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  • 1. (2022·鄂州) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Dealing with a nosebleed (鼻出血) might seem simple. But recently, the British RED Cross asked parents with young children how to help a child with a nosebleed. About 65 percent of parents did not 1 the correct action to help.

    Learning what to do if a little one has a nosebleed will help you 2 the situation quickly and calmly. Here, Claire shares the story of how she helped her daughter when her 3 was bleeding.

    On a very hot and sunny day, Claire took 4 daughter Bella, aged almost three and a half, to the park. On the way home, Bella fell 5 in the car.

    When they got home, Claire found something was wrong 6 Bella.

    "As I was laying her down, blood started 7 from her nose. It was all over her face and down her neck and that made me 8," Claire said.

    Having already learned first aid, Claire knew 9 to do.

    "Bella got upset because of all the 10. I sat her up and leant (倾斜)her forward and 11 the sides of her nose," Claire said.

    "I knew this wasn't 12 , as leaning her forward would stop the blood from going into her airway or stomach."

     13, Bella's nosebleed stopped after a few minutes.

    Claire was glad that she had remembered the key 14 to help children with a nosebleed: to pinch the soft part of their nose and ask them to lean forward.

    In fact, every parent should 15 first aid. Then he or she can save the child in a right way.

    A . control B . make C . choose D . answer
    A . agree with B . deal with C . talk with D . play with
    A . tooth B . ear C . mouth D . nose
    A . their B . your C . her D . his
    A . asleep B . awake C . sleepy D . alive
    A . about B . with C . through D . for
    A . putting B . working C . getting D . pouring
    A . happy B . bored C . scared D . dangerous
    A . what B . where C . how D . when
    A . blood B . situation C . break D . risk
    A . hit B . pulled C . hurt D . pressed
    A . important B . wrong C . necessary D . right
    A . Suddenly B . Quickly C . Luckily D . Heavily
    A . spirits B . ways C . places D . shapes
    A . use B . learn C . find D . show
