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更新时间:2018-01-06 浏览次数:321 类型:期末考试
一、<b >单选题</b>
二、<b >阅读理解</b>
  • 15. 阅读理解

    Dear Sir,

        Good day! I want to become a pilot(飞行员) , because my cousin is a pilot . I think he is great. He is cool when he wears his pilot uniform. If I become a pilot , my parents will be proud(自豪) of me and I can travel around the world . I am in the third grade in a university. I'm tall with medium build; I'm quite healthy and strong. I like playing sports .If I have a chance to become a pilot, I will have a great time flying in the blue sky. I believe I can be a good pilot .The problem is that I can't  afford(实现) my dream .You know, to be a pilot needs a lot of money. My parents are both workers. They don't have much money. Could you help me find a sponsor (资助者 ),sir?

        And how can I get a scholarship (奖学金)?

        I am looking forward to your help, sir?

        If you have time, you can e-mail me at www,cn,com . Your help will mean a lot, sir.

        Once again good day and thank you.



    1. (1) Wei wants to be a pilot because ____________.
      A . he can travel around the world B . his parents will be proud of him C . his cousin is a pilot D . A, B and C
    2. (2) What's Wei's problem ?
      A . He isn't tall enough. B . He is a university student. C . He doesn't have much money. D . His parents can't afford his dreams.
    3. (3) The underlined phrase means____________ in Chinese.
      A . 期待 B . 向前 C . 寻找 D . 展望
    4. (4) If one wants to help Wei ,he can ________ him .
      A . call B . e-mail C . phone D . fax
    5. (5) From the passage we know __________ .
      A . Wei has a lot of dreams B . Wei's cousin always wears school uniform C . Wei's parents are against(反对) Wei's decision(决定) D . Wei is trying to make his dreams come true.(实现)
  • 16. 阅读理解

        Linda was a sixteen-year-old girl in Canada .She was feeling bad for several days. The doctors found out that she had cancer (癌症 ) .

        Linda's life changed. She began to go to hospital often for treatment (治疗), and she also became depressed .

        The hospital and doctors were good, but Linda didn't have hope herself. Linda's mother called a flower shop close to the hospital “I want some beautiful flowers for my daughter .She is a teen girl with cancer.” She told the shop owner.

        Later, the flowers arrived. Then Linda saw something unusual. It was a card. It read: I own this flower shop. I had cancer when I was fifteen years old, I am 24 years old now .Good luck to you. My heart goes out to you.



        Linda smiled. She finally felt some real hope .She found the will to live.

        Little things make a big difference .All of us can give little things like kindness , encouragement(鼓励) and hope to others .

    1. (1) Why was Linda feeling bad for several days?
      A . Because she was seriously ill B . Because she had no friends C . Because her life changed
    2. (2) What does the underlined word “ depressed “ mean in the second Paragraph(段)?
      A . Safe B . Serious C . Sad
    3. (3) Who sent Linda a card?
      A . Her mother B . A doctor C . A flower shop owner
    4. (4) What happened to Linda after she read the card?
      A . She became hopeful(希望) about life. B . She wanted to work with Alice C . She thanks her mother a lot.
    5. (5) Which of the following can be the best title(题目) for the passage?(文章)
      A . Be kind to yourself B . Little things make a big difference C . Try something different
  • 17. 阅读所给信息 ,判断正误。


    I hope I will live somewhere different in ten years. Somewhere really interesting like Australia, or even Japan. I'd like to be a teacher and I'll probably teach English after leaving college.


    I guess that I will work in ten years , but I don't know what job I will do Maybe a reporter or a singer But I can tell you what I'll do next week.


    I'm not really sure about the future. I know that I am going to go to college and I also think that I will get married sometime in ten years. I'd like to have a family and I want to have an interesting job as well .I'm interested in writing. So I'll probably work as a writer.

    1. (1) Emma thinks Australia and Japan are both interesting places.
    2. (2) Linda wants to be a teacher.
    3. (3) Mary thinks she will live alone and work as a writer in ten years.
    4. (4) Linda and Mary want to do the same job in ten years.
    5. (5) Mary thinks she will go to college in the future.
三、<b ></b>根据首字母和句子的意思填词
  • 28. 根据首字母完成短文。

        If I become famous and have a lot of m,I will have chances to do what I want to do .First, I will try my best to h people who are in trouble. I will gsome money to schools and charities . I think this is the most i things for me to do .Then I will buy some good things fmy parents and my friends .My parents brought me up and  they g everything they have to me ,s I will give them much money . Next I will buy a nice car and travel a the world and enjoy m . I am sure I will have a g time then

六、<b >补全对话</b>
  • 29. 选择正确的选项填入空白处

    A :Hello, Tom.

    B: Hello, Gina.

    A .

    B: Sure, I'd love to .When are you going?


    B: I'm sorry .I have to visit my grandparents this afternoon,


    B:Sorry, I have to look after my sister tomorrow morning,

    A: .

    B: How about the day after tomorrow afternoon?

    A: OK.

    B: See you.

    A. When can you go shopping with me?

    B. I'm going this afternoon.

    C. What about tomorrow morning?

    D. See you the day after tomorrow afternoon then.

    E. Can you go shopping with me?

七、<b >任务型阅读</b>
  • 30. 任务型阅读

        Bobby was six years old, and he went to school. There were nineteen other little boys and girls in his class. They often went to parties together.

        When one of the children had a birthday, he or she invited all the other children to come to a party. And at Christmas all the mothers had parties for all the children.

    Bobby like parties very much .He liked the games they played there —but he liked the nice food more .His favorite food was cakes.

        Before a party, Bobby's mother always asked him not to eat too many cakes, and Bobby always answered ,”I won't ,Mom .”But he always ate a lot and sometimes he got ill .Christmas came again, and again there were a lot of parties. Bobby went to all of them. The last one was on January 6th.

    One evening before this party, Bobby's mother called the lady who had the party, Bobby always eats too many cakes at parties. Don't worry, answered the lady “At the party, a child can only have three cakes —and the cakes are small”

        “Oh, good!” Bobby's mother answered happily. On January 6th, she took Bobby to the party. When it was time to eat ,Bobby took four cakes and began to eat them .”You can only have three cakes ,Bobby!"said the lady .She asked the boy to put the fourth one back on the plate.

        “I can't,” answered Bobby .I ate that one first”

    根据短文 ,回答问题。

    1. (1) How many children were there in Bobby's class?
    2. (2) When did all the mothers have parties for all the children?
    3. (3) What happened sometimes when Bobby ate a lot of cakes at parties?
    4. (4) What did Bobby like more at parties, the games or the food ?
    5. (5) Where did the lady ask Bobby to put the fourth cake back?
八、<b ></b>书面表达

