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更新时间:2024-01-24 浏览次数:19 类型:期中考试
  • 1.  听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答语。
    1. (1)
      A . Next month B . Last Friday C . In 2024
    2. (2)
      A . Sometimes B . Two hours C . More often
    3. (3)
      A . She is thin. B . The one has black hair. C . The one with big eyes.
    4. (4)
      A . No thanks. B . No problem. C . No way.
    5. (5)
      A . I'm sorry to hear that. B . He was a great actor. C . I didn't watch Friends.
  • 3.  听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。
    1. (1)
      A . No, he can't. B . Yes, he can. C . No, he doesn't want to.
    2. (2)
      A . Sitcoms. B . Game shows. C . Talk shows.
    3. (3)
      A . Jenny B . Jill C . Ally
    4. (4)
      A . Every 3 days. B . Once a day C . Twice a day
    5. (5)
      A . Herself B . Her family C . Mike
    6. (6)
      A . The same height. B . The same hobby C . The same personality.
    7. (7)
      A . It's close. B . It serves coffee. C . It's quiet.
    8. (8)
      A . In Jack's grandparents' house B . At home C . At school
    9. (9)
      A . Play sports. B . Do math exercises C . Have a rest.
    10. (10)
      A . Doing nothing. B . Riding his bike. C . Playing basketball.
  • 4.  听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。
    1. (1) What is Abbie? 
      A . She is a famous reporter. B . She is a teenage girl. C . She is a sports player.
    2. (2) Whom is her magazine Her Way mainly about? 
      A . Kids B . Girls. C . Women sports players.
    3. (3) When did she start Her Way
      A . In 2020. B . In 2021. C . In 2022
    4. (4) How does she usually feel before she does an interview every time? 
      A . worried but excited B . surprised but happy C . bored but touched
    5. (5) What is Abbie like? 
      A . kind B . shy C . careful
五、第一部分,听力,听短文,根据短文内筒完成图表中所缺信息。(共5小题; 每小题1分,计5分)
  • 5.  听短文,根据短文内筒完成图表中所缺信息。

    The town of books

    The name of the town


    It's the town with over 20 bookshops.



    The26.of those bookshops.



    Richard Botth's Bookshop

    ▷It's full of all kinds of books.

    ▷People can read books there to relax themselves. 

    ▷You can both have food and in it. 

    ▷Children can have fun in a certain place. 

    ▷ It is open every day. But it opens and closes on Sundays than the other days of a week. 

    It's to Town Hotel, just a ten-minute walk

  • 16.  根据对话内容, 从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话.

    A: Hey, Sally. What did you talk about in today's English class?

    B: The teacher asked us to compare us with our friends. I thought of you. I think you're better at study and run faster than me.

    A: Don't you remember that you ever helped me with my English in the primary school.

    B: We always spent time studying together at that time. 

    A: We become busier as middle school students , but we can watch a movie on weekends if we both finish homework. 

    B: Sounds like a good idea! And we can walk around after watching a movie there. 

    A: hahha ….

    A. Wanda Cinema has the best sound I know.

    B. But your English is better than mine.

    C. I can't wait now.

    D. What a happy time it was!

    E. Friendship.

八、第二部分,基础知识运用,完形填空(共15小题;计20分。A篇每小题2分,计10分; B篇每小题1分,计10分)
  • 17.  阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容, 从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Lizards (蜥蜴))are unusual, but they can make good pets because most of them are small and 1 to care for. They do not make loud noises, and they do not need to go for walks or take baths.

    Of course, some lizards make better pets than others. One of the most popular lizards in pet stores is the bearded dragon. Bearded dragons are active during the day and do not 2 people holding them. You can take them everywhere. Geckos are another popular pet lizard. They are a little difficult to care for, 3

    Another kind of Lizards is iguanas. It's a bad idea to keep two iguanas together4 each can grow to be almost two meters (nearly six feet). They need a big place to live in. And they're sometimes 5 to people, so be careful when you get close to them.

    A .  easy B .  boring C .  meaningful 
    A .  stand B .  like C .  mind 
    A .  too B .  though C .  then
    A .  so B .  because C .  and
    A .  similar B .  kind C .  unfriendly
  • 18.  完形填空

    Evans Wadongo was from a village in Kenya. His parents were both teachers, and they believed 1 was very important. They told their children to work hard. Wadongo walked over six miles (9.6kilometers) to school every day. After school, he did his homework. 2 , as in many homes in poor Kenya, his house did not have electricity(电). So, at night, Wadongo had to do his homework by the light of an kerosene lamp(煤油灯). Wadongo began to have problems with his eyes and 3 made studying difficult. He was worried because his grades were not as good as he 4 . He knew that students who had electricity had a better environment(环境). "I couldn't 5 with them," he said. " In every home in the village, it was 6 . Many children end their study for this reason, so they stay poor in their life."

    Although studying was difficult, Wadongo was an excellent student. 7 high school, he went to a university for further study. He came to know that kerosene was not just bad for schoolchildren. It was bad for 8 . First, it can result in illnesses such as coughs. Also, the light from a kerosene lamp is not very strong enough, so reading by the light of a kerosene lamp is bad for people's eyes. This type of fuel burns very easily, which can lead to fires. Lastly, kerosene is expensive, so families have 9 money for food and other living needs. He really wanted to do 10  for the people in his country. Can we help him? 

    A .  housework B .  health C .  education 
    A .  However B .  Maybe C .  Mainly
    A .  he B .  they C .  this 
    A .  met B .  wanted C .  loved
    A .  talk B .  play C .  compete 
    A .  the same B .  different C .  special 
    A .  Before B .  When C .  After 
    A .  the country B .  the family C .  the house 
    A .  no B .  a little C .  less 
    A .  anything B .  something C .  everything  
  • 19.  阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容判断句子正误。

    Dear Patrick,

    My English teacher asks me to collect homework for her every day, but my best friend always doesn't do homework and tells me not to tell the teacher. I want to stay friends with her, but I also want to follow my teacher. What should I do?


    Friend or Duty?

    Hi Hanhan,

    Thanks for writing to me. You can have a face-to-face talk with your friend to ask her why she can hardly do her homework and tell her how this may stop her getting good results in study. Still, don't think she's lazy before asking her. There might be some other reasons. She may meet a big difficulty in study or other problems in her life.

    Another thing you should talk with her about is how it makes you feel bad and hard between your friendship and your job. If she cares about you and sees you as a friend, then she should know it's not OK to put you in such a difficult situation. But if she still doesn't make a change, then I'm afraid she isn't a friend indeed. You should stop the friendship as soon as possible.

    Finally, if it doesn't work, you can ask the teacher for help. Tell your teacher the truth and your worries. As your teacher, she must understand you and give you a hand to solve the problem.

    I can tell you're a lovely person, so I believe you will have your own true friends.

    Good luck to you. 



    1. (1) Hanhan asks Patrick for nothing. 
    2. (2) Hanhan has a really bad friend. 
    3. (3) Patrick tells Hanhan to tell the teacher about the truth first. 
    4. (4) Patrick thinks it's important to find out the reasons why his friend doesn't do homework.
    5. (5) There's a need for Hanhan to make a decision when his friend stays the same, according to Patrick.
  • 20.  阅读下面两篇短文, 根据短文内容选择最佳选项。


    1. (1) If Mike wants to know about the city, what activity should he take part in? 
      A . Bell Tower Tours B . African Safari Park C . Magic Show
    2. (2) Which one has the fewest opening hours? 
      A . Bell Tower Tours B . African Safari Park C . Magic Show
    3. (3) How many ways for visitors to get to the top of Bell Tower? 
      A . one B . two C . three
    4. (4) Which statement is TRUE? 
      A . These three activities are for all ages. B . African Safari Park takes visitors around in its own cars and trains. C . The family with 4 people can buy tickets more cheaply in African Safari Park.
    5. (5) Where can people read them? 
      A . On TV B . In storybooks C . In magazines
  • 21.  阅读理解

    Leonardo da Vinci(达·芬奇),born in Italy, began painting the Mona Lisa, one of the most famous paintings of all time, in 1503. He was working on a special painting for a church at the time, but it was not going well. It is said that an Italian businessman asked him to paint a portrait(自画像) of his wife named Madonna Lisa del Giocondo. People thought she was the woman in the Mona Lisa.

    The painting is only 77 cm by 53 cm and da Vinci painted it with oil on wood. After da Vinci finished the painting in 1506, the French King told him to visit France, and he took the painting with him.

    Today the Mona Lisa is kept in the Louvre, an art museum in Paris, and about six million visitors go there to take a look every year. Visitors come to look carefully at her smile and her eyes. They try to find out what she was thinking about as she posed. Artists look closely to see what special skills Leonardo used to make her hands look so natural. How did he create the shadowy background behind her? 

    On August 22, 1911 , an artist named Louis came to the Louvre Museum to study and copy the Mona Lisa , as artists and students could do it . It was a Tuesday, which is important because on Monday the museum was closed. Louis came into the room but the painting wasn't there. Did someone move it? He waited for a while . Then he asked a guard about it. When the guard came back, he had very bad news. The Mona Lisa was missing. In fact, Vincenzo Peruggia, a worker at the Louvre, took the painting away. He took it out of the museum by hiding it under his coat. Two years later, police officers found the painting under his bed after he tried to sell it.

    In 1962, the Mona Lisa was taken to Washington and New York on show. For the journey, to keep the painting safe,the insurance company(保险公司) set the price of it at 100 million dollars, making it the most expensive painting ! Today, the painting would be over 700 million dollars. In fact, what makes it the most expensive painting is that it's priceless.

    1. (1) How long did it take Leonardo da Vinci to finish the work?
      A . For about 4 years. B . For about 8 years. C . For more than 4 years.
    2. (2) Where is the Mona Lisa now? 
      A . In Italy. B . In the US.  C . In France
    3. (3) Which statement about the Mona Lisa is true? 
      A . It is a woman's real name. B . It was once lost. C . It was for sale in 1962.
    4. (4) What are people interested in the Mona Lisa, according to the article ? 
      A . How did da Vinci paint it? B . Who was the woman in the painting? C . Where was it in 1911?
    5. (5) Which word can describe the Mona Lisa?
      A . big B . Famous C . educational
十、补全单词 根据首字母及句意写出完整单词。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)
  • 27.  完成对话,在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。

    A: Hey, David. What TV shows are you watching these days? 

    B: Hi, Jim. I'm interested in news these days. I like to know what'saround the world.

    A: Well, a lot of things caught our attention. Many people are talking about the war between Israel and Palestine. (巴以战争).

    B: Yeah. The war is now a hot topic. I feel sad to see so many people die or lose their homes. And what makes me even is kids' deaths. I couldn't help crying when I saw the pictures on TV. I saw a father try to save his daughter from the fallen building, but sadly his daughter was dead when he found her. The helpless father could do but cry with the dead body in his arms.

    A: I the same. I don't think Israeli army should bomb the schools and hospitals where there are lots of children.

    B: I agree. In an interview , a boy in Palestine told a reporter that the kids like him had hope to grow up in the country because of the endless war. How they wish could stop the war, but it seems that the whole world are just watching without saying or doing anything. 

    B: In fact, a lot of people in the world are helping them in their own ways,but it's not easy.

    A: I'm why the two countries fight for so many years.

    B: It's complicated. (复杂). There are many reasons, such as religions (宗教, history, culture and so on.

    A: How lucky we are to live in China. China is one of thecountries in the world. People are not afraid to go out at night. So it's everyone's duty to build and guard China. When I grow up, I want to be a soldier What about you?

    B: I want to be a scientist working on chemistry. 

    A: Hope our dreams can come 

  • 28.  从下面方框中选出10个单词并使用其正确形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺

    break, begin, choose, excite, go , high, life, lose, talent, time, win, wear

    Do you often climb mountains? Are you afraid of? Mount Everest is the world's highest mountain. The top of the mountain is about 29,000 feet (8,800meters) high. Many people are interested in climbing mountains, but this one may not be their first

    The mountain is so high and the air is thin. The ice and snow on the mountain, along with coldness and strong winds, make the climb much more difficult and dangerous. Over 300 people lost theirwhen trying to climb it, Mount Everest.

    The first people to reach the top of Mount Everest were Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay of Nepal. They got to the top in 1953. To remember the big success, they took photos together in . Now we can find the photo on the Internet. In the photo, we can see them thick clothes with glasses. They were smiling like heroes. From then on, more and more climbers reached the top with the help of the climbing guides from Nepal., Sherpas(夏尔巴人) arethan the other guides. Kami Rita and Tenzing Norgay are two of them. They live in such a cold and high place at birth. They have the knowledge and the skills needed to help foreigners become successful in reaching the top.

    Kami Rita his own record on May 7th,in 2022, guiding a group of ten Sherpas. The team reached the top and went back to their camp by 7 o'clock in the evening. This was his 26th try. He now has climbed Mount Everest 28 so far. 

    Kami Rita comes from a mountain climbing family. His father was one of the first Sherpas to help foreigners go up Mount Everest in the 1950s.Kami Rita's brother is also good at climbing. When he was 12 years old, Kami Rita helping carry things to a camp. Kami Rita has been climbing mountains for over 35 years. Do you know how old he is now? —53 years old! He doesn't mindup to the top over and over again.

  • 29.  补全短文。根据短文内容,从短文后的A-F选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文。

    Did you ever eat at a restaurant that serves western food? If so, do you remember what the menu looked like? But how are they different?

    Most Western restaurant menus do not have as many pictures as Chinese ones do. In some nice western restaurants, the menus might not have any pictures at all. If you order a burger, the menu might tell you that the burger has cheese, ketchup and mustard. The menu can also tell you how the food is cooked - for example, whether it is fried or steamed (蒸).

    Western restaurants use many different ways to design(设计) their menus and make them more attractive. In fact, there is a whole industry called "menu engineering", according to the BBC. Menu engineers are people who are really good at designing menus. A well-designed menu can tell customers to eat certain dishes. It can even make them believe that your restaurant's food is of higher quality, even if they never eat the food before.

    It's better than just writing "steak" in their menu, a restaurant might write "sizzling steak". This makes the steak sound more delicious.

    Also, it is known that people pay the most attention to the dishes at the top of a page. As you can see, menus are not just simple lists of food!

    A. The most important thing is to think of new dishes as specials. 

    B. For example, using description words like "juicy" or "cheesy" can help dishes sell better.

    C. Their menus can make sales more and change customers'(顾客) minds.

    D. This is the best place for dishes that you want customers to have a try.

    E. Western restaurant menus are quite different from Chinese restaurant menus.

    F. But most Western menus show a list of what each dish has.

  • 30.  完成表格。 根据短文内容,完成表格中所缺信息。

    Hello, everyone. Welcome to my podcast. I'm your old friend, Liuhuan, a mother of two. Today, I want to talk about short videos with you.

    Short videos are a new way for people to get different ideas and information on the Internet. The people of all ages have fun watching them on their phones. There are lots of social media platforms with all kinds of short video in different styles around the world like Douyin, Bilibili. Some are fun, some are educational with different topics. And nearly all of them are about five minutes long, even just a few seconds(秒). People not only enjoy watching short videos, but also interested in making them. With a smartphone, almost everybody can make a short video with little difficulty.

    Short videos do have some good points. On the one hand, they can help people learn new things easily and quickly. People can concentrate(集中注意力) better on these videos because they are much shorter. On the other hand, what short videos show is so colorful that almost everyone can find his own interest. Short videos can even help people make money. For example, more people in the countryside choose to sell their things online by using short videos. This new way can make a big difference to their life and work.

    However, these videos also come along with some problems. Spending too much time watching the videos takes time away from studying, working and other important things. Many children and even adults(成年人)have become addicted to(沉迷于) watching them. They hardly ever take part in outdoor activities less often, spending less time with friends and family. 

    As parents, we should see how terrible these problems are. We should set a good example for our children and do something more meaningful together, like riding a bike, taking a walk or playing family games. They are all helpful to help them keep away from smartphones. 

    In my opinion, short videos can help our children get a closer look at the world. They can learn more in less time, too. However, we still need to be careful about the online information. We should learn to tell the right from wrong and make good use of the Internet. 

    Short Videos


    ●They  different ideas and information  people through the Internet. 

    ●They're popular with the people of all ages.

    They're short and easy to make.

    Good points 

    ●They make learning easier and quicker because of its short time. 

    ●They interest people with their colorful shows. 

    They help people make money by online.


    ●People take important things than ever. 

    Many children and even adults have addicted to watching them.

    Advice for parents 

    Parents should know that we in family education. As long as we do something, our children will surely change and follow us. 

    Opinions: The short videos are helpful, but we should care about the way we watch them. 

  • 31. 假如你是Mike, 是一名一中的学生,上周你们学校对学生业余时间看电视节目的情况做了一个调查。请以"What Do No. 1 Middle School Students Think of TV Programs"为题,将下面的调查结果写成一篇英语短文

    Your advice:    ▲    

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