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  • 1. (2022高二下·上海期末) Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

    We'd like to believe that peace is normal and that the "hell" of war is rare and unusual. However, according to Wikipedia, there are 40 conflicts, or wars, happening around the world today. Some of these wars are between countries, but most are within countries, much like America's Civil War in the 19th century. One of these wars, the one in Afghanistan (阿富汗), country that neighbors China along its Western border, has just ended. At least, we hope it has ended, because final days of that war showed how terrible war can be. the U. S. troops were waiting to leave Afghanistan, a terrorist bomb exploded at Kabul airport, (kill) 90 civilians. Days later, ten civilians, including seven children, were mistakenly killed by an American bomb.

    Young people in Shanghai are lucky to be spared an experience like that in Afghanistan. But it hasn't always been this way. In 1937, the Japanese attacked Shanghai and 3, 000 civilians (kill). We remember it today as the Battle of Shanghai. Today, you can visit a museum at the Sihang Warehouse on Suzhou Creek,  brave soldiers held back the Japanese for days, giving civilians time (escape) the city. I once met a man who had been a boy living in Shanghai during that time. He was the father of a friend of . And I had been invited  the family's Spring Festival dinner. I asked him it was like to be in Shanghai in 1937. "It was terrible, " the old man replied. That was all he would say. His response wasn't unusual. People, _ have lived through the horrors of war, often don't like to talk about their experiences. The memories are simply too painful. We be grateful that we are at peace.
