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  • 1. (2022高二下·湖北期中) 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    After a warm closing ceremony(闭幕式) and the extinguishing (熄灭) of the Paralympic (残奥会的) flame(圣火), the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games concluded. China topped the medal table with 18 gold, 20 silver and 23 bronze medals, presenting home fans with China's best-ever results in any Winter Paralympics.

    "And Beijing 2022 has marked a new dawn of the Paralympic Winter Games," Andrew Parsons from the International Paralympic Committee said at the closing ceremony.

    Parsons added, "For sure(毫无疑问), China has set a benchmark (基准,标杆) for all future Winter Games."

    The Beijing Winter Paralympics provided all participants much more than expected. Smooth competition operations, top-class venues (场馆), a great barrier-free environment, warm living conditions at Paralympic villages, and convenient transportation. Besides, there were considerate volunteer services.

    The great quality of the Beijing Winter Paralympics has earned positive comment from the athletes and the International Paralympic Committee.

    Dutch snowboarder Chris Vos said, "So I'm sure there will be a lot of games going on here in the future. All the volunteers and people help us here. Everybody is really nice. I would really love to come back here again and see more of China." He competed at the Zhangjiakou competition zone.

    US Para Alpine skier Patrick Halgren finished in 24th place in the men's slalom standing competition. "I couldn't even have imagined something that good in the venue, how all the locations and the roads get you everywhere. Thanks from the bottom of my heart, and it means so much. It's better than I imagined. I'm living my dream," said Halgren.

    A. The facilities are great.

    B. Team China made major breakthroughs(重大突破).

    C. He also said he had a great experience in Beijing.

    D. They have special bedrooms for athletes with wheelchairs.

    E. My first day on snow here in China was absolutely wonderful.

    F. For certain(毋容置疑), China is now a Paralympic winter sports powerhouse(运动强国).

    G. Beijing 2008 started a new chapter(新的篇章) of growth for the Paralympic Movement.
