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更新时间:2023-12-25 浏览次数:31 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Four Peak District waterfall walks

    The Peak District National Park offers beautiful scenery for hiking. One exciting attraction is the region's waterfalls. We've picked out four of the most breathtaking waterfall walks; visit just one or tick off all of them as you discover the Peak District.

    Kinder Downfall

    If there's one Peak District waterfall that you must visit, it's this one. Kinder Downfall is one of the best Great British waterfalls, where you can watch a 30-metre stream of water flowing from an open plateau at Kinder Scout. It's best to schedule your visit after heavy rain when the waterfall is really in full force.

    Lumsdale Falls

    If you feel like stepping back in time, take a trip to Lumsdale Falls. The area includes many 17th-century mill (磨坊) buildings which used to be powered by the nearby rivers, and the ancient ruins create a timeless atmosphere in the beautiful Lumsdale Valley.

    Padley Gorge

    The journey to this waterfall has a charming, fairytale feel, making it perfect for a fun day out as a family. The walk is around an hour each way, but there are plenty of picnic spots where you can all refuel, as well as areas for little feet to safely paddle in the chilly water.

    Rivelin Valley

    Make sure you pack your camera when you visit this waterfall in the Rivelin Valley, as it's one of the most picturesque spots in the Peak District. Follow the nature trail through the woodland where you'll find dams, reservoirs, streams and a series of very pretty waterfalls.

    1. (1)  Which of the following best describes the atmosphere of Lumsdale Falls?
      A . Rural. B . Historic. C . Family-friendly. D . Dangerous.
    2. (2) Which waterfall walk is recommended for photography enthusiasts?
      A . Kinder Downfall. B . Lumsdale Falls. C . Padley Gorge. D . Rivelin Valley.
    3. (3) Where can the text be found?
      A . In a travel guide. B . In a news article. C . In a historical document. D . In a scientific journal.
  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    My phone rang after I boarded a plane. It was my former PhD adviser calling to tell me a preprint had just been posted that identified imperfections in a paper we'd published in Nature. My stomach dropped as he told me the authors of the critique (评论) were demanding a retraction (撤回). I was overcome by a mix of emotions — disbelief, embarrassment, frustration — and wondering what this. would mean for my career.

    I took out my laptop and logged on the airport WiFi to read the critique myself. It was unpleasant and thorough, pointing out several fundamental imperfections in our methods and the underlying data, which we'd gathered from other studies.

    The fallout was swift and intense. I received a flood of emails and messages. Some were from supportive colleagues, while others were critical of our work. As the first author of the paper and the person who had done all of the data analysis, I felt deeply embarrassed by the criticism.

    We wrote a draft response, correcting the apparent errors in the data set and defending our methods. However, after receiving feedback from peer reviewers, we decided against publishing our response.

    When it became clear that the retraction was unavoidable, I formally offered my resignation to my department head. He didn't accept it, saying a resignation wasn't needed considering the errors in the paper were honest mistakes.

    The experience helped me grow as a scientist. I learned that it is better to be open and accountable, even if it means admitting mistakes. I can't expect myself to know everything as a scientist and my work will be stronger if I seek out diverse expertise and opinions.

    In the end, the reality is that retractions are a necessary part of the scientific process — and one that shouldn't be viewed only through a negative lens. Retractions can also be an opportunity to learn and improve. Honest mistakes happen, and researchers should be encouraged, not punished, for doing the right thing and retracting imperfect work.

    1. (1)  What news did the author get after boarding the plane?
      A . His career might be influenced by his paper. B . His research paper would be published soon. C . Some mistakes were found in his published paper. D . His adviser demanded that he should retract his paper.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "fallout" in Para. 3 mean?
      A . Consequence. B . Answer. C . Pain. D . Shame.
    3. (3) Why was the author's resignation refused?
      A . He had a good reputation of honesty. B . He didn't make mistakes intentionally. C . He had corrected his mistakes in the paper. D . His response was against by peer reviewers.
    4. (4)  What lesson did the author learn from his experience?
      A . Retractions can be a chance to learn. B . Scientists had better know everything. C . Honest mistakes are necessary in science. D . Admitting mistakes is really embarrassing.
  • 3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    A computer model created by researchers can detect ChatGPT-generated fake studies with great accuracy, a new study shows. This implies that although the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot ChatGPT may be a decent imitator of human workers in several fields, scientific research is not one of them.

    In the new study, published June 7 in the journal Cell Reports Physical Science, researchers created a new computer learning program to tell the differences between real scientific papers and fake examples written by ChatGPT. The scientists trained the program to identify key differences between 64 real studies published in the journal Science and 128 papers created by ChatGPT using the same 64 papers as a prompt.

    The team then tested how well their model could distinguish between a group of real papers and ChatGPT-generated papers, which included 60 real papers from the journal Science and 120 AI-generated papers. The program marked the AI-written papers more than 99% of the time and could correctly tell the differences between human-written and chatbot-written paragraphs 92% of the time.

    ChatGPT-generated papers differed from human text in four key ways: paragraph complexity, sentence-level diversity in length, punctuation marks and "popular words". For example, human authors write longer and more complex paragraphs, while the AI papers used punctuation that is not found in real papers, such as exclamation marks.

    Creating computer programs to tell real papers from AI-generated ones is important because previous studies have hinted that humans may not be as good at spotting the differences and AI is still capable of fooling some humans with its science writing.

    The researchers of the new study say they are pleased that their program is effective at weeding out fake papers but warn it is only a proof of concept. Much more wide-scale studies are needed to create better models that are even more reliable and can be trained to specific scientific disciplines to maintain the integrity of the scientific method.

    1. (1)  Which of the following statements may be true according to the passage?
      A . Paragraphs created by ChatGPT are shorter and easier. B . Every human behaviour can be imitated by ChatGPT. C . AI-generated papers can be correctly recognized by humans. D . Humans are better at telling real papers from AI-generated ones
    2. (2) What does the figures in Para. 3 indicate?
      A . The complexity of the test. B . The importance of AI-generated papers. C . The effectiveness of the computer model. D . A perfect match between AI-generated papers and real papers.
    3. (3) What may be the the researchers' attitudes towards the computer program?
      A . Favorable. B . Pessimistic. C . Skeptical. D . Cautious.
    4. (4)  What does the author mainly talk about in the text?
      A . The application of ChatGPT in paper writing. B . A computer program to identify. AI-generated papers. C . The difference between AI-generated papers and real papers. D . Possibility for ChatGPT to create convincing scientific papers.
  • 4. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    You scroll through Instagram and like every post you see. You read an acquaintance's story as soon as they post it. You leave a comment on a post or two Then it hits you: Didn't you just leave a comment on that person's post yesterday? And the day before that? And last week?

    An Instagram creep is someone who offers unprompted significant attention online to certain individuals they've taken an interest in. It is a strategy to send a signal of affection-whether it is to a romantic partner, or a close friend, but it can also be perceived as being too much, too interested and too involved. At worst, it might be seen as being possessive, as the person absolutely has to be the first to comment, to establish his importance in front of others.

    However, not every Instagram creep has the same intentions, with some lighthearted and innocent. "For example, people who have a higher frequency of being online may have a higher likelihood of seeing the posts quickly, "said Maryanne Fisher, a psychology professor at St. Mary's University in Canada. "In a way, it could be simply an exposure effect."

    "If you feel like you're the creeper, there's a quick way to fix the problem. Resisting the urge to comment or like every post would be helpful," Fisher said. It's important to be aware that while you might be doing it to express affection, it can be perceived as being possessive. You should ask yourself what your intention is. What need is getting met by that behavior? If it makes the recipient feel uncomfortable and excessive, that should be attended to. If it's a pattern and if it's a "need", then there might be something more significant going on.

    All told, remember that anything you put on the Internet has consequences. If you think you're being creepy even for a second, take time to separate yourself from it.

    1. (1) Who is likely to be an Instagram creep?
      A . An old man unfamiliar with social media. B . A young guy having a preference for a certain brand. C . A woman having a tendency to talk online with friends. D . An adult who is paying special attention to his friend's Instagram update.
    2. (2)  What is Para. 3 of the text mainly about?
      A . Ways to fix the problem. B . Effects on the recipients. C . Possible reasons for being creepy. D . Differences between serious and lighthearted creepers.
    3. (3) What effect might a creeper have on the person being "creeped" on?
      A . The person likes the behaviour. B . The person wasn't aware of that. C . The person might not feel at ease. D . The person might feel like the creeper.
    4. (4)  What does the author want to express in this passage?
      A . Less is more. B . Look before you leap. C . Love me, love my dog. D . Put the cart before the horse.
  • 5.  阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。


    Having a healthy level of self-confidence is important to your health and well-being. It can help you become more successful in your personal and professional life. . Fortunately, there are several ways you can boost your self-confidence.

    Remind yourself of your good qualities. Take some time to think about or write down the skills, personality traits, and qualities that you like about yourself. . For example, you might love that you're compassionate and great at sports, or you might be proud that you're fiercely loyal to your friends. This way you can remind yourself whenever you're feeling down.

    Silence your inner critic. By constantly thinking that you can't achieve things, you'll start to believe it. Pay attention to the negative thoughts and put a stop to them. It might help to write down the negative thoughts you have. Then, read through them to find where they're coming from. .

    Don't let mistakes stop you. Instead of beating yourself up for mistakes, focus on what you learned from the experience or what you'd do differently next time, and keep going. . You might mentally tell yourself that you messed up on that test, but now you know what to study for next time.

    Remember, it's not an easy road to build more confidence. You're not going to be the most confident person by tomorrow. . So rather than waste time worrying that you aren't good enough, devote to your efforts. Ultimately, you'll perform better in the long run.

    A. It's a process that will take time.

    B. Get out your journal or diary and make a list.

    C. Try to stop the source of these harmful thoughts.

    D. However, not everyone feels confident in themselves.

    E. You can find ways to join clubs that you're passionate about.

    F. If you're used to lowering your head, push yourself to raise your hand in class.

    G. Being afraid to make mistakes can stop you from learning and growing, so

    embrace them.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Many quarterbacks in the playoffs (季后赛) went through lots of adversity throughout their careers. Even in tough circumstance, Joe Burrow, a talented and determined quarterback, wasn't 1 .

    Burrow moved around a lot as a child because of his father's 2 . They first moved to Fargo and eventually, his father 3 a job at Ohio University, which brought Joe to Ohio. While it was hard for Joe to constantly make new friends every few years, he got through it by playing 4 .

    Burrow dreamed from 5 of playing in the NFL, but his journey wasn't easy. Despite getting recruited for football at Ohio State University, he 6 got on the field, serving only as a backup for three years. Later, he made a decision. He left Ohio and 7 to Louisiana State University so he could play more football. Unfortunately, when Burrow was only in his first season of playing in the NFL, he suffered a serious 8 injury that almost ended his entire football 9 . Joe had to sit out the rest of that year and had a reconstructive 10 . The recovery was pretty 11 and it was tough for him to do anything by himself. However, Burrow just 12 getting it fixed and being ready for the game.

    With great 13 , Joe Burrow went at his recovery and then broke the records and 14  all the major college football awards. Although facing many hardships and challenges, he continued to overcome every 15  to make NFL history.

    A .  removed B .  defeated C .  charged D .  dismissed
    A .  job B .  command C .  study D .  reason
    A .  refused B .  finished C .  spotted D .  landed
    A .  music B .  games C .  sports D .  jokes
    A .  childhood B .  birth C .  work D .  marriage
    A .  frequently B .  barely C .  cautiously D .  actually
    A .  devoted B .  transported C .  explained D .  transferred
    A .  heart B .  stomach C .  throat D .  knee
    A .  task B .  interest C .  career D .  time
    A .  lecture B .  surgery C .  course D .  aid
    A .  miserable B .  gentle C .  comfortable D .  patient
    A .  contributed to B .  adapted to C .  marked on D .  focused on
    A .  patience B .  determination C .  confidence D .  pain
    A .  lost B .  competed C .  swept D .  made
    A .  obstacle B .  mistake C .  result D .  enemy
  • 7.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of Jingmai Mountain in Pu'er, Southwest China was inscribed onto the UNESCO World Heritage list, (become) the first World Heritage site for tea culture.

    Over the past 12 years, the local government and villagers (cooperate) closely in the ecological development of traditional villages, old tea plantations and forests. By applying (advance) and scientific methods into traditional tea processing, the local community has got rid of poverty. The landscape is considered typical example of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, shows local people's wisdom to know, respect and make use of nature.

    Jingmai Mountain still preserves the languages, customs and festivals of different ethnic  (group), adding more charm to the ancient tea forests. The local villagers are grateful for nature's gifts and consider the tea forests as a part of (they) lives. They have a unique "tea ancestor belief". People express gratitude to the tea trees and seek blessings the tea forests and villages on important days. A secret traditional ceremony, passed down for generations, is carried out before picking tea leaves.

     (encourage), an increasing number of young people are choosing  (stay) in their hometowns and safeguard the tea forests left by their ancestors.

  • 8. 假如你是李华,你的交换生朋友Jack对中国的美食特别感兴趣,他下周即将来到你所在的城市旅游,请你给他推荐这个城市最具代表性的一道美食。请你根据以下提示,给Jack回一封邮件。内容要点如下:1. 表示欢迎;2. 推荐该美食的理由;3. 表达祝愿。

    注意:1. 写作词数应为80个左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Dear Jack,


    Li Hua

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    A Panting Trout

    Julia always enjoyed running through The Dark Walk towards the light at the end of it, which was a dark, damp tunnel of smooth branches. This year she had the extra joy of showing it to her small brother, Stephen, and of terrifying him as well as herself.

    One day they found a hole on one side of the walk. Inside there was water, where they perceived (察觉、发现) a breathless trout (鳟鱼). They were both so thrilled that they were no longer afraid of the darkness as they bent down and peered at the fish panting (喘气) in his tiny prison, his silver stomach going up and down like an engine, otherwise he was motionless. Julia wondered what he ate and thought of his hunger. She found him a worm. But he ignored the food, and just went on panting. She bent over him, wondering how he had been here. All the winter, in the dark tunnel, all day, all night, floating around alone.

    Nobody knew how the fish got here. Her mother suggested that a bird had carried it here. Her father thought that in the winter a small stream might have carried it down there as a baby, and it had been safe until summer came and the water began to dry up.

    Before going to bed, Stephen asked his mummy to tell him a story as usual, while Julia lay in her bed, not interested in it. That night mom told a story about a trapped little fish. "And so, in the end, the naughty fish got bigger and bigger, and the water got less and less... Then a Fairy Godmother appeared..."

    Passionately, she turned around and cried, "Mummy, don't make it a horrible old story." Staring at the moon she knew there was no such thing as a fairy and that actually the trout, down in the tunnel, was panting for his life:

    She sat up in the silent night and Stephen was sound asleep. 



    Julia poured the trout out of the pot into the river. 



