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更新时间:2022-07-19 浏览次数:63 类型:期末考试
一、Fill in the blanks. 看图片,从方框里选出正确的单词写在句子的横线上。(12')
  • 1. 看图片,从方框里选出正确的单词写在句子的横线上。

    run  door  big sister  black  ball

    1. (1) Close the .

    2. (2) Do not .

    3. (3) The lion has a head.

    4. (4) This is my .

    5. (5) Is it a ?

    6. (6) Look at his shorts. They are .

二、Look and match. 根据问句,选答句,连线。(12')
  • 2. 根据问句,选答语,连线。
    Good morning, Miss Liang.                            A. I am eight years old.
    How old are you?                                           B. Good morning, children.
    What color is her dress?                                 C. OK. T-o-m.
    What can you see?                                         D. It is red.
    Is it a robot?                                                    E. I can see three horses.
    Can you spell your name, please?                   F. Yes, it is.
三、Choose the correct answer. 选择填空。(6')

