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  • 1. (2021·房山模拟) 任务型阅读

    Craftsmanship requires a great deal of time, patience and effort.  Traditionally craftsmen develop their skills through apprenticeship to those masters of the craft who came before them. Although we don't often work that way in this day and age. There are few things that we can do to emulate the process.

    Practice everyday design something new, walk through a tutorial work on a personal project. Whatever it takes to getting you working with the tools of your trade each day, the more you do something, the better (and faster) you become at doing it.

    Learn to accept criticism and react appropriately. People have a hard time taking criticism of their work. You put so much effort into a piece. it can be difficult to hear that what you have done is not good enough.  criticism isn't personal, you and your critics have the same goal, a quality product.

    . As I mentioned earlier, this is where all of the difference is made. A true artisan is careful about the details. Take the time to add polish and style to the small things. That can easily go overlooked. Attentiveness to these details raises the quality of our work.

    Design for the future. Items that exhibit the quality of craftsmanship are timeless, They are built well, and built to last.  There are always new features in the software we use. People develop new tools that give us more possibilities. But despite the ever-changing face of this industry, it is possible to do work that has longevity.

    A. Pay attention to the details.

    B. Participate in quality discussion.

    C. Trends and costumes change rapidly.

    D. Building quality reputations is the key to building craftsmanship.

    E. However, nothing will help you improve so much as a critic.

    F. Practice is the most important part of developing the quality of craftsmanship.

    G. So becoming a real artisan requires your continuous development of your craft.
