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人教版(PEP)四年级下册英语 Unit 4 Part C ...

更新时间:2024-05-09 浏览次数:13 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 判断每组中画线部分发音是否相同
    1. (1) A. born   B. fork     C. for
    2. (2) A. work   B. horse    C. world
    3. (3) A. carrot   B. potato   C. animal
    4. (4) A. goat   B. tomato    C. those
    5. (5) A. eat    B. weather    C. teacher
  • 2. 选出对应的答句。

    ⑴Are they pigs?

    ⑵What are those?

    ⑶How many sheep do you have?

    ⑷Where are the ducks?

    ⑸Is this a farm?

    A. Yes, it's his farm.

    B. They're on the farm.

    C. No, they aren't.

    D. Sixteen.

    E. They're horses.

  • 3. 选择合适的句子补全对话

    A. What are those?          B. They're so cute.

    C. Seventeen.              D. Are these horses?

    A: This is my farm.

    B: It's big.

    A: Yes, they are.

    B: How many horses do you have?



    A: They are sheep.

    B: Wow! 

  • 4. 选词填空

    How    Are    sheep    those    What

    1. (1) are they?
    2. (2) —they goats?

      —Yes, they are.

    3. (3) many horses are there?
    4. (4) Theyare.
    5. (5) —Arecows?

      —No, they aren't.

  • 5. 根据教材中"Story time"的故事内容,将动物和对应的食物连线。

           cow                       hen                   sheep


    A.       B.       C. 

