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更新时间:2023-09-28 浏览次数:60 类型:中考真卷
  • 16. 阅读下面的对话,从对话后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

    (In an English class)

    Mr Wu: Boys and girls, yesterday I asked you to collect some information about China's Tianwen 1 probe. Let's see what you've 1 .

    Li Ping: I downloaded something. May I use the PPT, Mr Wu?

    Mr Wu: Sure. 2 .

    Li Ping: Look at his picture. On May 15, China's Tianwen 1 probe made a historic landing on Mars! Following the US, China is now the 3 country in the world to 4 land a probe on Mars. It will give Chinese 5 their first chance to study the Red Planet closely.

    Gu Yue:6  was Tianwen 1 probe sent?

    Li Ping: In July 

    2020. The probe entered Mars orbit(轨道) in February 

    2021. Experts said the 7  of sending the probe into orbit was equal to hitting a small ball from Paris and landing it in a hole in Tokyo. And the final 8  was even more difficult.

    He Mei: I hear it's 9 called the "nine minutes of terror".

    Li Ping: Yes. In nine minutes, the probe had to reduce its 10  from 20,000 km per hour to zero, landing from 125 km above Mars. 11  the probe is 320 million km away from Earth, there is a signal delay(延迟) of over 10 minutes if the research team tries to control it from Earth. So the probe had to 12  the landing on its own!

    Gu Yue: That's amazing!

    Li Ping: Indeed. When the probe finally slowed down, at 100 meters above Mars, it stayed in the air and 13  the landing area. It had to move away from the objects in its way such as rocks, 14  finally touching down.

    Mr Wu: Well done, Li Ping! Thank you for showing our 15 Tianwen 1 probe. Let's see who has something else to share...

    A .  realized B .  found C .  understood D .  met
    A .  Better not B .  Not at all C .  Go ahead D .  With pleasure
    A .  first B .  second C .  third D .  fourth
    A .  successfully B .  carefully C .  specially D .  peacefully
    A .  inventors B .  fighter C .  passengers D .  scientists
    A .  When B .  Where C .  How D .  Why
    A .  possibility B .  gravity C .  difficulty D .  safety
    A .  kicking B .  hitting C .  sending D .  landing
    A .  still B .  instead C .  ever D .  also
    A .  speed B .  height C .  weight D .  length
    A .  Though B .  Until C .  Unless D .  As
    A .  put out B .  carry out C .  run out D .  look out
    A .  checked B .  covered C .  protected D .  avoided
    A .  while B .  once C .  before D . . after
    A .  lucky B .  comfortable C .  fantastic D .  energetic
  • 17. 阅读下面四篇短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。                                                    

    Sunshinenews. com

    Main sections: Top News Website search:


    1. (1) How many main sections are there in the website?
      A . Two B . Three C . Four D . Five
    2. (2) What can visitors to the website do?
      A . Write news. B . Talk with other people. C . Get free fruit. D . Make short movies.
    3. (3) Where is the advertisement?
      A . At the top of the page. B . In the center of the page. C . On one side of the page. D . Next to the family picture.
  • 18. 阅读理解                                                                                            

    I live by the seaside in a stone house. My father is a fisherman. Sometimes I go fishing with him at the weekends. It is great fun! After dinner,I usually take a walk on the beach with my parents. I talk about my school life with them and enjoy the beautiful sunset. We swim in the sea when the weather is fine. I love my home and my life here.

    I live in a house made of bamboo. It has two floors. The ground floor has no walls. We keep animals like pigs, cattle and chickens on the ground floor. Our family lives on the first floor. It is a good way to keep dry.     ▲    The tables

    and chairs in my house are made of bamboo. We also eat with bamboo plates and bowls. Sometimes we cook rice in bamboo. It is very delicious. Come and have a try!

    I live on the grassland. My home is like a big tent. We can move it from one place to another. My family has 100 sheep and 60 cattle. Sometimes I help my parents look after them. We usually eat mutton and beef. They are very delicious. During the summer holiday.I often go riding on the grassland with my brother. It's so exciting. Please come and visit my home— it's very beautiful here!

    1. (1) Which sentence is WRONG about Minmin?
      A . His father makes a living by fishing. B . His family often ride on the grassland. C . He likes watching the beautiful sunset. D . He usually goes walking on the beach.
    2. (2) Which sentence should be put here?
      A . Bamboo looks so beautiful. B . Bamboo can live a very long life. C . Bamboo is used a lot in artists' works. D . Bamboo is very important in our daily life.
    3. (3) What do we know about Minmin, Yanyan and Leilei?
      A . They are all teenagers. B . They live in the same style house. C . They keep animals at home. D . They enjoy the same kind of food.
    4. (4) What can we infer from the passage?
      A . Practice makes perfect. B . Many hands make light work. C . East or west, home is best. D . The early bird catches the worm.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    Lisa stood next to her tall silent grandfather and watched her parents drive off, leaving her behind. She looked up at her grandfather. He looked down at her. His skin was a little darker than hers. His hair was black and white, as if it couldn't decide which color it should be.

    "You don't talk much, Grandpa," Lisa said.

    You don' t visit much, Lisa," her grandfather replied.

    They stood looking at each other. "Come with me, Lisa," said Grandpa. He started walking without looking back.

    Lisa followed him to a large storehouse.

    Lisa remembered her last visit to Grandpa's. She had played hide-and-seek with her brother Jack in the storehouse. But now Jack needed an operation. Lisa had to stay here alone for a few days.

    "You coming?" Grandpa's voice sounded muffed. His words were coming from inside the storehouse.

    Lisa went inside. The storehouse was full of all kinds of things. She could see him in the far corner. Lisa walked over and stood next to him. He pointed to a small wooden box with "Lisa" painted on it in bright-green letters.

    "Yours," he said.

    Lisa bent down and opened it. In it were some old things-a bright blue feather, a tiny V-shape leaf and some dolls. She looked up at Grandpa, with tears in her eyes.

    "The box stays here, but it belonged to you. No one else." Then he closed his eyes and smiled. His smile reminded Lisa of her father. Grandpa no longer seemed strange and silent.

    "I may be so overcapitalized(过剩),"Lisa answered, carefully pronouncing the familiar word.

    Grandpa laughed out loud. "How did that eight-year-old brain of yours find its way around a big word like ‘overcapitalized'? "

    "It's my dad's favourite word,' Lisa replied.

    Grandpa looked down at Lisa and smiled. His smile again reminded Lisa of her father. Without thinking, she reached up and took Grandpa's hand. Lisa's hand felt small and safe inside her grandfather's.

    "I might need more than one visit to my box," Lisa said seriously.

    "I expect, " Grandpa said.

    1. (1) Why did Lisa stay with Grandpa alone for a few days?
      A . She was on her summer vacation. B . She missed her grandfather very much. C . Her grandfather needed an operation soon. D . Her parents had to look after her sick brother.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word " muffled" probably mean?
      A . Strange. B . Loud. C . Unclear. D . Beautiful.
    3. (3) The passage tells about Grandpa EXCEPT that ____.
      A . he liked doing DIY B . he was a man of few words C . he had black and white hair D . he kept a wooden box for Lisa
    4. (4) What did Lisa promise to do at the end of the story?
      A . Take care of her brother. B . Write to her parents. C . Use big words sometimes. D . Visit Grandpa often.
  • 20. 阅读理解

    Language shows the environment where we live. We name the things around. Usually, the important things own many specific names, while the less important things only have some general names. So in one culture people may have a large vocabulary to describe a certain object, while in another culture, such vocabulary is small.

    For instance, the Chinese have many words for "rice" and for "family members". The British use many different expressions for "rain". Kids growing up on a farm may be able to offer ten different words for plow, a farming tool.

    In some cultures, there is an amazingly large vocabulary to describe a certain thing. Eskimos have about 100 words for snow. For them, snow is so important to life that each of its forms and conditions has to own a name. They divide snow into four main categories, such as snow lying on the ground, snow floating in the sky, snow piling up, and snow piles. These different kinds of snow will tell them different weather conditions. It's the same with the Arabians, whose life depends much on camels. In the Arabic language, according to camels' appearance, characters, drinking behaviours, and the roles they play, there are hundreds of different words for the camel and all of its parts. Snow and camel are far less important in English-speaking cultures, and the single words "snow" and "camel" can usually satisfy their needs. When the needs become more specific, however, they can make up longer phrases to meet the needs: "corn snow", "flying snow", "big camel", "funny camel", etc.

    As we can see, there is a ▲  between the words and the ideas of that culture. So it's not hard to understand that each culture passes on its ideas and thoughts through words.

    1. (1) What does Paragraph 2 serve as?
      A . Opinions. B . Examples. C . Conclusions. D . Reasons.
    2. (2) From the passage, we know that the Eskimos live in very ____ places.
      A . cold B . dry C . hot D . wet
    3. (3) In English-speaking cultures, how do people show more specific meanings of single words like "snow" and "camel"?
      A . By inventing new words. B . By using other sentences. C . By making up longer phrases. D . By translating from another language.
    4. (4) Which word is the most suitable here?
      A . difference B . connection C . change D . distance
  • 21. 选用方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的。                                 

    sweet position true knock passed away size

    1. (1) I'm crazy about  food like cakes.
    2. (2) Chances didn't until I built a door.
    3. (3) Tony has just got a  in a big company.
    4. (4) I don't know whether the story is , but it tells me the importance of friendship.
    5. (5) The whole world felt very sad when Yuan Longping—Father of Hybrid Rice  May 22, 2021.
  • 22. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,写出所缺单词,使短文完整、通顺。

    When Helen was little, Saturday night was her family game night. After supper, the whole family would play Chinese chess in the sitting room. As a c, Helen loved to watch cartoons. But no matter how many times she asked to watch them, her parents would r her. They said that playing Chinese chess would help exercise her brain. Still Helen wasn't w to play it with them sometimes. Helen didn't realize how w her parents were until she entered high school. The games that her parents taught her when she was a little girl turned out to be very useful l in her life.

  • 23. 阅读短文,回答下面五个问题。

    The Chinese have a long tradition of art, and painting is one of the major art forms. It is still popular nowadays.

    Figure painting

    Starting from the Han dynasty, artists made people as the main subject of their painting. These paintings are called figure paintings.

    Gu Kaizhi(c.345—c.409) became famous for his figure paintings during the Jin dynasty. He used fine brushes to outline the people in black. Then he filled them with colour. This detailed, realistic style of painting was known as gongbi. The use of gongbi style resulted in more lifelike figure paintings.

    Wu Daozi(c.680—c.759) was known as the Sage of Painting for his unique painting style. He was very good at painting human figures and created special techniques for painting clothes that seemed to flow with the light wind.

    Landscape painting

    Between the Tang and Song dynasties, landscape painting became popular. Artists did ink wash painting with a brush and ink. Many landscape painters were scholar-artists. They liked to express themselves through painting. Instead of painting what they saw, they painted the landscapes from their imagination. They also added poems to their paintings.

    Modern Chinese painters have inherited(继承) the long tradition of Chinese painting and brought this form of art to the world. Zhang Daqian(1899—1983) is regarded as "the Picasso of China" and Wu Guanzhong(1919-2010) was the first Chinese painter whose works were shown at the British Museum.


    1. (1) What is the main subject in a figure painting?
    2. (2) What's the characteristic of gongbi style?
    3. (3) Which did landscape painters prefer, painting what they saw or painting from their imagination?
    4. (4) How many famous Chinese painters are mentioned in this passage?
    5. (5) Please write a proper title for this passage.
  • 24. 去年暑假,我市一名小学生给钟南山院士写了一封信,表达了对钟爷爷的感激之情、敬重之意和美好祝福。不久,钟南山院士给他回了一封既暖心又励志的信。请你写一篇90词左右的英语短文,叙述这件事,并谈谈自己的感想。

    1. 短文需包括所给提示内容,但不要逐字翻译;
    2. 短文已给出的部分不计入总词数;
    3. 短文中不得出现真实姓名、校名和地名。


