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  • 1. (2021·天水) 阅读以下诗歌,根据其内容回答其后各个小题。

    If you've tried and have not won,

    Never stop for crying;

    All that's great and good is done

    Just by patient trying.

    Though young birds, in flying, fall,

    Still their wings grow stronger;

    And the next time they can keep

    Up a little longer.

    Though the strong tree has known

    Many blows of stormy winds,

    She has risen again, and grown

    Higher and prouder.

    If by easy work you beat,

    Who the more will prize you?

    Gaining success from defeat-

    That's the test that tries you!

    1. (1) What is done by patient trying?
      A . All that is great and good. B . All you've not won. C . The things that you've cried for. D . The things that are stopped.
    2. (2) What happens to young birds when they fly?
      A . They fly very high. B . They fall. C . They lose confidence. D . They look scared.
    3. (3) How is the tree after the stormy winds?
      A . She is weak. B . She is shy. C . She is prouder. D . She is dying.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "defeat" probably mean?
      A . Work. B . Prize. C . Happiness. D . Failure.
    5. (5) Which of the following is the best title of this poem?
      A . Be brave. B . Don't give up. C . Face disagreement. D . To get happiness.
