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  • 1. (2024高一上·漳州期末)  阅读理解

    Once upon a time, there was a small village in the center of a big forest. All the villagers were used to their robotic farm work and none of them had the imagination or the will (意愿) to try something new, except for one girl named Jo. Very few could read or write, and Jo was one of them.

    One afternoon, when Jo was on one of her explorations in the forest, she came upon an abandoned cottage (废弃的小屋). Though she'd been warned to stay away from abandoned places, her curiosity got the best of her. She slid in and was amazed to find a room full of books! Jo's excitement was huge when she realized she had found a hidden treasure.

    She ran to tell the villagers everything, thinking that they would share her excitement but instead, she heard roars of laughter! Jo was confused by this reaction (反应) and a little hurt too, but she did not give up on her books.

    She came to the cottage every day and got down to reading the books. For her, each page was an adventure with characters who challenged difficulties with their determination and who struggled for good. Knowing the power of stories in impressing on people the values of life, she decided to share the stories with the villagers, though she knew it would be a difficult journey. Making this her mission (使命), Jo started telling stories every day at her cottage.

    In the beginning, only a few came to the readings. But word spread rapidly, causing more and more people to come, some of whom even traveled from far away to just listen to her stories. She also conducted workshops in which she taught people how to read and write. She was remembered and lived in her stories even after she was long gone.

    1. (1) What do the underlined words "got the best of" in paragraph 2 mean?
      A . Prevented. B . Frightened. C . Cheated. D . Beat.
    2. (2) Why did the villagers laugh when Jo told them her discovery?
      A . They already knew it. B . They thought nothing of it. C . It was related to something fun. D . It was all Jo's imagination.
    3. (3) Which of the following best describe Jo?
      A . Caring but confusing. B . Honest and helpful. C . Adventurous but careless. D . Determined and influential.
    4. (4) What is a suitable title for the text?
      A . The Discovery of a Hidden Treasure B . Jo's Journey: from Adventure to Education C . The Power of Stories in Challenging Difficulties D . Jo's Adventure: Unearthing an Abandoned Cottage
