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  • 1. (2022高二下·上海期末) Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

    As the coronavirus pandemic shuts down public life on the streets, a new kind of life is opening up online. Many people who are1enough to still have their jobs are working from home, often experimenting with video chats and virtual offices for the first time. The outbreak could change the internet as2 as it is changing our hand washing habits.

    Our range of 3 apps has already started to shift. Almost overnight, the video conferencing app Zoom has gone from insignificance to necessity. People are using it to hold meetings with colleagues, teach university classes and have quarantine(隔离)-compliant cocktail hours with friends. For those who don't want to be "Zoom-bombed", where a(n) 4 person joins the video call by exploiting bugs in the app, there are video features you can use in Skype, Google Hangouts and Discord.

    Popular streaming service Twitch, typically used to watch gaming live, has also had a 5 in fortunes. It has suddenly become a(n)6 performance space, with musicians, writers and comedians all using it to broadcast live shows that they have had to cancel—and 7 Twitch's tipping and subscription functions, they can get paid for it, too.

    To 8 the experience of inviting people over for a movie night, there are countless apps for watching media online with friends. Though it isn't as good as a(n)9visit, these gatherings have eased my loneliness and made the days more bearable. Though we have had online video chat for years, it has always been a sideshow of most social media platforms. Now it is moving to the 10 of our internet experience because it is connecting us with people we would ordinarily see in our day-to-day lives. We want to feel like we are in the room with people we love and depend on, and seeing their faces makes the 11feel more official and real.

    Until recently, the internet was mostly a place of leisure. We went there for entertainment, news and catching up with friends, both distant and imaginary. Yes, it has always been a 12 for some of us, but now millions more people are using apps like Slack and Asana to talk to colleagues all day and organize projects. When the time comes that the majority of us rely on the internet for work, it is13that we will have to take it more seriously.

    Of course, the internet could also become an even more powerful means of14 for the millions of people who have lost work in an economic apocalypse(灾难)that is almost as terrifying as covid-19 itself. With nothing to lose, shut in our homes, we may be subjected to extremist manipulation.

    After the pandemic is over, the internet won't feel as much like a(n)15 field any more. It will be as real as a pay cheque—and that might actually make us demand more accountability from our favourite social apps.

    A . qualified B . lucky C . busy D . open-minded
    A . negatively B . domestically C . revolutionarily D . domestically
    A . innovative B . traditional C . multimedia D . must-have
    A . unwanted B . decent C . caring D . unemployed
    A . rise B . decline C . shift D . problem
    A . amateur B . first-rate C . all-purpose D . dramatic
    A . except for B . regardless of C . in spite of D . thanks to
    A . broaden B . replace C . compare D . offer
    A . online B . long-waited C . periodic D . in-person
    A . center B . background C . direction D . side
    A . negotiation B . interview C . decision D . encounter
    A . burden B . workplace C . fascination D . necessity
    A . inevitable B . ridiculous C . fascinating D . pointless
    A . communication B . improvement C . escape D . recognition
    A . social B . chosen C . specialized D . imaginary
