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更新时间:2023-07-06 浏览次数:48 类型:中考真卷
  • 1.  阅读理解

    1. (1) Which day is probably Lucy's day off?
      A . May15, 2022 B . May16, 2022 C . May15, 2023. D . May16, 2023.
    2. (2) Which of the following suggestions is NOT mentioned?
      A . To have a good sleep. B . To drink a lot of water. C . To keep a light diet. D . To take the medicine 3 times a day.
    3. (3) What kind of writing is the text?
      A . A sick leave note. B . A news report. C . A safety guide. D . A hospital ad.
  • 2.  阅读理解

    Recently, I've found many old photos of Mom, Dad, David, me and my first dog Coco. They meant a lot to me. I wondered how to keep them forever. Luckily, my son used a new app to clear up and improve some of the old photos. Looking at them brought back so many loving and happy memories. I even used one as my computer screen saver (屏保).

    It is a picture of me sitting in my favorite chair, across from the wood stove (炉子) next to a bookcase full of old books. I am wearing my special Snoopy shirt and hugging Coco. There is a big smile on my face and a joyful shining light in my eyes. It was how I spent a lot of my winter afternoons as a girl, hugging Coco and reading an old book.

    It is surprising how 60 years later that girl still lives inside of me. I still love comfortable chairs, warm stoves, Snoopy clothes, hugging dogs and reading books on cold winter days. But when I look in the mirror now, all I see is a thin face, grey hair, and lots of wrinkles (皱纹). The only thing that hasn't completely changed is the eyes. They are hiding behind glasses now and full of wisdom (智慧) given by ages. But they still have that same joyful shining light.

    Looking at the little girl smiling at me from the computer screen and that 66-year-old woman looking back at me in the mirror can be a little bit strange at times. They look so different. However, they are both me. We can't stop getting older, but we can remain both joyful and young at heart forever.

    1. (1) How did the writer's son deal with the old photos?
      A . He threw them away. B . He improved them with an app. C . He gave them to his family members. D . He used one of them as a screen saver.
    2. (2) What can we learn about the writer's memories of her family?
      A . They were mostly sad. B . They were happy and sweet. C . They were too painful to recall. D . They were all forgotten over time.
    3. (3) What has changed about the writer over time?
      A . She no longer likes to read. B . She looks less joyful than before. C . She is no longer young but wise. D . There is no light in her eyes any more.
    4. (4) Which word describes the writer's feeling towards getting older?
      A . Sad. B . Excited. C . Accepting. D . Unbelieving.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    Do you like to travel alone? Or do you think it's better to travel with friends? If you're still deciding, please read on. I will explain the advantages of both ways.

    One of the great things about traveling alone is that you make the rules about where you go and what you eat. You'll be surprised at what you discover about yourself without any influence.

    Traveling alone really shows you what you're made of and helps you to discover inner strength (内心的力量) you didn't know you had. Besides, it also gives you time to think, learn and grow. When your eyes are wide open, you'll get a whole new outlook on the world.

    It's easy to think that traveling alone is lonely. Although that may sometimes be true, you're hardly ever alone. When you travel in a one-person team, this can provide a chance for you to enjoy the most interesting part of travel—communicating with the locals and meeting travelers from all corers of the world.

    In fact, traveling to know more about the world is not easy. There's research to be done, flights to be booked and choices to be made, not to mention that things can—and often do—go wrong. One of the main advantages of traveling with friends is being able to share these things and support each other through the process, even if it's just someone who will wait with your bag when you go to the bathroom.

    Just as your mother always says, it's true that traveling with others can give you a sense of safety, especially if you're new to travel. You know that if you get lost or have your wallet stolen, there's someone to hold your hand when you try to explain your situation in a foreign police station.

    There's no right or wrong way to travel. Whether you travel alone or team up with friends, it depends on you.

    1. (1) How does the writer introduce the topic of the passage in Paragraph 1?
      A . By telling a story. B . By giving examples. C . By asking questions. D . By describing a scene.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 refer to?
      A . Traveling alone. B . Inner strength. C . Outside influence. D . Traveling with others.
    3. (3) Traveling with friends has the following advantages EXCEPT ____.
      A . sharing a lot of things B . knowing yourself better C . getting support easily D . having a sense of safety
    4. (4) What's the structure of the passage?

      (①=Paragraph 1 ②=Paragraph 2… )

      A . B . C . D .
  • 4.  阅读理解

    Chinese, Japanese and Korean all have simpler number words. They express math concepts (概念) more clearly than English. The language difference has drawn lots of attention. Several recent studies have connected weaker math abilities of English-speaking children with English number words.

    Chinese, for example, has just ten basic number words. English, however, has more than two dozen (一打). The trouble starts at 11. English has a word (eleven) for that number. Chinese, Japanese and Korean have words that can be translated as ten-one—spoken with the ten first. That makes it easier for these children to understand the place value (位值). And the students can easily see the number system comes from units of 10.

    English number words over 10 don't make the place value clear. Words for numbers 13 to 19 change the order of the ones and tens. Children often mix 17 with 71. As a result, children working with English number words have a harder time doing difficult calculations (运算). They make more mistakes.

    It also feels more natural for Chinese speakers than for English speakers to use the make-a-ten method. When adding two numbers, Chinese students often break down the numbers into parts and regroup them into tens and ones. For example, 9+5 becomes 9+1+4. This method greatly helps students work out math problems. Many teachers in America are teaching their students the make-a-ten method. However, they are still having trouble because of the unclear and difficult English number words.

    Now, you should feel lucky that you are learning math in China. Thanks to your mother language, all the math problems have become clearer and less difficult.

    1. (1) Several recent studies have found a connection between English number words and
      A . weaker math abilities of young learners of English B . weaker math abilities of English-speaking children C . stronger math abilities of young learners of English D . stronger math abilities of English-speaking children
    2. (2) How many basic number words are there in English?
      A . Ten. B . Eleven. C . More than a dozen. D . More than two dozen.
    3. (3) If you use the make-a-ten method, what will 8+7 become?
      A . 6+2+7 B . 7+1+7 C . 8+1+6 D . 8+2+5
    4. (4) What is the passage mainly about?
      A . Why some Asian languages can make math learning easier. B . Why some Asian languages are easier than English. C . How Asian children do basic calculations within ten. D . How children's math abilities are judged in different countries.
  • 5.  根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。

    On March 4th, after 10 years of difficult talks, nearly 200 countries agreed to a new UN agreement—the High Seas Treaty (《公海保护协议》). It is the first of its kind in 40 years. 

    Oceans cover about 71% of the earth's surface, and are home to all kinds of animals and plants. Healthy oceans play a very important role in a healthy planet. Overfishing (过度捕捞) has had terrible influence on many kinds of fish and other animals. Pollution has caused serious damage (破坏) in many areas.

    In 1982, one UN sea agreement described the "high seas" — the parts of the oceans that aren't controlled by any country. The high seas cover about 2/3 of the ocean. But now only 1.2% of these areas are protected. It also requires that research should first be done to see what influence human's activities might have on the ocean environment.

    During the past 10 years, the talks were held time and time again.  For example, there are disagreements about how much to control fishing or pollution. Now the agreement has a long way to go, which must be officially accepted at a UN meeting and be supported by enough countries before it works.

    A. But the oceans are in trouble.

    B. And it's a great achievement in protecting the world's oceans.

    C. The agreement was finally reached after difficult discussions.

    D. So all countries have the right (权利) to fish and send ships there.

    E. That is because different countries have their own different ideas.

    F. The new agreement sets a goal to turn 30% of the high seas into protected areas.

  • 6.  阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Weekends give us an important break from the work days. How should you spend them to make yourself feel 1 ? Here is some advice for you.

    *Take time to exercise. Exercising is a great way to relieve (缓解) stress after a long week. You can go to the gym or play a sport to get your body moving.

    *Get outside. 2 the weather is nice, try to spend at least an hour walking around your neighborhood or going to a nearby park. It's 3 a good idea to stay at home all the time.

    *Enjoy a great meal. You can go out to a restaurant to taste new 4  or special drinks. You can also have fun cooking at home.

    *5 friends and family. Weekends are great for spending time with people you don't often get to see during the week. You can set up a game night for your family or have a good time with your friends.

    A . relaxed B . surprised C . bored D . interested
    A . Unless B . Before C . Although D . If
    A . always B . never C . sometimes D . usually
    A . meat B . fruit C . dishes D . candies
    A . Meet B . Call C . Help D . Trust
  • 7.  完形填空

    Rain was loudly hitting my window when I woke up. Holidays are my only 1 to sleep in, but I couldn't because of the sound of the rain. My brain was 2 and full of ideas, so I decided to get up and finish my project.

    I went to a coffee shop and started taking notes on 3  was happening around me. When I looked at the parking lot, an elderly couple in a car caught my attention. 4  parking, the woman got out and went to help her husband out of the car. Then they 5  the shop hand in hand.

    6  they came inside, a race car appeared in the parking lot. With its four windows open, I saw several teenagers. The young man who was driving it had turned 7  the music so high that I could hear it even in the coffee shop.

    However, they were not bad guys. They were just 8  the music.

    A lot of memories came into my mind. I could not stop 9  the people who have been by my side since I was young.

    In the real world, everyone is different, but whether friends or enemies, we are all still part of the 10  group — humans. When we disagree with others, why not take a step back, look carefully and try to understand them before judging them?

    A . treasure B . accident C . chance D . suggestion
    A . frozen B . empty C . awake D . worried
    A . what B . where C . how D . when
    A . Without B . Before C . During D . After
    A . found B . entered C . went D . searched
    A . Even though B . Ever since C . As long as D . As soon as
    A . up B . on C . off D . down
    A . making B . singing C . facing D . enjoying
    A . cheering up B . looking after C . thinking about D . hearing from
    A . strange B . same C . serious D . strong
  • 18.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Lixia, or the Start of Summer, is the  (seven) of the 24 Chinese solar terms (节气) which falls on May 6 of this year. It symbolizes (象征) the passing from spring  summer.

    With the heat of summer, plants and crops will begin to grow much  (fast). So farmers are always happy to welcome the arrival of Lixia. This is  best time of the year to plant early rice in the southern part of China. Chinese has plenty of old sayings  are used to warn people not to be lazy during this period of time.

    In China, people celebrate the day of Lixia in different ways. For example, in some places people cook "Five-Colored Rice". Usually, it (make) from five kinds of beans (豆)—mung bean, red bean, yellow bean, black bean and green bean. It stands for people's good wishes for a colorful life. People also have the custom of (eat) some different kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. On the day of Lixia, children will wear a bag with an egg around their necks in some areas. This is believed to help keep (they) safe and healthy. Other (tradition) of Lixia include the singing of beautiful folk songs. And people also weigh themselves on Lixia. When the summer (pass), they'll weigh themselves again to see how many pounds they have lost during the hot season.

  • 19. 劳动创造美好生活,劳动实践从我做起。作为一名中学生,请你根据下表要点,以"Labor is Glorious (劳动光荣)"为题,向校报"英语园地"栏目投稿。










    1. 词数100左右(标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数);
    2. 可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;3. 文中不能出现真实姓名、学校等信息。

    Labor is Glorious

    It's well known that labor is glorious.

