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  • 1. (2021高二下·海淀期中) 阅读理解

    A character in one of Shakespeare's plays once said, "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Any of these could apply to the modern day sportsmen. Many still argue about the nature of talent. Some claim that people are born to be sportsmen, while others say it is only through devotion and hard work that they achieve their abilities. Arguably though, it is not until their talents are acknowledged by the public that they truly have greatness fallen upon them.

    With this acknowledgement of their "greatness" come all the trappings of modern day celebrity: money, power, influence and responsibility. For better or for worse, like it or hate it, modern sportsmen are the role models of children everywhere. These children will grow up admiring their heroes, devoting their lives to copying their every move, and wanting above all to be like them. Due to this fascination,particularly with the massive influence of the media, it is more important than ever for these sportsmen to acknowledge their responsibility.

    In the past few months alone, there have been many examples of questionable behaviors from sports icons. Sport stars of the present day are often mirroring the very worst aspects of society, a fact that the self-righteous(自以为是的) anger of the modern press has been quick to point out. It would be wrong for us to expect sportsmen to be saints. It would also be wrong for us to think that their behavior is markedly different from the sportsmen they grew up watching, but with the all-seeing eye of modern media it is a different world,and different standards must be expected.

    Of course there is no obligation for sportsmen to be good role models. There are no prison sentences, no fines, no community service—unless their behaviors are illegal. Unless they break the law, it is entirely up to them as to whether or not they think their behavior is appropriate. Furthermore, measuring the true influence their decisions have on their followers is absolutely impossible. Some will rise against their idols, seeing them in a new light and condemning their actions. Others may copy their heroes' actions, using them as a shield when accused of the same crimes.

    It is undeniable that the actions of sportsmen will influence the lives of those who worship them. Modern day sportsmen are almost ideals of today's world, and their actions are watched carefully by millions over the world. Some may complain against it, denying their influence on these children's lives. Others may be aware of it but not respect it, while many may both be aware of it and respect it. In a word, you do not choose whether you are a role model. All you can do is to decide how to act when greatness is thrust upon you.

    1. (1) In Paragraph 1, the author tries to emphasize________.
      A . sportsmen become great when their gifts are recognized by people B . sportsmen achieve greatness through their devotion and efforts C . different ways for sportsmen to achieve success and greatness D . the core characteristic to become great sportsmen nowadays
    2. (2) According to Paragraph 4, we can learn that________.
      A . role models usually have positive influence on their fans B . sportsmen have the right to behave freely within the law C . all the fans will follow their heroes' actions D . no obligation is given to sportsmen
    3. (3) The underlined phrase thrust upon most probably means________.
      A . palled off B . removed from C . related to D . forced on
    4. (4) What is the main purpose of the passage?
      A . To advise the media to choose proper events to report. B . To inform the public that sportsmen are no role models. C . To remind the sportsmen of their social responsibilities. D . To argue that sportsmen should not be expected as herons.
