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  • 1. (2023高二下·南山期末)  根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Throwing a party is a great way to get all your favorite people in one place for music, conversation, of course, food.  , when you are the one planning the party. Not to worry; your planning will be a breeze if you plan ahead of time and take the process course by course, from appetizers (开胃菜) to desserts. 

    Ask your guests about food restrictions before you start preparing food. For guests with food allergies or on diets, ask them to make their own restrictions clear. 

    And ask if any guests are vegetarians and provide dishes accordingly. 

    Choose an appetizer-only meal for a relaxing inexpensive party. You'll save money and preparation time, and be able to socialize more with your guests.

    , so guests aren't thrown off when no main course is served. You'll want to offer your guests some variety of taste in your appetizers for a more satisfying meal.

    . If your appetizers are just the start of a more formal meal with a main course, you keep it a bit simpler. Plan just a few handful of chips and a couple of cookies for your each guest, ifyou're serving a main course afterwards.

    Prepare fruits and vegetables. Many guests will want a fresh, healthy option to start off a meal. A fruit tray or veggie platter with carrots, cucumbers, and broccoli is an easy and colorful addition to your appetizer. . Besides, you'd better offer

    quick snacks like nuts, or chips. 

    A. Serve light, simple snacks before a main course

    B. Serve a substantial main course ifnecessary

    C. It's a good idea to have a few vegetarian options available regardless

    D. So you should make thoughtful preparations for each of your guests

    E. But it can be stressful to prepare food for guests with all different preferences

    F. Look for ripe fruits and fresh vegetables that are in season for the best tasting ingredients

    G. You should detail it on the invitation that only appetizers will be served
