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更新时间:2021-08-10 浏览次数:268 类型:中考真卷
一、单项选择 从 A, B, C 三个选项中选择最佳答案填空. ( 共 10 小题, 每小题 1 分 )
二、完形填空(共10小 题,每小题 1 分 )
  • 11. 阅读短文,掌握其大意,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

    Xiang Chenxi is a beautiful girl from Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. Bore in 1993, she used to live a happy life. 1 , things changed when she was eight years old. She began to fall while walking, and she got a serious illness. Having the disease 2 her muscles (肌肉), including her heart and muscles that control breathing, get weaker and weaker. And there was no 3 for it.

    In 2018, walking became 4 for her. In 2019, she started to have difficulty standing. Last February, her disease became worse and she had to wear a ventilator (呼吸机) for at least 15 hours a day to help her 5. But Xiang never 6 " My parents' love supports me to live every day to the dullest, " Xiang said, adding that she had taken up 7 "Although most parts of my body cannot move and I have to wear a ventilator, I can take good care of myself. " Xiang said. The dolls help her not only make a living, but also face life 8 .

    9 making a doll may take her months, Xiang thinks she is lucky to be able to do what she loves. What' more, she wants to bring good luck to others. Last year, she began teaching doll-making course online. It costs about 300 yuan to master the skill. So far, more than 260 10 have gleamed from her. Every day she sits in front of her desk, offering doll-making classes. It gives her a new start on life.

    A . However B . Luckily C . Besides
    A . makes B . forces C . means
    A . food B . medicine C . advice
    A . easy B . convenient C . impossible
    A . walk B . breathe C . stand
    A . gave up B . helped out C . cared about
    A . paper-cutting B . letter-writing C . doll-making
    A . bravely B . carefully C . easily
    A . If B . Though C . As
    A . students B . friends C . classmate
三、阅读技能 (共 20 小题, 每小题 2 分, 满分 40 分 ) .
  • 12. 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断所给句子正误


    The Double Third Festival is an ancient Chinese festival. It comes on the third day of the third lunar month. The day is said to be the birthday of the Yellow Emperor ( Huangdi ). He, along with the ban Emperor ( Yandi ), is considered to be the ancestor of all Chinese people. The date was fixed after the Wei and in Dynasties.

    In the Eastern in Dynasty people often took a bath in the river on that day to wash away bad luck. Wang Xizhi wrote in his Lantingji Xu about how people took a bath and wrote poems while drinking from cups drifting along the river. In the Tang Dynasty, people enjoyed drinks and sightseeing. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, people did activities like drifting cups, throwing stones, hiking and listening to music.

    In modern times, it is mainly celebrated by the people in the southern parts of China. For the Zhuang people in Guangxi, it is a festival for young people to sing songs and find their true love. Bamboo dancing is another important activity for them. For the Li and Miao people in Hainan, it is a day for remembering ancestors. For the an people, it is a time to go outside to enjoy flowers and cook eggs with jicai. The ban people believe the special eggs are good for their health.

    1. (1) The Double Third Festival falls on the third day of March every year.
    2. (2) People in the tans Dynasty celebrated the festival by taking a bath in the river.
    3. (3) The Double Third Festival is mainly celebrated in the southern parts of China nowadays.
    4. (4) In Hainan, the festival is a day for young people to sing songs and find their love.
    5. (5) This passage mainly talks about the Double Third Festival and how people celebrate it.
  • 13. 阅读下面图表,然后从各题所给的三个答案中选择最佳答案。

    A Basketball Match

    Siyuan Middle School vs

    Furong Middle School

    Time: 2:00 pm-3:50 pm on Friday

    Place: The school playground Welcome all students to cheer on the players!

    A Talk about Using the Internet Safely

    It's from 10:00 am to 11:30 am on Wednesday. Students of Grade 8 and Grade 9 should come with a notebook and a pen. Please arrive at the school meeting hall at least ten minutes early.


    A problem from Mike: I often feel a little sleepy after lunch.

    A way to solve it:

    Don't drink coffee and have a short sleep instead.

    Advantages of having a short sleep after lunch:

    You can remember things better.

    You can make fewer mistakes.

    You can learn things more easily.

    You can have less pressure.

    You can be full of energy.

    Notice: A 20-minute short sleep is the best. Don't sleep longer.

    1. (1) The basketball match will be held ___________
      A . on Thursday afternoon B . On Friday afternoon C . on Saturday after moon
    2. (2) How long will the talk last?
      A . For one and a half hours. B . For one hour and fifty minutes. C . For two hours.
    3. (3) What is Mike's problem?
      A . He doesn't like having lunch. B . He feels a little sleepy after lunch. C . He becomes fat after lunch.
    4. (4) Mike should ________ for 20 minutes after lunch.
      A . study B . have a rest C . have a sleep
    5. (5) Which of the advantage of having a short sleep is NOT mentioned?
      A . Learning things more easily. B . Avoid eating too much. C . Having less stress.
  • 14. 阅读短文,从 A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。

    Mrs. Luo is a teacher. She asked her students to hand in their homework through a QR code (二维码 ). "When students finish the homework, they keep it on We Chat. So I can check their homework everywhere using my computer or mobile phone," said Luo.

    Most students like the new way and think it is interesting. "We are living in the formation age Many students like to work with computers, which makes laming more fun," said Tingting, a student of Luo's.

    "The paper is not easy to keep, but the code is easy to keep and share," lug said. "It is worth trying to use new technology in education. Education itself is a kind of creation. I don't want my students to fall behind the times."

    However, some parents are worried. They are afraid that their children will spend too much time on computers and little time communicating with teachers. But in fact, it is unnecessary. Students still need to    ▲   information in books and write it down when they do their homework, which doesn't take them too much time. As for teachers, it allows them to check the students' work at any time. And it is also an easy way to share homework with other students.

    1. (1) How did Mrs. Luo ask her students to hand in their homework?
      A . Through e- mail. B . Through the post office. C . Through a QR code.
    2. (2) What do most students think of the new method?
      A . Interesting. B . Boring. C . Difficult.
    3. (3) Mrs. Luo finds the new method can let students __________
      A . hand in homework in time B . improve their study C . not fall behind times
    4. (4) Which phrase can be put in the underlined place    ▲   .
      A . look out B . look up C . look after
    5. (5) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . A new way to keep homework and its advantaged. B . A new way to hand in homework and its advantage. C . A new way to do homework and its advantaged.
  • 15. 阅读短文,然后完成内容摘要,每空不超过三个单词。

    Hunan, a province in Central China, is the birthplace of China's greatest thinkers, scientists and leaders.

    Wei Yuan ( 1794-1857 ) was boa in Shaoyang, hunan. He was the first Chinese thinker in modern times to open his mind to the outside world. In his best - known work Haiguo Tuzhi, Wei Yuan began to look at what could be learned from western countries.

    Mao Zedong ( 1893-1976 ) was born in Shaoshan, which has become one of the country's most popular red tourism spots (景点) . Mao spent his childhood in Shaoshan. He went on to join and lead the Communist Party (共产党) of China. He played a central role in the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949.

    Yuan Longping ( 1930-2021 ) was a scientist. He began to research the rice production after graduating from college. He was the first person in the world to develop hybrid rice. And the hybrid rice increased the rice production. This helped solve the problem of worldwide hunger. Yuan and his team successfully developed technologies for producing indica rice. Helping China become the world's leading rice producer.

    Great People

    in Hunan

    Wei Yuan

    •Born in Shaoyang and the first Chinese  in modern times

    •Opening his mind to the outside world

    •Beginning to look at what could be learned from .

    Mao Zedong

    •Born in Shaoshan and one of the leading  of the Chinese Communist Party

    •Spending his in Shaoshan

    •Joining the Chinese Communist Party when young

    Yuan Longping

    •Researching the rice production after graduating from college

    •Developing hybrid rice and indica rice

    •Making China the world's .

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,根据语境,中文, 首字母或所给单词的提示,在空白处填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确,形式正确, 使短文意思完整, 行文连贯。

    Students in China are required to learn first aid at school as part of health education. It aims to improve their  (能力) to deal with a first aid emergency (紧急情况).

    According to a survey, there is one sudden death each minutes because the person's heart (stop ) beating. A sudden loss of heart working will lead to brain damage (损害) within four to six minutes and then death after another five minutes. So, it is very i for the patients to receive CPR within four to six minutes. However, only about 4.5 % of such patients have a chance of receiving it time. That's because besides medical workers, most people do not have knowledge of first aid. In fact, about 60 % of these (accident ) happen out of hospital, so it's necessary for more people to learn the skill of first aid including car. That can make a huge difference in saving lives.

五、补全对话( 共 5 小题, 每小题 2 分 )
  • 17. 通读对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。

    A: Hi, Wang Ming.

    B: Hi, Xiao me.

    A: Nice to see you again.?

    B: I'm reading an article about Tianwen 1, which successfully landed on Mars on May 15th

    A: Wow, wonderful. Our motherland has made such rapid progress in space that we Chinese are all proud of it.

    B: I think so. ?

    A: Yes, I do. I want to be a physics scientist when I grow up.

    B: ?

    A: I'm going to study hard and do well in physics. Then I'll try to go abroad for further study.

    B: ?

    A: I'm going to study in Harvard University in America.

    B; Great! I hope you will become a great scientist like Elbert Einstein in the future.


六、英汉互译( 共 5 小题, 每小题 2 分 )
  • 18. 阅读下面短文,将文中画线的句子译成汉语或英语。

    Colourful fruits and vegetables are good for your health. ①Their natural colors help protect your body from illness. Think about the colors of the food such as the red of the tomatoes, the orange of carrots, the green of kiwi fruit and the purple of grapes.

    You can enjoy eating fruits and vegetables of many colors, They are red, yellow, green, orange, blue and purple. ②每种颜色都有一些特殊意义 They work together to protect your body.

    Scientists have discovered the secrets of colourful fruits and vegetables. The list below shows their different benefits.

    Yellow and orange can make your immune (免疫的) system strong. ④他们对你的健康也是有益的 been is also helpful to protect your eyes. Besides, it is good for your bones and teeth.

    Blue and purple can help you have a good memory. They also can fight heart illness. When you buy or eat fruits and vegetables next time, you can try more colourful ones.

七、情景作文(共1小题, 满分15分)
  • 19. “没有共产党,就没有新中国”值此中国共产党成立 100 周年之际,你们学校将举行“我爱你——邵阳”为主题的大型英语沙龙活动。假如你是李华,请根据所给提示写一篇介绍邵阳变化的发言稿.


    In the past

    •old and low houses

    •dirty streets

    •poor; lived a hard life


    •tall buildings

    •wide and clean streets

    •beautiful parks

    •many freeways and an airport


    Your feeling ...



    ③80 词左右。短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

    Hello, everyone! My name is Li hub. I was born in Shaoyang, a beautiful city in Southern China. Now, I'd like to say something about the great changes in Shaoyang.

    That's all. Thank you!

