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更新时间:2023-07-14 浏览次数:146 类型:中考真卷
  • 11.  阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Dear Bruce,

    Thanks for your email—good to hear from you. I'm looking forward to the exchange(交流), too!

    Anyway, about the 1 and things. The school here isn't very 2 about most things, but there are a few things you need to know. First of all— 3 . You can wear what you want, 4 you can't wear jeans(牛仔裤)with holes in them. You should 5 comfortable things. And it'll be cold when you're here so you'd better bring some 6 clothes.

    The school's pretty strict about phones—of course you can 7 them, but you have to 8 the phones and keep them in a place as you are required before class. You can't just put them on silent, right? And you can bring 9 to school but you must eat it outside during the break. If it's raining, you can eat in the classroom.

    In short, it's a good school and the teachers are kind. You really don't have to worry about anything here. Hope my advice is 10 to you. Write again soon, OK? And tell me if there's anything else vou need to know.



    A . interviews B . hobbies C . marks D . rules
    A . strict B . fair C . modern D . sure
    A . questions B . reports C . clothes D . subjects
    A . or B . so C . for D . but
    A . borrow B . wear C . receive D . sell
    A . clean B . dry C . warm D . new
    A . bring B . return C . compare D . repair
    A . hand out B . throw away C . turn off D . pick up
    A . money B . food C . paper D . water
    A . helpful B . similar C . secret D . free
  • 12.  完形填空

    At the 2023 Shenzhen Marathon(马拉松), 45-year-old Luo Shujian crossed the finishing line with his 13-year-old son Xiaobai, who was in a special push-chair. They 1  the half-marathon race in an hour and 59 minutes. 

    The son was born with cerebral palsy (大脑性瘫痪). He had to stay indoors, but his father decided to give him a 2  and happy life by taking up marathons with him. However, the decision was challenging (挑战性的) because Luo had no 3  experience. He had to 4  at 4 a. m. to practice running before work. Whenever he got chances, he would take his son with him to races, 5  half-marathons. 

    Now Xiaobai likes to watch the world from his push-chair with his father during races. Though he cannot express feelings in 6 , he shows them through expressions and body language. He claps his hands and smiles to show his 7 . The other runners are friendly and 8  them on as they pass. 

    Their marathon races have 9  them to Chengdu to see pandas, to Beijing to climb the Great Wall, and to Lanzhou to take photos along the Yellow River. 

    Luo plans to keep 10  with his son to allow Xiaobai to live the best life he can. 

    A . held B . finished C . cancelled D . watched
    A . full B . silent C . short D . boring
    A . reading B . sporting C . writing D . acting
    A . hang out B . break away C . give in D . get up
    A . really B . luckily C . especially D . strangely
    A . order B . wonder C . words D . numbers
    A . doubt B . pity C . honesty D . happiness
    A . put B . cheer C . train D . invite
    A . taken B . handed C . avoided D . translated
    A . drawing B . ringing C . waiting D . running
  • 13.  根据对话内容,从文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。

    Lucy: Hi, Tony. Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

    Tony: No. Any suggestions?

    Lucy:  He is a star at the zoo and good at doing sports. 

    Tony: Good idea. 

    Lucy: How about 8 o'clock at the zoo gate?

    Tony: Sounds great. 

    Lucy: I'll ride my bike. What about you?

    Tony: The zoo is a little far from my home. 

    Lucy: OK. 

    Tony: Wonderful! We can take photos with Meng Lan together. 

    A. Let's bike to school.

    B. Maybe I'll take a bus.

    C. Then I'll take my camera.

    D. How are you going there?

    E. Which panda is the cutest?

    F. When and where shall we meet?

    G. Let's go to see the panda Meng Lan.

  • 14.  阅读理解

    There are about 8,000 million people living on our planet, but some of them don't have enough food. Last year, more than 820 million people suffered(遭受)from hunger. That's sad. What's more, it shouldn't be a problem since the world wastes about 930 million tons of food each year.

    XYZ Food Bank is working to help fix the problem. Now, you can, too! Just drop off some food so that we can continue to feed the needy. 

    We accept:  

    Canned food    Biscuits    Rice

    Boxed juice    Noodles    Candy

    *No opened food. 

    *No expired(过期的)food. 

    *No food that needs to be in a fridge. 

    Come and offer your help! Every little bit makes a difference. 

    Email us at stophunger@syzfoodlbank. com. 

    1. (1) How many people suffered from hunger last year?
      A . Over 820 million. B . About 930 million. C . Over 7,180 million. D . About 8,000 million.
    2. (2) Which of the following can you drop off at XYZ Food Bank?
      A . B . C . D .
    3. (3) What's the purpose of the text?
      A . To introduce a traditional bank. B . To present some world problems. C . To ask people to give away food. D . To tell people to protect the earth.
  • 15.  阅读理解

    Ten years ago, J. B. Gill decided to make a change. He moved from the city to start his own farm. As one of the members of a pop group, Gill had lived a busy life but the farm gave him a way to relax. 

    Although farming was new to him, Gill took the challenge and his experiences helped him write his book Ace and the Animal Heroes. The story follows Ace, whose life changes greatly when he moves to the countryside. After trying on a pair of magical wellies(长筒靴), Ace realizes he can speak to the animals, who make up their minds to protect the farm. 

    Gill says that if he had his own pair of magical wellies, he would love to speak to wildlife, especially the wild deer(鹿) that sometimes appear near his farm. As they have no owners, Gill feels like he's sharing their home. "It's really interesting to hear what they're thinking and know where they're at," he said.

    Gill got his ideas for writing from the animals on his family farm. His children, Ace and Chiara, helped out with his book. Together, Gill's family made sure that the pictures in the book looked like the animals they'd been based on. He said, "All of those have been really great to piece the whole book together. "

    1. (1) What did Gill decide to do ten years ago?
      A . Live a busy life. B . Start his own farm. C . Move to the city. D . Form a pop group.
    2. (2) What's paragraph 2 mainly about?
      A . Gill's farm. B . Gill's family. C . Gill's book. D . Gill's animals.
    3. (3) What can we learn about Gill from paragraph 3?
      A . He cares about wildlife.  B . He develops many interests.  C . He was born with magic.  D .  He is the owner of the deer. 
    4. (4) Where did Gill get the idea for his book?
      A . From his group members. B . From his children's pictures. C . From the magical wellies. D . From the animals on the farm.
  • 16.  阅读理解

    In Dengfeng today, there are more than 50,000 students learning kung fu, a traditional art in China. They come to learn it for many reasons. Some hope to become film stars. Others come to learn skills that will help them get good jobs in future. A few are sent by their parents to learn self-control and hard work. 

    "Attracting (吸引)new students to traditional kung fu has become a problem," says Hu Zhengsheng, who teaches it at a small school in Dengfeng. Hu fears that his art will soon die out. "It's hard to convince(说服)kids to spend many years here, because the life of kung fu learners is not easy or interesting," he says.

    Hu's students have to sleep in unheated rooms and keep training hard outside whatever the temperature. To learn kung fu well they must have a strong will and learn respect(尊重)as well.

    For old traditions to live on, the young must learn and pass them down. Recently, to attract new students, Hu has brought some changes into his kung fu lessons to make them lively and interesting. Hopefully, more and more students will show interest in learning kung fu. 

    1. (1) What does "it" underlined in paragraph I refer to(指的是)?
      A . Kung fu. B . Film. C . Self-control. D . Chinese.
    2. (2) What does Hu Zhengsheng fear?
      A . His students don't respect him. B . He cannot work at a large school. C . His art cannot be passed down. D . There aren't enough kung fu teachers.
    3. (3) What has Hu done to attract new students'?
      A . He has offered better living conditions. B . He has given jobs to their parents. C . He has promised them a better future. D . He has made changes in his lessons.
  • 17.  阅读理解

    What makes you fall asleep? The main cause is your body clock, a time-keeper inside your body. But how to control and use your body clock? Scientists suggested having a shower before bed. Jumping into the shower around an hour before bed could mean you sleep better. 

    A warm shower helps you relax, and then after it warms you up, your core(核心)body temperature drops. This encourages you to fall asleep more quickly and sleep more soundly

    A study in 2019 said that a water temperature of 40℃ to 42. 4℃ produces the best-quality(最优质的)sleep. After people lie down, most of them take about 20 minutes to fall asleep. However, if you have a shower one to two hours before going to bed, you will fall asleep 10 minutes earlier. 

    Core body temperature drops naturally before you sleep, then drops further during the night. It rises again as you wake up. It is thought that taking a warm shower will speed up the drop in temperature before bed, as it brings blood to the surface of the body, and then the heat is given off. 

    1. (1) What did scientists suggest people do before bed to sleep better?
      A . Sleep an hour earlier. B . Jump into bed. C . Have a warm shower. D . Set a time clock.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "soundly" probably mean?
      A . Deeply. B . Poorly. C . Kindly. D . Slowly.
    3. (3) Which water temperature produces the best-quality sleep according to the study?
      A . 44. 2℃ B . 41. 5℃ C . 36. 4℃ D . 32. 4℃
    4. (4) In which part of a newspaper can you find the text?
      A . Art. B . Weather. C . History. D . Health.
  • 18.  阅读理解

    A yearbook is a tradition in some high schools. The book contains(包含)the name and the picture of each student in your final year, so that you can remember who you went to school with. 

    A 15-year-old schoolgirl Catherine Cook and her brother David, 16, wanted more than this. They thought, "We don't really know our classmates from just a picture, so why not have a yearbook online? You could learn about people's musical tastes, the movies they like, and so on. " With their hard work, a website named myYearbook was set up, which soon became popular among schoolmates.

    On the website, members can connect with each other by sharing movies, music, photos and study guides. Some students feel that they don't fit in at school, but can make friends more easily online. MyYearbook users can also make virtual(虚拟的)"Lunch Money" by completing activities on the website. They then give it away to charities(慈善机构) in the myYearbook "causes" programme, which has sent 22,000 books to Africa, and bought 20,000 kilos of rice for people without enough food.

    Running the website did not stop Catherine and David from completing their schoolwork successfully. Now, they go on to university, but still manage to put in 50 hours a week developing the website. 

    1. (1) Why did Catherine and David want to have a yearbook online?
      A . To make more money. B . To become popular at school. C . To watch movies online. D . To know more about schoolmates.
    2. (2) What is "Lunch Money" used for?
      A . Travelling to Africa. B . Helping people in need. C . Running the website. D . Completing schoolwork.
    3. (3) What is the best title(标题) for the text?
      A . An Online Yearbook B . The Website Activities C . A Charity Programme D . The Final Year at School
  • 19.  阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题的词数要求)。

    When I was in Grade Three, I watched a video about the findings of ancient ruins(遗迹). It interested me so much that from that moment I knew what I wanted to do with my life. 

    Today, I'm very lucky to work as an archacologist(考古学家). It's exciting work. Holding a piece of history is really fantastic.

    I decided what I wanted to be at the age of nine. But the road wasn't easy. Along the way I was told many things: I was too young. I wasn't good enough, I should get married and have kids, . . . All these words really got me down, but I chose to follow my heart and move on.

    I needed money to support my study, so I asked for six grants(经费). The first five replies said no. At the beginning, it hurt. But the next no hurt a little less. Six months later, the last reply came. This time it was yes. Finally, I could go on with my archaeological work. 

    As you can see, so many noes didn't beat me. Instead, they made me stronger and helped me grow. For anyone thinking of a dream job, I would say:____

    1. (1) What made the writer want to be an archaeologist?(不超过10个词)
    2. (2) How did the writer feel about the road to becoming an archaeologist?(不超过5个词)
    3. (3) What would the writer say at the end of the text?(不超过10个词)
  • 25.  假定你是李辉,你制作的关于家乡变化的海报在某英文网站展示并获得好评。请结合下面图示信息,用英语写一篇短文向该网站浏览者简述你的制作经历。

    1. 短文须包含上图所有信息,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和地名;
    3. 词数80~100(短文题目与首句已为你写好,不计入总词数)。

    参考词汇: poster(n. 海报); design(v. & n. 设计)

    My Experience of Making a Poster

    Last week, I made a poster of the great changes in my hometown. 

