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人教精通版(三起)五年级下册Unit 5 I'm clean...

更新时间:2024-04-26 浏览次数:3 类型:同步测试
  • 1.  选出下列单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。
    1. (1)
      A . study B . fun C . use
    2. (2)
      A . use B . cut C . run
    3. (3)
      A . cute B . bus C . puppy
    4. (4)
      A . put B . but C . cut
    5. (5)
      A . blue B . June C . study
  • 12. 任务型阅读

    Hi! I'm Diandian. Welcome to our class! We will have an English party this afternoon. Now everyone is preparing for the party. Let me introduce my classmates to you! This is our group leader, Tiantian. He is writing some invitation cards (请柬) to his friends. Look! Longlong wants to have an acting show at the party. He is wearing a funny coat. How cool! Oh, who is singing a beautiful song? That's Mengmeng. Some students are listening to her song. What about me? I'm painting pictures for the party. How happy we are! Would you like to come to our party?

    1. (1) Tiantian is writing invitation  to his friends. 
    2. (2) I am  pictures for the party.
    3. (3) ____ wants to have an acting show at the party. 
      A . Diandian B . Longlong C . Mengmeng
    4. (4) We will have ____ this afternoon. 
      A . an English party B . a birthday party C . a family party
    5. (5) Mengmeng is ____. 
      A . dancing with others B . wearing a funny coat C . singing a song
  • 13.  阅读理解

    The Whites are at home. Mr White is sitting on a chair. He isn't looking at the flowers. He's reading a book. Mrs White is washing the clothes. She's busy. Tom and Dick are cleaning the motorbike. They like it very much. Jane and Mary are in Jane's bedroom. They are listening to music. Jane's grandpa and grandma will come to Jane's house. They will have a party this evening.

    1. (1) Where is Mr White?
    2. (2) What is Mrs White doing?
    3. (3) Are Tom and Dick cleaning the motorbike?
    4. (4) Who will come to Jane's house?
    5. (5) What will they do this evening?
  • 25.  用动词的适当形式填空。

    read  watch  play  go  write  shop  clean

    1. (1) Lily isa story book.
    2. (2) My brother isfootball.
    3. (3) I'mto buy some fruit.
    4. (4) Tom isa film.
    5. (5) The children arethe room.
    6. (6) She iswith her friends in the supermarket.
    7. (7) I'ma letter to my friend.
  • 26. 例:clean the room         
    I am cleaning the room.
    1. (1) stand there

    2. (2) talk about the picture    

    3. (3) look at the bird    

  • 32. 补全对话/短文

    go   have    grow     live    are   put

    A long time ago, Jack  in a small house with his mother. They  very poor. 

    They  no food to eat. One day Jack  to a market. He wanted to sell his cow. There was a young man looking at Jack. He gave Jack some beans. Jack took the beans home and  them into the ground. They  very fast. Jack climbed up the beanstalk and got a golden goose.

  • 33.  根据首字母提示补全短文。

    Hello! My name is Kate. This is my new f, Li Yan. She's c and pretty. She likes singing and d. It's Sunday today. Li Yan and I go to the p together. Oh! There are so m people in the park! Some people are s on the bench (长椅), and some are p games. Li Yan w to row a boat. That's a good i. Now we a buying tickets (票). What a great day!

  • 34. 选择合适的句子,补全对话。

    A. Here's a call for you.

    B. I often go fishing.

    C. I'm playing the guitar and singing.

    D. Can I speak to him?

    E. What time?

    F. This is Jack.

    G. Who's that?

    H. Thank you.

    I. What about playing ball games this Saturday?

    J. What's your brother doing?

    Tom: Hello.

    Jack: Hello. What are you doing, Tom?


    Jack: That's great!

    Tom: He's writing an email on the computer in his study.

    Jack: OK.

    Tom: Hold on, please. Tim! Tim!

    Tim: I'm coming.

    Tom: Your friend, Jack.


    Tom: You're welcome.

    Tim: Hello, Jack?

    Jack: Hello! What do you usually do on the weekend?



    Tim: Good idea!

    Jack: At about 8:30.

    Tim: OK. Goodbye.

    Jack: Bye!

  • 35. 匹配题

    A. Yes, I am.

    B. What a beautiful song!

    C.  A famous picture.

    D. Hold on, please.

    E. She is washing the clothes.

    1. (1) —What is your mother doing? 

    2. (2) —Can I talk to Miss Liu? 

    3. (3) —Are you standing there? 

    4. (4) —What are you looking at? 

    5. (5) —She is singing a song. 

  • 36. 作文。

    以"A Happy Sunday" 为题,写一篇介绍自己和家人正在做某事的小短文,至少五句话。你可以仿照以下短语。make a call, read a book, sing a song, watch TV, wash the clothes, clean the room

    A Happy Sunday

    Today is Sunny. ...

