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更新时间:2023-12-12 浏览次数:31 类型:期中考试
一、 语言知识运用(45分)I. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(5分)
二、 II.单项选择 请从每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个正确答案。(10分)
三、 III. 完成对话 从方框中选择正确选项, 其中有一个选项是多余的。(5分)
  • 16.  补全对话

    A. My family and I go to a park by the river.  
    B. You already know something about the holiday! 

    C. What does it say?  
    D. How do you celebrate the festival? 

    E. What else do you want to share?
    F. When is the festival celebrated?

    Greg: Welcome to the show, Luna Chen!


    Luna: We have a family reunion and barbecue(烧烤)outside. 

    Greg:The full moon represents reunions, right? 


    Greg:Yes!Now , can you tell me the best place to celebrate? 


    Greg:Can you get a good view of the moon there? 

    Luna:Oh, yes!That's the purpose (目的)of going there. 


    Luna:There's a famous Chinese poem about the moon and family. 


    Luna: The end says, "May we live long and share the beauty of the moon together, even if we are hundreds of miles apart. (但愿人长久, 千里共婵娟。)"

  • 17.  IV. 补全对话 根据所给的对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整正确。每空词数不限(5分) 

    A: Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me the way to the History Museum? 

    B: . Go along this street. Turn left into Xinf Street, and the museum is on your right. 

    A:   will it take me to walk there? 

    B: It's about thirty minutes. 

    A:I see. 

    B: Yes, you can. A No. 103 bus will take you there. 

    A: is the bus stop? 

    B: Over there. Look! The bus is coming. 

    A: Thank you very much. 


四、 V根据短文内容,在空白处用括号内单词的正确形式填空。(5分)
  • 18.  语法填空

    I got to know David on the  ( two) day of middle school. We both liked playing basketball and  (collect) stamps, So we always had a lot of things to talk about. Once I traveled with him to his hometown in the countryside. He  (show) me around and I saw many  (interest) things. We had a  ( wonder) time. It is really nice to have such a good classmate. 

五、 VI. 根据短文内容,从每个小题所给的选项中,选出一个正确答案。(5分)
  • 19.  完形填空

    Do you know anything about the invention of the bar code(条形码)? 

    A small food store owner found it was 1  to keep records of the product information. In 1948, A head(负责人) asked the Drexel Institute of Technology to solve this 2  . Bernard Silver, a graduate student, was 3  . He and his friend Norman Joseph Woodland 4  to work on it. 5  they invented their first working system. In 1952, the system got the patent(专利). 

    A .  easy B .  difficult C .  interesting 
    A .  problem B .  plan C .  project 
    A .  bored B .  tired C .  interested 
    A .  started B .  continued C .  refused 
    A .  First B .  Soon C .  Recently 
六、 VII. 短文填空 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文。其中有两个选项是多余的(10分)
  • 20.  选词填空

    A. bored B.  won' t C. walk D. should E.  carefully F.  advised G. refuse H. decision I.  the J.  always K.  or L.  although

    "The next class is geography. I'm with it. Let's cut the class(旷课)and go for a walk!"Grace said to Karen. In fact, Karen liked geography. She had no idea what she do. "If I Grace's invitation, she will be angry with me, " she thought. "But if I go with her, I take the class. "It was difficult for her to say no to Grace. Then Karen remembered Mom's words, " Remember who you are. And do the right thing. '

    "I'm sorry, Grace, "Karen said. She finally made the right . And she Grace to take the class , too. " We have lots of time for a after school , don't we? We'd better take the class, we will probably fail(不及格)the final exam. I don't want the teacher to call our parents. "Finally, the two girls sat in the classroom and listened to the geography teacher .

七、 阅读理解。(40 分)
  • 21. 阅读上面短文,根据短文内容选出正确选项。

    Tom and his cousin took a boat trip. When they got on the boat, every passenger(乘客)should answer the keeper a question. If the passenger answered" yes" , he or she got one gift;if the passenger answered" no", he or she got two gifts. Tom and his cousin saw all about this. Now it was their turn. The keeper came up to them and asked, "Are you a good sailor? "Tom wanted to get two gifts, so he answered"no"loudly , at the same time he said, "I have never been a sailor, how could I be a good sailor? " The keeper gave him two gifts. His cousin gave the same answer , so he got two gifts , too.

    The boat started off. The passengers began to open their gifts. Tom and his cousin did the same. They found that one of the two gifts was a small bottle of drinking water, the other was a seasick tablet(晕船药). Tom had a look at a" yes" passenger's gift. His was a nice chocolate. Tom shouted at the keeper, "We are never seasick. Why do you give us seasick tablets? "

    1. (1) Tom and his cousin____. 
      A . went to eat chocolates B . went on a trip by boat C . worked for the keeper D . needed a bottle of drinking water
    2. (2) When did the keeper ask the passengers questions? 
      A . Before the trip. B . After the trip. C . During the trip. D . Never.
    3. (3) Why did Tom and his cousin answer" no"? 
      A . Because they felt sick on the boat. B . Because they were good sailors. C . Because they both wanted to get two gifts. D . Because they wanted to have chocolates.
    4. (4) The underlined part " a good sailor"means____.
      A . 晕船 B . 不晕船 C . 好销售员 D . 好水手
    5. (5) Which of the following statements is true? 
      A . The keeper cheated(欺骗) Tom and his cousin. B . Tom and his cousin didn't want the seasick tablets. C . All the other passengers answered" yes". D . The keeper didn't want to give Tom and his cousin chocolates.
  • 22.  (B)阅读理解

    A video of Xiong Linghao, an 18-year-old girl playing Pathetique Sonata in a youth piano competition in Shanghai, became popular online. Xiong Linghao is a blind(盲的)girl. When she was little, her mother found she had a talent for music. She could play children's songs at home when she was only 3. Then her mother sent her to learn the piano at the age of 6. She said her idol(偶像)is Beethoven, who had hearing problems in his 20s and later could hear nothing. They both tried to touch the world through music. "The piano is my best friend, " said Xiong. "The piano brings much to me. It helps make my life different. "

    In fact, it is not easy for the blind to learn to play the piano. At first, Xiong's teacher helped

    her put her hands and fingers on keys(琴键). "Practice is important because I need muscle

    memory(肌肉记忆)to find the right keys, " she said. 

    About three years ago, Xiong composed (创 作) one song called The Little Dog in Dream. 

    She hopes her life will become easier with the help of a guide dog. She hopes her dream can

    come true one day. 

    阅读短文内容, 选择最佳答案。(5分)

    1. (1) How did people get to know Xiong? 
      A . By watching her video. B . By reading her story, C . By listening to her music. D . By knowing about her idol.
    2. (2) What's Xiong's problem? 
      A . She can hear nothing B . She can see nothing. C . She can't walk. D . She has problems with her muscle.
    3. (3) Beethoven is mentioned (提到)to____
      A . tell the similar story of Xiong B . B. show Xiong uses the same way as him to touch the world. C . show Xiong is talented in music D . make us believe talented people are different from common people
    4. (4) Match the activities with the information and choose the right answer. 

      ①Xiong composed a song.  

      ②Xiong first played songs at home 

      ③Xiong started learning the piano. 

      a. At the age of 3 b. At the age of 6 c. At the age of 15

      A . ①-a ②-c ③-b B . ①-b ②-a ③-c C . ①-c ②-a ③-b D . ①-b ②-c ③-a
    5. (5) Which can be the best title for this passage? 
      A . Nothing Is Impossible B . It' s Never Too Late to Learn C . Where There Is Life, There Is Hope D . Facts Speak for Themselves
  • 23.  (C)阅读判断

    The Double Third Festival is an ancient Chinese festival. It comes on the third day of the third lunar month. The day is said to be the birthday of the Yellow Emperor(Huangdi ). He, along with the Yan Emperor(Yandi), is considered to be the ancestor of all Chinese people. The date was fixed after the Wei and Jin Dynasties. 

    In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, people often took a bath in the river on that day to wash away bad luck. Wang Xizhi wrote in his Lantingji Xu about how people took a bath and wrote poems while drinking from cups drifting along the river. In the Tang Dynasty,peopleenjoyed drinks and sightseeing. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, people did activities like drifting cups, throwing stones, hiking and listening to music. In modern times, it is mainly celebrated by the people in the southern parts of China. For the Zhuang people in Guangxi, it is a festival for young people to sing songs and find their true love. Bamboo dancing is another important activity for them. For the Li people and the Miao people in Hainan, it is a day for remembering ancestors. For the Han people, it is a time to go outside to enjoy flowers and cook eggs with jicai. The Han people believe the special eggs are good for their health. 

    根据短文内容, 判断下列句子正(T)、误(F)。(5分)

    1. (1)  The Double Third Festival falls on the third day of March every year. 
    2. (2) People in the Tang Dynasty celebrated the festival by taking a bath in the river. 
    3. (3) The Double Third Festival is mainly celebrated in the southern parts of China nowadays. 
    4. (4) In Hainan, the festival is a day for young people to sing songs and find their love. 
    5. (5) This passage mainly tell us the Double Third Festival and how people celebrate it. 
  • 24.  ( D )阅读还原

    Once upon a time, there lived a man named Yue Guang. He loved inviting friends to drink wine(酒). When his friend came, Yue Guang found he didn' t look well, so Yue Guang asked him the reason. "It was all because of that day at your home last time. It made me feel terrible. From that day on, I was so scared that I couldn' t do anything. "

    Yue Guang was surprised. He looked around and then saw a bow (弓) with a painted snake hung on the wall of his room. When the cup was filled with wine, he pointed to the shadow(影子) of the bow in the cup and asked his friend to look at it. His friend took a look and said, " Yue Guang laughed and took off the bow on the wall. "Could you see the snake anymore? "he asked. Both of them laughed and went on drinking.


    A. I found that there was a little snake lying in the wine. 

    B. Well,  that is what I saw last time. 

    C. One day Yue Guang invited his friend to his home. 

    D. His friend was surprised to find that the snake wasn' t in the wine any more. 

    E. Seeing this, Yue Guang asked his friend

  • 25.  ( E)任务型阅读

    Studying makes you tired. How to deal with the worries and relax yourself? Here is

    some advice which may add happiness to your life. 

     Weekends are time for a rest. After a week's hard work, weekends are the

    best time for you to relax yourself. Having a nice sleep is a good idea, because good sleep makes sure of your study. 

     If you feel sad, don't try to hide your feelings. Crying out may help reduce your sadness. 

     You can write down all that you want to say. That's a great way to think about and remember life. You can do it on paper or on computers. 

     It's not a good idea for a kid to lose weight, so you don't need to eat less food. When you feel upset, enjoy a big meal. Eating delicious food will make you feel good. 

     Having a get-together is great fun. Going out with friends for a trip will make you happy. And it will also bring you a good sleep. 

    1)(a)根据短文内容, 从方框中选出每段的主旨大意。

    A Keep a diary B Enjoy a big meal

    C Rest at weekends D Join in activities

    E Cry out


    The writer gives us some  on adding happiness. Good   makes sure of your study. Crying out can help you reduce your   . Keeping a diary is a great way to   about and remember life. Having a party or   out with friends will make you happy and sleep well. 

  • 26. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

    More than 700 years ago, Scotland(苏格兰) was fighting with England. The King of England wanted to control Scotland. He had a strong army so it was difficult for the Scots to fight. They lost many times. King Robert of Scotland had to run from the English army. 

    It was a rainy day. King Robert lay in an old house. He thought that he was not good enough to be king. He was so worried that he didn't even see a spider near him. He looked up when he saw the spider climbing. It was trying to climb up to its web at the top of the house but it fell down. 

    "How sad!" thought King Robert. "The spider is like me. It's not strong enough. "He watchedwhile the spider climbed up again. It fell down a second time.

    "Be careful, little spider, or you might die, " he said. "Life is so hard, You'll never get back to your web. " But the spider tried again and again. King Robert watched while it slowly climbed back to its web. After an hour, the spider go to the web.

    "You're such a great spider, " he said. "If you can keep trying, I can too, I must keep on fighting. I won't let the English win. " His army grew strong and they stopped

    the English army. Scotland was free. 

    1. (1) When did Robert lie in an old house and see a spider ? 
    2. (2) What did the spider try to do? 
    3. (3) How did Robert feel about the spider at first ? 
    4. (4) Did the spider succeed at last ? 
    5. (5) What does the writer mainly want to tell us ? 
八、 书面表达(15分)
  • 27.  假定你是某中学初三学生李华。你的美国朋友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他对中国新

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    Dear Jim, 

    I'm writing to tell you more about the new form of sharing bike mentioned in your latest letter. 


