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  • 1. (2022高一下·武汉期末) 阅读理解

    Humans sweat to keep cool. But did you know that besides them, only a small percentage of the world's animals keep cool by sweating? In fact, animals have a variety of ways to beat the cruel heat, some of which you might say are even a little bit strange.


    We know that giraffes live in a particularly dry, hot environment, but they don't sweat. How do they stay cool? The answer lies in their beautiful skin pattern, which is like a large network with a very complex vascular (血管) system under each patch (斑块). A giraffe's special blood flow can force heat out of its body. Because of their rather large skin surface, this is a more-than-effective way to escape the heat.


    As the largest land animal on earth, elephants rely on their huge pair of ears. Simply by tapping their ears, elephants can lower their body temperature by 120℃ or more. Moreover, elephants often open their ears when facing the wind to reach this cooling effect.


    The dog's way of escaping the heat is probably the most common in our daily lives--sticking their tongues out. By breathing heavily, dogs quickly force the heat from their body and breathe cooler air in, which enters their lungs and cools their entire body.


    Koalas are well-known for their "laziness", so it's natural to see one lying on a branch and think it's just being its lazy self, but that's not the case. Researchers say that the koalas select their trees very carefully, looking in hot weather for tree bark that is cooler than the air temperature. By getting into the cool surface of the bark, koalas can stay relatively comfortable during Australia's powerful heat waves.

    1. (1) How do dogs beat the heat?
      A . By choosing the suitable tree skin. B . By putting their tongues out. C . By moving their ears. D . By flowing blood.
    2. (2) Which of the following animals uses their habitats to cool?
      A . Giraffe. B . Elephants. C . Dogs. D . Koalas.
    3. (3) What do four animals have in common?
      A . They live lazily. B . They don't sweat. C . They don't stay cool. D . They live comfortably.
