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更新时间:2023-12-12 浏览次数:23 类型:开学考试
  • 21.  完形填空

    When Tian Qian met an old man selling wild kiwifruit at a morning market, the short conversation between them ended up with a heartwarming story. 

    The old man was very 1 , so Tian talked to him and learned that he 2  wild kiwifruit in the mountains. 

    "My grandparents used to collect wild jujubes for me when I was little. I really 3 their flavor(味道)," Tian said.

    "There are still a few wild jujubes in the 4 . I will find some for you," the old man said.

    Tian didn't really take his words to heart because she didn't even know the man's 5 . When she saw him two days later, she was 6 . The old man was waiting for her. He 7 stuffed(把……塞进)a big bag of wild jujubes into her hands. With great joy, Tian immediately handed some money to him.

    "No money." The old man said. "I promised I'd find some. I won't give them to you 8 you pay me."

    Tian didn't expect him to remember 9 he'd been told by her. The old man won respect for keeping his promise.

    Keeping one's word is a traditional virtue(美德)in China. Everyone was touched by the story between the two 10 . More people wished the old man a long and healthy life because of his honesty and warmth.

    A .  brave B .  careful C .  clever D .  friendly
    A .  picks B .  plants C .  provides D .  protects
    A .  remember B .  forget C .  miss D .  like
    A .  cities B .  towns C .  villages D .  mountains
    A .  family B .  address C .  name D .  hobby
    A .  in silence B .  in surprise C .  in happiness D .  in mess
    A .  angrily B .  quickly C .  slowly D .  softly
    A .  unless B .  though C .  if D .  because
    A .  anything B .  everything C .  nothing D .  something
    A .  friends B .  strangers C .  families D .  relatives
  • 22.  阅读理解

    Guo Guangpu, a university professor, can be a bit odd outside the classroom, especially when he is seen sniffing(闻)bird droppings, or even pretending to eat them for dramatic effect. 

    This dramatic way of teaching has proved to be effective. To date, Guo has made more than 100 short science videos about animals and plants, as well as ecology systems. People can find information on a wide range of interesting natural phenomena(现象)in Guo's educational videos on the popular short video-sharing platform Douyin.

    His followers have watched his trips to learn about unusual knowledge. For example, they can see lychee in Dongguan of Guangdong province, Asiatic toad(蟾蜍)in Zhejiang province, and weird fruits of various shapes and sizes in Yunnan province. 

    "Science videos are not easy to make. You have to be professional as well as lively and interesting. Only in this way can people with different levels of knowledge understand," Guo says. Therefore, he needs to look up plenty of information to make sure that there are no mistakes in his videos. While presenting the knowledge, he also tries his best to deliver the information in plain words.

    As a result, his efforts have attracted more than 14,000 followers since March. Some of his videos have received as many as 17,000 likes.

    "With the help of Professor Guo, I am able to appreciate the beautiful land across the country even without leaving home," says Ren Jiaxi, one of Guo's Douyin followers. "His video encourages my interest in learning," Ren adds.

    1. (1) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Guo plans to make more than 100 videos every year. B . All of Guo's videos have received as many as 17,000 likes. C . Guo's videos are educational even though there are some mistakes. D . Over 14,000 people have followed Guo's videos online.
    2. (2) Why are the examples mentioned in the third paragraph?
      A . To show the rich natural resources in China. B . To compare the differences in different provinces. C . To prove how much viewers can learn from Guo's videos. D . To list all the natural phenomena Guo has presented in his videos.
    3. (3) What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?
      A . How much information is needed in order to make a video. B . The challenge Guo comes across when making videos. C . The introduction of a professional and interesting video. D . How to deliver knowledge in plain words.
    4. (4) Which of the following words can be used to describe Professor Guo?

      ①professional  ②creative  ③knowledgeable  ④weird

      A . ①②③ B . ①②④ C . ②③④ D . ①③④
    5. (5) What's the best title of this passage?
      A . Science videos are difficult to make. B . A university professor seeks a new way to teach. C . Dramatic way of teaching is the most effective. D . Making short videos is getting more popular in school.
  • 23.  阅读理解

    When you are back home, it just takes a few words to wake up the Back Home Model. In this model, air conditioner and lights are turned on, and even curtains are closed. Relaxing music plays softly. In the kitchen, cookers and other tools have cooking plains, making it easier than ever to cook like a master cook. They are all powered by Huawei's self-developed operating system Harmony OS with 5G and AI wireless technologies. By simply touching phones for once, all connections are built.

    However, before this creative system, traditional smart home products are not as smart as they should be. Su Ying, living in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, has more than 50 smart products in his home. "Though I can use an app to turn off the lights in the living room while I am in the bedroom. I have met several problems," Su said. "It is difficult to connect the phone with 50 home products. Different apps are needed but many of them are less used, and end up as just being useless," he added.

    But now, these above problems are solved. Shao Yang, chief officer of Huawei, said the company aims to provide the most intelligent service in an orderly manner, unlike the traditional ways of managing independent and unconnected products. In July more than 300 million of the company's products have been with HarmonyOS, which makes it the world's fastest-growing operating system.

    It is in line with a world report by US communication service company Plume. The company found that world users have growing interest in the things of Internet and smart home technologies. The number of connected products per home stood at about 17.1 at the end of June 2022, up 10 percent compared with the same period of last year. 

    Shenzhen government also takes action to promote green and smart home appliances, as part of efforts to be ahead of the trend. 

    1. (1) What smart home products is NOT mentioned in the passage?
      A . cooker B . curtain C . air conditioner D . fridge
    2. (2) What's the relationship between paragraph 2 and paragraph 3?
      A . From fact to opinion B . From problem to solution C . From main idea to details D . From cause to effect
    3. (3) Which word can be used to describe Hua Wei's smart home technologies?

      ①comfortable  ②advanced  ③orderly  ④connected

      A . ①②③ B . ②③④ C . ①②④ D . ①③④
    4. (4) What can we infer from the paragraph 4?
      A . More and more people are interested in smart home products. B . Smart home products will face a lot of challenges in the future. C . Compared with 2021, every home has 10 more smart home products. D . Smart home technologies are more popular than Internet technologies.
    5. (5) Which website is the text probably taken from?
      A . //www. szscience. com. cn/ B . //www. szbookfair. com. cn/ C . //www. szculture. com. cn/ D . //www. sztravel. com. cn/
  • 24.  阅读理解

    If you've ever watched a dog nap(打盹), you may wonder if animals dream. It's a difficult question. We still don't know exactly why humans dream, or why dreams might be important. Studying animal dreams is even harder: dogs can't tell us what makes them whine(哭啼)or run while asleep. However, scientists are trying their best to learn more about animal dreamers, and the good news is that they have discovered more than ever before.

    Cats are some of the first animals researchers turn to. It is found that cats would move as if awake, hunting, jumping and defending themselves against imaginary threats(威胁). Scientists call this ‘paradoxical sleep'. It is the time when the body is still but the mind remains fully active. It also provides a window into what is happening in the cats' sleeping brains.

    Things seem to be different in rats' dreams. Research has shown that after rats run a maze(迷宫)during the day, they can rerun the same route while asleep. This suggests that some part of the animal brains can make and store memories when awake. Later when asleep, these memories get brought up again.

    Zebra finches, a kind of songbirds, also dream to replay their waking experience. While the birds sleep, their brain reproduces the song they heard and sang that day, suggesting the birds remember and practice songs in their sleep. Many scientists suppose finches have a similar sleep structure as humans.

    Today, scientists would not be surprised at the dreams found in animals. They are getting closer to a scientific study of those dreams, and the discoveries tell us that humans are not the only species capable of remembering and learning. 

    1. (1) Why does the writer talk about dogs in the first paragraph?
      A . To describe dogs' most common dreams. B . To explain what dogs usually dream about in a nap. C . To explain why it is difficult to study animal dreams. D . To give an example of scientists' latest discoveries on animal dreams.
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE about ‘paradoxical sleep'?
      A . Cats will face real threats in this period. B . Cats will remain still while their minds keep active. C . Cats will turn to a window at this time. D . Cats will be awake quickly to go hunting or jumping.
    3. (3) From the passage, we can learn that ____.
      A . dogs can explain why they whine and run while asleep. B . cats can recall maze memories in their dreams. C . rats can make and store memories when asleep. D . finches and humans share a similar sleep structure.
    4. (4) What is the structure of the passage?
      A . B . C . D .
    5. (5) The passage is probably from ____.
      A . a notice B . a guidebook C . a newspaper D . a science report
  • 25.  六选五

    Whether it's changing jobs, taking care of a sick parent, or moving to a new place, disruptions(混乱)in life can make it hard to maintain moment-by-moment focus and well-being(健康). Long-term goals remain important, but long-term focus can be hard. Daily or weekly habits supporting your long-term goals can keep you on track even when it's hard to think ahead.

    The first is personal reflection(反思). This can mean keeping diaries, documenting the funny things our friends say, and recording what we are thankful for a few times per week. 

    Second, we need time for professional reflection. For example, you may sit down on a Sunday night and write down the most important to-dos in the coming week. . Instead, it directs your focus to what's most important. Simple, daily or weekly reflection can make a meaningful difference in productivity and focus.

    A third area is building and maintaining relationships. It's important to manage our relationships well. For us, right now, the primary relationships are with our parents and teachers. . These sound like small things, but they matter a lot.

    Finally, we all need to form good habits that encourage physical and mental health. Studies show that people who get at least two days of exercise per week are happier. .


    A. We also need to try making some time to spend with a friend or two.

    B. Similarly, as little as 20 minutes of exercise can boost mood as well.

    C. This helps you focus on not simply what's most visible or immediate.

    D. When setting these habits, focus on the following four areas. 

    E. Everyone's life looks different, but we all feel busy and stressful sometimes.

    F. Such practices can help us better enjoy life events and remain joyful.

  • 26.  信息匹配

    A. If you want to visit a theme park and avoid the rush hour, you need to make a good plan for your journey. For example, book tickets and check the hotel ahead of time. 

    B. According to the weather report, there is going to be a heavy snow in Shandong. The temperature is going to be very low, about—10℃ on the top. So you are advised to have warm clothes and plenty of food on hand. 

    C. If you travel to America, Film Making Centre is very interesting that you must go to. Take your time and have a relaxing trip. 

    D. Good news for the tourists to Hangzhou. If you join our tour group, you can enjoy a 2-day tour at the price of only ¥4,500. We will guide you to experience the West Lake and local culture. It is a pleasant place for us to relax ourselves.

    E. If you only have a little time to visit New York, Hollywood is a place you must go to. It's a good place to visit where movies are made and it's the best place to take photos.

    F. The National Day is coming. Beijing is your best place to choose. You can watch flag-raising ceremony because it's very significant for you to experience this activity.

    Jack will go travelling with his family in the coming October. Because the holiday is also very long, they especially want to do something very meaningful. 

    Mary plans to go to New York on a trip. She doesn't have enough time for a tour. She likes American science fiction movies very much, so she wants to visit film production city.

    Linda is going to climb Mount Tai with his classmates. She wants to know the weather and temperature. They need to prepare clothes or necessities to take. 

    Jason is a doctor. He plans to find a place with her workmates to relax during the Mid-Autumn Day. They plan to spend less and enjoy the natural beauty. 

    Cindy really wants to go to Shanghai Disneyland. She is afraid of too many people and wants to know what she should do before her travel. 

  • 37.  语法填空

    The story happened in ancient Greece. A man noticed the great storyteller Aesop was playing childish games  some little boys. He  (laugh) at Aesop, asking him why he wasted his time on such unworthy activity. 

    Aesop responded by picking up a bow, (loosen) its string, and placing it on the ground. Then he said to the man, "Now, solve the riddle, if you can. Tell us what the unstrung(断弦的)bow (mean)."

    The man looked at it for a long time had no idea what point Aesop was trying to make. The moralist explained, "If you keep a bow always bent, it will break at last, but if you let it go loose (occasional), it will be much (fit) for use when you want it."

    So it is with us. Our minds and  (body) are like bow. When constantly under pressure, we can eventually break. We need time to relax  (our). Taking time  (watch) the clouds, enjoy a breeze or take a walk is necessary if we are to be our best later. 

  • 38.  语法填空

    Going to Mount Huangshan reminds me of the popular Beatles' song "The Long and Winding Road". What is so breathtaking about the experience is the out-of-this-world scenes. The rolling sea of clouds you see once you are at the top will remind you how tiny we (human)are.

    The hot spring the foot of the mountain is something you must try after the climb. It will (absolute) help you get refreshed! The amazing thing about the spring is that the colder the temperature gets, the (hot) the spring! Strange, isn't it? But that's how nature is—always leaving us (surprise).

    What comes next is the endless series of steps. You can't help wondering how hard it (be) for the people then to put all those rocks into place. Though it is the only unnatural thing on your way up the mountain, still it highlights the whole adventure offers a place where you can sit down your arching legs.

    the song goes, this long and winding road "will never disappear", and it will always stick in the visitor's memory. It sure does in (I). While you're in China, Mount Huangshan is must to visit!

  • 39. 教育部已经正式发布通知:中小学生原则上不得将个人手机带入校园。很多学校已经开始实施此项管理。为了响应这一政策,你校也开展了"学生无手机进校园"活动,但都屡禁不止。假定你是校学生会主席,希望同学们为创建"无手机校园"做出自己的贡献。请你按照所提示的要点,代表学生会写一篇倡议书。                                                                                            



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    参考词汇:沉迷于be addicted to 承诺书letter of commitment 家长会parents' meeting 签字活动signature activity

    My dear fellow students, 

    The Ministry of Education has carried out a policy that students in primary and secondary schools are not allowed to take mobile phones into campus.


    Students' Union

