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  • 1. (2016·福州) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给三个选项(A、B、C)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    The Goal of the Mind

        It was an unforgettable night.The noisy Mexico City gradually 1.The main Olympic stadium was in darkness.

        2 he finished making the scenes that the marathon (马拉松赛跑)winners celebrated the victory,Greenspan,a world famous documentary producer,found the stadium 3.He was leaving for the hotel when he suddenly saw a man running into the stadium.The man ran out of breath.4 he didn't stop.After he got to the goal,he fell down on the ground.

        Greenspan 5 this was a marathon athlete,so he went over to ask why the athlete ran to the goal with such a difficulty.The young man replied,”That my 6 sent me here is not to let me start of a race in the competition,but to make me 7 the game I have fallen behind all other runners,but I have a goal 8 them.I will run to the goal because my motherland is watching me from behind.”

        Moved by what he said,Greenspan 9 the most touching scene in the history of the Olympic Games to every Corner of the world.

        Life should have a 10 of reaching the peak (顶峰),yet the most important is not whether we can reach the peak but whether we have made the greatest efforts﹣to reach the goal in the mind is a success.

    A . slowed  down B . calmed down C . put down
    A . Since B . Before C . After
    A . empty B . large C . bright
    A . so B . but C . and
    A . guessed B . hoped C . introduced
    A . coach B . friend C . country
    A . play B . watch C . complete
    A . for B . like C . against
    A . spread B . made C . recorded
    A . decision B . dream C . suggestion
