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  • 1. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。

    A: Hey, Linda. I' m not working today.

    B: Oh.

    A: I' m having brunch (早午餐) with some friends.

    B: Brunch is a great meal.

    A: It's part (部分的) breakfast.

    B: And part lunch!

    A: Yeah, you're right. I meet my friends for brunch every month.

    B: What do you talk about at brunch?

    A: Well, we usually just catch up on (了解) each other's news.

    B: That's nice. It's good to share with friends.

    A: Yes. I enjoy spending time with my friends.

    B: It's important to have good friends.

    A: Yes. And it's always nice to have a good meal with friends!

    A. Oh, that's fun.

    B. Well, it's a great idea.

    C. What are you doing?

    D. We talk about our lives. "

    E. You can eat both meals together.

    F. They help me with my problems.

    G. How often do you visit your friends?
