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  • 1. 任务型阅读

    I don't think I need to tell you that reading is good for you. Unfortunately, most people don't read. Sometimes, people do want to read, but can never seem to find the time.

    Have a goal.

    Some people set goals for themselves like reading one book a week. You can start by reading a book a month, or a book every two months even. It's up to you, whatever floats your boat.

    Apply a little pressure.

    You can have a reading partner. Set something up between both of you like what book you're going to read and when to see your promise through. The return date gives you a sense of pressure to finish your book by a certain deadline.

    If you're determined and willing, use every possible moment to bury yourself in the art of the written word. On the bus. On the subway. On your lunch break. Or at the gym. You won't regret it, I promise!

    Take action right away.

    We will make up all kinds of excuses not to do it. Not get out of bed. Not clean the house…At these moments, the trick to avoiding this mental block is to just pick up the book and read! Once you start reading, it's quite difficult to stop!

    A. Start with great determination.

    B. Read whenever and wherever you can.

    C. You may find it easy to take action immediately.

    D. You can also borrow books from your local library.

    E. Goals can always keep you focused to get the job done.

    F. If you are one of them, well my friends, this post is for you.

    G. Sometimes the thing preventing us from reading is our mind.
