK. I'll take it.

    A. What size would you like?

    B. Can I help you?

    C. Well, I'm afraid this is a bit small.

    D. What's the matter with you?

    E. But wait a minute!

    F. Sorry, he doesn't like white.

    G. How much does it cost?

  • 17.  (B)用适当的句子、短语或单词完成对话,使对话完整正确。

    Daming: Hi, Tony. What are you up to?

    Tony: Hi, Daming. I've just made a model spaceship for our school project.

    Daming: I'm not sure how to make it. ?

    Tony: Sure, no problem. Have you heard the news? Scientists have sent a spaceship to Mars. 

    Daming:  yet?

    Tony: Yes, it has arrived already. That's why it's on the news.

    Daming: Are there any astronauts in the spaceship?


    Daming: Why not? Astronauts have already been to the moon. 

    Tony: Yes, but no one has been to Mars yet. Lots of scientists are working hard in order to send astronauts to Mars one day. 

    Daming: That's interesting! information on space travel?

    Tony: You can go online to search for information. 

    Daming: I will. , Tony. 

五、句子翻译,(B) 阅读下面短文,将短文中画线部分的句子翻译成中文。(共4分,每小题2分)
  • 27.  阅读下面短文,将短文中画线部分的句子翻译成中文。

    Some inventions are very important. They make our life easy. Some inventions are just fun. Life is much more interesting with these inventions. 

    ☆ A flower singing pleasant ( 令人愉快的) songs

    A company in Japan invented a kind of singing flower. You can listen to music that comes through real flowers. Customers in restaurants can not only smell the beautiful roses, but also listen to pleasant music while eatingPeople in the dentist's office can look at pretty lilies (百合花) and listen to Strauss while having their teeth examined!

    ☆ A cup keeping the temperature

    Drinking hot coffee may cause burns sometimes. Luckily, a company has invented a kind of cup that can keep water from being too hot or too cold. This cup can allow you to choose your comfortable temperature. You can even connect it to your phone to know about the temperatureIt's really amazing.

    Do you have your own ideas about inventions now?

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
  • 28.  (A)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

    It's not always easy to discover oneself. From a young age, I had a strong sense of who I was to become, 1 an accident made me redefine (重审) myself.

    To me, skating was above all. There was 2 in this world that filled my heart with such joy (快乐). I spent twenty-four hours a week practicing my 3 . It's helpful. It brought me first place medals in nearly every 4 .

    Unluckily, in one show, I fell down and hurt myself badly. After several checks, the 5 told me that I couldn't return to my sport any more.

    As my passion (激情) was 6 , I had little sense of who I was to become. And I became silent. I was afraid to speak in public. After eight months of suffering, something had to 7 . Instead of wasting my days sitting around painfully, I began to put my energy into local community service projects. By working 8  a swimming teacher and summer reading helper for kids in my spare time, I got an idea of who I wanted to become. After a few months, I spent time on my interest in the arts. Little by little, I 9  out of the shadow (阴影) and rebuilt my confidence. 

    Sometimes, some large rocks block (阻碍) our way. We can choose to stay behind or try to climb over. My accident was a rock 10 failed to stop me from reaching success. Today I'm a very confident person.

    A .  and B .  but C .  or D .  so
    A .  everything B .  something C .  nothing D .  anything
    A .  skills B .  feelings C .  thoughts D .  habits
    A .  meeting B .  exam C .  concert D .  competition
    A .  waiter B .  doctor C .  teacher D .  driver
    A .  found out B .  brought back C .  written down D .  taken away
    A .  change B .  remain C .  leave D .  arrive
    A .  to B .  as C .  in D .  at
    A .  ran B .  sang C .  stood D .  stepped
    A .  who B .  what C .  that D .  whom
  • 29.  (B)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词)                                 

    long, cloth, ton, third, off, develop, short, cause, up, rapid, into, whether

    How to be green

    We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day, and it is harmful to our environment. Repeat these  words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle. 

    Reduce means "use less". Do not waste things. It saves money and less pollution. Do not order more food than you can finish. Turn the lights when you do not need them. Before you buy something new, think it is really necessary because maybe the old one is just as good!

    Reuse means "use again". Use things for as as possible. Look after them so that they will last. Repair them if possible. Do not throw them away and buy new ones. Do not use paper cups or paper bags. It is better to use china cups and bags because they can be used many times.

    Recycle means "change things into something else to be reused". Although it takes energy to change things something else, it is better than throwing things away or burning them. We throw of rubbish away each year, and we have to make a change. Divide your rubbish into plastic, glass, paper and rubber. a recycling policy for the whole community. Buy products such as recycled paper to help save trees.

    We cannot hope for change, but let's take these simple steps today so that we will save the world for our grandsons and granddaughters tomorrow.

  • 30.  Passage 1阅读理解                                 

    The 8th Inter-School Musical Show!

    The school is hosting the 8th Inter-School Musical Show for Grades 9-11 on December 19 at Harrington Center, Bank Road at 9 am. All students are welcome to try out for the show at the audition (试演), which will be held on December 8 at 9 am in the school's Central Hall.

    For more information, please email Mr. Black, the secretary of the Music Club, at black123@126com

    North Hill Field Day!

    Grades 7-9: 9:30-11:30 am

    Grades 10-12: 1:40-3:40 pm

    Dear parents,

    On Friday, December 11, we will be holding our North Hill Field Day. It will be a day of laughs and lots of fun. Be sure to tell your children to bring cameras and take pictures. 

    The purpose of the day is for our school to get together for an enjoyable two-hour activity. There won't be any competitions among the students. The real reward (奖励) will be happiness and the feeling of participation (参与).

    1. (1) Where should you go if you want to try out for the show at the audition?
      A . North Hill. B . Harrington Center. C . The Music Club. D . The school's Central Hall.
    2. (2) What does Mr. Black do?
      A . A teacher. B . A secretary. C . A director. D . A manager.
    3. (3) North Hill Field Day will be held on ____. 
      A . December 8 B . December 9 C . December 11 D . December 19
    4. (4) What should students take with them to take part in North Hill Field Day?
      A . Cameras. B . Sunglasses. C . Notebooks. D . Lunches.
    5. (5) The purpose of North Hill Field Day is to ____. 
      A . take part in the speaking competition B . hand in a report of the trip C . join a club after the trip D . make the students enjoy the trip together
  • 31.  Passage 2阅读理解


    If you want to get healthy or stay healthy, there is one easy activity for you — walking. You may think that simply taking a walk is not enough to make a big difference. You may think that you need to do something like running to stay healthy. Well, a new study says that is not true. It finds out that walking may be as good for us as running. 

    Running is a high-impact (高强度的) activity and can be hard on the body. So, many people cannot run. Walking seems to have all of the advantages and none of the disadvantages of running. 

    Dr Russell Pate is a professor of exercise science at the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina. He says, "Walking is one of the easiest and safest exercises a person can do. You do not need to learn a lot to get results. "

    Walking needs no special skills or equipment. You can do it anywhere. It fits easily into your daily schedule (日程表). You can walk at work. You can walk if you want to go shopping. You can take the stairs instead of the lift. 

    Walking is a great exercise for beginners. If you are out of shape or getting back into shape after an illness or accident, walking is perfect. You can do a little at a time, or as we like to say, take baby steps. 

    1. (1) The new study shows that ____. 
      A . running is better than walking B . walking is the best way of exercising C . walking and running are not good enough D . walking is as good as running
    2. (2) Dr Russell Pate says walking is one of the easiest and safest exercises because ____. 
      A . walking is a high-impact activity and can be easy on the body B . walking needs no skills C . walking needs no special skills or equipment, and we can do it anywhere D . walking has more advantages than running
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "equipment" in Paragraph 5 mean in Chinese?
      A . 器材 B . 食宿 C . 机会 D . 阶段
    4. (4) Which one is TRUE according to this passage?
      A . Walking is not good for a beginner. B . Walking seems to have all of the advantages of running. C . You'd better drive when you want to go shopping. D . Walking does harm to all people after an illness or accident.
    5. (5) What is the writer's purpose of writing this passage?
      A . To tell people that they shouldn't walk more. B . To tell people that walking is a waste of time. C . To tell people that they should walk more. D . To tell people that they don't need to run any more.
  • 32.  Passage 3根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

    Becoming a Minimalist (简主义者)

    I have too many things. My bedroom is often in a mess. I have shelves with dirty books I never read and CDs I don't listen to. My drawers are filled with clothes I never wear. I was getting upset (心烦意乱的) that I never had any space in my bedroom. Then I read about minimalist. Minimalist suggests that you only keep the most necessary and important things and get rid of (处理掉) everything else. After reading about minimalism, I felt encouraged to solve my problem.

    I started clearing out a lot of the things which I didn't use. I collected bags of clothes to give to charity (慈善机构). I sold some of the CDs and books online. Although I knew that I would never need these things again, I still found it very difficult to get rid of them. My brain tried to stop me from letting them go. I said to myself "I might need that in the future!" or "Won't I be sad if I lose that?" But the thing was, I knew I couldn't keep everything.

    After getting lots of things out of my room, I actually became quite excited to see the tidy room with some fresh space. And a tidy room also makes me have a clear mind! The main idea behind minimalism is to cut down what you own and really value the things you have. It's not easy to be a minimalist. We are often told that it is better to have more things. Advertisements try to make us believe that we will only be happy by spending more money buying more things. Of course, I'm not a perfect minimalist — I've only just started. I still own a lot of things which I don't really need, but I think this was a good start. In the future, I will be more mindful of what I buy. And I will continue to make an effort to get rid of what I don't need.

    1. (1) Is the writer's bedroom often in a mess?
    2. (2) When did the writer feel encouraged to solve the problem?
    3. (3) How did the writer get rid of some of the CDs and books?
    4. (4) What is the main idea behind minimalism?
    5. (5) Why is it not easy to be a minimalist?
  • 33.  Passage 4根据短文内容完成表格。

    During ancient times, children didn't have much to enjoy themselves. What did they do for fun in their childhood? Let's have a look!


    ★ Playing diabolo

    Diabolo passed down to ordinary people during the Ming Dynasty. It was always made of bamboo and wood, and was hollow (空心的) in the center. By throwing and catching diabolo on ropes, the high-speed rotating (旋转) diabolo would make a sound. 

    ★ Playing stone balls

    During the Qing Dynasty, kicking a stone ball around was a popular sport in the northern part of China, and it was often played in winter to keep warm. Stones were carved (刻) into small balls and kicked. 

    ★ Kicking shuttlecocks

    Shuttlecock kicking appeared in the Han Dynasty. People used chicken feathers (羽毛), coins and cotton cloth to make a shuttlecock. It was kicked in groups of three or four during walking or running. 

    ★ Watching shadow plays

    Watching shadow plays was very popular during the Tang and Song dynasties. Shadow puppets (木偶) were made from the leather of donkeys (驴皮). There was light behind a large white screen on the table, the player controlled puppets and told stories. The movement could be seen from the other side of the screen. 


    Four ways to have fun during 

    Playing diabolo

    ▪ It was made of bamboo and wood, and it was hollow in the center. 

    ▪ The high-speed rotating diabolo would make a sound  on ropes. 

    Playing stone balls

    ▪ People carved stones into small balls. 

    ▪ In the northern part of China during the Qing Dynasty, people played stone balls in winter  they could keep warm. 

    ▪ A shuttlecock was made of feathers, coins and cotton cloth. 

    ▪ It was kicked in groups of three or four. 

    Watching shadow plays

    ▪ Shadow puppets were made from the leather of donkeys. 

    ▪ The puppets  the player behind the white screen with the light on. 

    ▪ People could watch shadow plays from the other side of the screen. 

  • 34.  根据要求完成作文

    难忘的初中生活即将结束,回顾这段时光,相信你在许多方面取得了不少进步,比如,生活技能的获得、学习方法的掌握、良好习惯的养成…… 请你根据自己的经验,以"How can we have a successful middle school life?"为题,结合以下要点与即将步入初中的学弟学妹们谈谈如何成功地度过初中生活。

    提示:1. 学习方法上的建议。2. 与老师、同学融洽相处的方式。3. 与父母之间的沟通。4. 生活及身体健康方面的提示。

    要求:1. 短文中应包括不少于上述三项内容,可适当增加细节。2. 语言连贯,语法正确,书写规范。3. 文中不得出现真实的校名与人名,词数在60-80词左右。

    How can we have a successful middle school life?

    Hi, everyone! I have something to share with you. 

