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更新时间:2023-11-28 浏览次数:34 类型:中考真卷
一、单项选择, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  • 1. —Mum, I'm so hungry. Would you please pass ____ apple to me?

    —OK. Here you are.

    A . 不填 B . a C . an D . the
  • 2. Now students have more free time ____ night because of the "double reduction" policy.
    A . in B . on C . at D . to
  • 3.  —____ is the fashion show?

    —In the school hall. The purpose of it is to raise money for a charity.

    A . Where B . When C . How D . Which
  • 4. Mary is good at writing. I am sure she'll get a good place ____ she takes part in the writing competition.
    A . before B . if C . though D . unless
  • 5.  Peter, our monitor, is creative and energetic enough to ____ the task successfully.
    A . complete B . collect C . control D . consider
  • 6.  —Good news! The Chinese women football team came first in the 2022 Asian Cup.

    —Exactly. The final is ____ one I have ever seen.

    A . a less amazing B . the most amazing C . a more amazing D . the least amazing
  • 7. —Miss Hu, I haven't seen you for a long time.

    —Yes. I ____ as a volunteer nurse in Shanghai for a month. I came back yesterday.

    A . worked B . am working C . have worked D . work
  • 8.  We should have a healthy diet, proper exercise and enough sleep ____ fit.
    A . keeping B . to keep C . keep D . kept
  • 9.  —I hear the Drawing Club was ____ in our school last week. Shall we join it?

    —Good idea. Let's go.

    A . put up B . picked up C . taken up D . set up
  • 10.  Mrs. Smith has lived in China for twenty years, so she has ____ Chinese food.
    A . looked forward to B . got used to C . made a difference to D . paid attention to
  • 11.  Mr. Fang introduces a lot about the ____ which is organized to help wild animals.
    A . product B . promise C . present D . project
  • 12.  —Mike, why do you come here so late? The concert ____ since half an hour ago.

    —What a pity! No wonder all the singers have left.

    A . has ended B . has been on C . has started D . has been over
  • 13.  In the library you ____ draw or write in the books, or you will be fined.
    A . mustn't B . needn't C . wouldn't D . couldn't
  • 14.  Sandy asked the boy ____.
    A . why did he like English films B . how he will improve his English C . why he read the English magazine D . how many new words he has learned
  • 15. Don't stay up late to finish the design, or you may be tired out. Remember, ____.
    A . no pain, no gain B . practice makes perfect C . don't burn the candle at both ends D . don't put all your eggs in one basket
  • 16.  请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    When we entered Grandma's house, I tried not to look at Grandpa's chair, but I saw it anyway. Even the blanket (毛毯) was still there, as if Grandpa still sat there and pulled it over his legs. I was not much of a hugger, but I gave 1 a hug.

    John and Max, my twin cousins, were fighting on the floor as if 2 had happened, as if Grandpa hadn't died last winter.

    "Let's go looking for lobsters (龙虾)!" John suggested while Max was sitting on top of him.

    "Yeah!" Then Max 3 John and ran to the small hall closet. He pulled out Grandpa's lobster trap, with which Grandpa taught us all how to catch lobsters.

    Last summer when I was holding that trap in my hands, Grandpa asked me if I wanted to stay and 4 him to teach Bob, my little brother, how to play chess. I said no. I wanted to catch lobsters with my cousins. But now when Grandpa was gone, there wouldn't be any 5 with Grandpa.

    "Hey, are you coming?" John asked me from the doorway.

    "Of course." I said.

    "I'm coming, too," Bob, my brother, shouted with 6 .

    "No way," I said to Bob. "You are too young."

    "Bob is 7 enough to go this year," Mum said. "Take him with you."

    We ran down the path leading to the river near Grandma's house. Lobsters swam at the sandy bottom of the river. We lowered the lobster trap into the river in the same way as Grandpa had 8 us. Then we took off our shirts and shoes and jumped in, but the water was very cold. We all jumped out almost as 9 as we'd gone in. After that, we encouraged each other to jump into the water again except Bob. He was the only one on the rock, but he was 10 with cold. So I decided to take him home.

    After sending him back home I decided to 11 back to the river. As I headed toward the door, I saw Bob wrapped in Grandpa's blanket in the way Grandpa did last summer.

    Standing in the doorway, I could hear John and Max screaming and laughing in the river. The river and the lobsters stayed the same. 12  Grandpa was gone.

    I walked over to Bob. "Did Grandpa ever 13 you to play chess?" I asked.

    "No, Grandpa was too sick last summer." Bob said 14 , looking down at his fingers.

    I put the chess on the table. "Well," I said. "Someone's got to show you."

    "I 15 Grandpa," Bob said.

    "Me, too." It seemed like Grandpa wasn't completely gone. It felt like he was still there with the blanket, lobsters and chess.

    A .  Grandpa B .  Mum C .  Grandma D .  Bob
    A .  nothing B .  something C .  everything D .  anything
    A .  kicked off B .  jumped off C .  played with D .  fought with
    A .  help B .  invite C .  lead D .  remind
    A .  blanket B .  chess C .  chair D .  lobster
    A .  difficulty B .  regret C .  excitement D .  pride
    A .  bright B .  patient C .  healthy D .  old
    A .  praised B .  shown C .  expected D .  provided
    A .  slowly B .  quickly C .  gently D .  heavily
    A .  shaking B .  breathing C .  changing D .  moving
    A .  drive B .  swim C .  look D .  go
    A .  but B .  or C .  and D .  so
    A .  advise B .  encourage C .  teach D .  allow
    A .  proudly B .  happily C .  coldly D .  sadly
    A .  respect B .  support C .  miss D .  trust
  • 17.  阅读理解

    Thirty-Six Stratagems(计谋), which show our ancient Chinese wisdom, are our ancient culture treasure. And many of these stratagems can still be put into practice in many fields, such as war, politics, business and even daily life. The following are four of them. Let's enjoy the charm of our traditional culture.


    Stratagem One

    When a thief is in your house, you'd better shut your doors at once in order to prevent him from running away.

    Why? For our ancient Chinese, there are two reasons. First, if you let your enemy run away, he will come back. Second, once your enemy succeeds in running away, it is dangerous for you to chase him.

    Stratagem Two

    This stratagem is from a poem by Du Fu, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty. A line in the poem reads: "To shoot the man on horse-back, shoot his horse first; To catch the robbers, capture their leader first."

    In a war if you want to beat the enemy, attack the leader first. Once the leader is caught, their forces will break down and fall into chaos.

    Stratagem Three

    Chinese always believe that tigers are more powerful when they are in the mountains. Once they leave mountains, they will become less powerful. And there are a few Chinese sayings linking tigers with mountains.

    The stratagem advises you not to directly attack an enemy in his own area. Instead, you should try to make him leave his place first, making him lose the geographical advantage. In this way, your enemy will be beaten easily.

    Stratagem Four

    Experienced fishers all know how to prevent a hooked fish breaking the line. Move the fish line from side to side to gradually make the fish calm down and get tired, and then you can catch it easily.

    In the same way, once your enemy is trapped, he will often struggle, trying to run away. Leave him the false feeling that he still has a chance to run away. When he gets tired and loses his guard, you can capture him with less difficulty.

    1. (1) Which of the following describes Stratagem Two?
      A . Shutting the door to catch the thief. B . Catching your enemy's leader first. C . Letting the enemy off to catch him later. D . Tricking the tiger out of the mountain.
    2. (2) From the stratagems above, we know that ____.
      A . it is wise for you to attack enemies in their own places B . it is impossible for people to make others lose their guard C . it is dangerous to give your enemies a chance to run away D . it is better to shoot the man on horse-back first not the horse
    3. (3) Where can we probably read Thirty-Six Stratagems?
      A . In a guide book. B . In an art book. C . In a science book. D . In a classical book.
  • 18.  阅读理解

    Many Chinese primary and middle-school students can't do housework today and do not take such work seriously. As a result, some are unable to cook or wash their own clothes when they enter college.

    The Ministry of Education has recently released the new curriculum standard(新课程标准) for housework education for students from Grade 1 to Grade 9, making it an independent course that students must take at least once a week. The new standard requires students in Grade 1-2 to learn to sweep the floor, Grade 3-4 to learn to plant cabbages, and Grade 5-6 to master the skills of cooking two to three dishes. Students in junior middle schools will learn to repair simple electrical machines. This new standard has been widely welcomed by the public.

    Wang: We all know the importance of housework education. However, at home, some students are unable to do the simplest housework, as their parents insist they should devote themselves to study. Some of them gradually grow to be unwilling to do any kind of housework. Housework education is supposed to raise students' interest in labor, help them experience different kinds of housework and, most importantly, correct their attitudes toward labor. The housework course will become an important step to develop and improve personalities of students.

    Li: In order for students to develop in an all-round way, it's absolutely necessary to add the housework course to school curriculums, which aims to encourage students in primary and secondary schools to progressively learn and love housework. It is important to make the housework class interesting, so that the students will really gain some practical skills. For this reason, schools should add professional(专业的) teachers to give the classes, instead of adding this new stress on parents and other teachers who are already busy with their daily work.

    Zhang: Some people think it's unnecessary to waste time on learning housework. If you want to have a meal, you can order food online, and for electrical machine repairs, you can ask for specialized help. However, people with the basic skills for daily life can go much more confidently and smoothly through everyday life.

    It is the first step in encouraging young students to develop a healthy concept(观念) of labor and to be able to take care of themselves in daily life.

    1. (1) Which of the following is true according to the new curriculum standard?
      A . Students in Grade 1-2 should learn to plant cabbages. B . Students in Grade 5-6 should learn to cook 2-3 dishes. C . Students in Grade 3-4 can repair simple electrical machines. D . Students should take the housework course at least twice a week.
    2. (2) According to Wang, why can't some students do any basic housework?
      A . Because students don't realize the importance of labor. B . Because housework can't improve students' personalities. C . Because housework classes are not interesting as expected. D . Because their parents require them to spend more time on study.
    3. (3) Which of the following opinions comes from Li?
      A . Ordering food online is a good way for students to save time. B . Non-professional teachers should help give housework classes. C . Students get useful skills and confidence through housework classes. D . Teachers of the housework course are expected to make classes interesting.
    4. (4) The passage mainly wants to tell us ____.
      A . the importance of the housework course B . the new stress on both teachers and parents C . different opinions on the housework course D . the concept of the new curriculum standard
  • 19.  阅读理解

    Technology and sustainability(可持续性) are two driving forces in the world today. For the agriculture department, sustainable agriculture technology must be the new trend, and farmers should follow it.

    The following sustainable agriculture technologies are necessary.

    Smart irrigation

    Crops need water—that's needless to say. However, how they get water is another story.

    With smart irrigation technology, water can be put to good use. New irrigation systems with smart technology can report soil moisture(湿度) and temperature in real time. These new technologies help farmers properly take care of crops in a more efficient way. For example, most crops have specific requirements for temperature and moisture. The new irrigation systems can show farmers whether they need to make changes for their crops' growing environments. In this way, they may help reduce the waste of water.


    Drones' abilities get them a place on this list. They can do a lot and most importantly, they can make the boring and tiring farm work much easier.

    These devices have high-definition cameras that take pictures and videos. Through wireless control, just at home farmers can fly the drones over the fields and check on crops. If one area of crops isn't doing well, farmers can quickly record the details and then spray chemicals with the help of the drones.

    Data and software

    Data is rich in this tech-driven world. Farming and data working together can greatly change the way farmers plant, harvest and water.

    As computers gather information, they report it all back to a central system. So when farmers learn in which area crop health needs to improve, they can use water and fertilizer(肥料) more efficiently, causing less waste.

    The three technologies are helpful for farmers to save costs, labor and energy. And they can contribute to the final goal of agricultural sustainability—that is to improve the environment. As these new technologies continue to develop, we are sure to have a cleaner environment.

    Sustainable agricultural technology is the future—and it will change the game.

    1. (1) According to the passage, smart irrigation can ____.
      A . make full use of every drop of rain B . decide crops' growing environment C . help farmers water the crops when necessary D . support the growth and harvest of crops efficiently
    2. (2) From "Drones" part, we can learn that ____.
      A . drones can help provide water and fertilizer B . drones help farm work in a more efficient way C . farmers can fly in their drones to check on crops D . farmers can record the details about their drones
    3. (3) What is the final goal of agricultural sustainability?
      A . To help us have a better environment. B . To make farmers work more efficiently. C . To raise the production of crops quickly. D . To reduce farmers' boring and tiring work.
    4. (4) The passage is mainly to ____.
      A . think highly of the agriculture department B . make sustainable agriculture technologies better C . change farmers' misunderstanding of agriculture technologies D . stress the importance of sustainable technologies in agriculture
  • 20.  阅读理解

    As Xiong Chuanfa, 34, blew a lifelike puppy out of molten maltose(溶化的麦芽糖) in just minutes, kids looked carefully at him with great surprise, thinking he was a magician.

    Xiong Chuanfa has been working on blowing sugar figurines, a Chinese traditional folk art with a history of over 600 years, for more than twenty years.

    In this special art form, the artist heats the syrup(糖浆) to a certain temperature, pulls off a small amount, makes it into a ball with an open center, presses the open area together and stretches it to form a tube. Then he blows air into the tube and makes it into different shapes. The traditional folk art has been listed as a state-level intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产).

    Every morning, Xiong prepares the molten syrup and drives to start his "magic show" around his city. "Many people, particularly kids, are attracted by this sugar art. After all, the ancient art is gradually disappearing," Xiong said. Simon, from Australia, was attracted by a sugar Bing Dwen Dwen, the mascot of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, in Xiong's stall. Simon couldn't resist trying to make one himself. However, he couldn't get the wanted shape though he tried several times. "It looks simple, but actually it's very difficult to master the skill," he said. Thanks to Xiong's helping hand, Siunon finally saw a horse gradually taking shape. "Can't believe I've done this," he said, expressing his excitement at how a pot of sugar syrup has been turned into something "truly amazing".

    Xiong said that blowing sugar figurines can date back to the Ming Dynasty and that his family has passed down this art for four generations. "My 6-year-old son often blows up a balloon-like sugar figure, just like I used to do as a child," he said. Xiong's wife Wang Li is an artist of the sugar painting, which is a form of traditional Chinese folk art that uses hot, liquid sugar to make 2-D objects.

    "None of the cultural heritage left by our ancestors should be lost. They are name cards of the splendid Chinese culture and should be spread around the world," Xiong said. The couple often show their skills beside colleges to draw youngsters closer to the traditional art and allow them to experience its charm. "Sugar paintings and sugar figurines are childhood memories of several generations of Chinese people. We try to combine paper-cutting skills and modern elements(元素) with sugar figurines, making them similar to modern trend(趋势) while keeping a balance between beauty and taste. We will spend the rest of our lives helping pass on this intangible heritage," Xiong said.

    Many people were deeply moved after learning about the family's story.

    1. (1) What is the correct order of making sugar figurines?

      a Making it into a sugar ball. b. Stretching it to make a tube.

      c. Pulling off some heated syrup. d. Blowing air to make wanted shapes.

      A . c-a-b-d B . c-b-a-d C . b-a-c-d D . b-c-a-d
    2. (2) The underlined word "resist" in Paragraph 4 probably means "____".
      A . be praised by B . stop oneself from C . be attracted by D . remind oneself of
    3. (3) Which of the following is true according to the article?
      A . Xiong's son blows up a horse with his father's help. B . Xiong's wife is also good at making sugar figurines. C . Xiong tries to add modern elements to sugar figurines. D . The Xiongs visit colleges to teach students their skills.
    4. (4) What's the best title of the passage?
      A . A Chinese artist on tasty folk art B . A new modern trend C . A balance between beauty and taste D . Tasty sugar figurines
  • 21.  More and more people use cloth bags to reduce  (污染) when shopping.
  • 22.  —Tom, can you  (想象) the life of humans on the Mars in the future?

    —I think it must be amazing.

  • 23.  My parents work in the  (a place where things are made by machines) which produces toys like Bing Dwen Dwen.
  • 24. —Alice, who is the first man to walk on the Moon's (the outside or top part of something)?

    —Sorry, I don't know. Let's ask Mr. Xu about it.

  • 25.  —Do you think he is telling the ?

    —Of course. He is an honest boy.

  • 26.  请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。                                 

    weigh knife five comfortable polite

    1. (1) Don't eat too much in the evening, or you will feel when sleeping.
    2. (2) We should avoid topics like  or age when we communicate with women.
    3. (3) Whenever you meet your friends, you should greet them .
    4. (4) Jack, here are some sharp . Keep away from them, or you may get hurt.
    5. (5) —Mr. Fang, which boy is your son?

      —The  one in the line waiting for his turn.

  • 27.  请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。                                 

    search repair feed satisfy encourage

    1. (1) —Why didn't you go jogging with us yesterday morning?

      —Because I  the broken bookshelf with my cousin in my study.

    2. (2) —Jenny, have you seen Anna? I can't find her anywhere.

      —Yes. She  the bushes for her missing dog.

    3. (3) John, stop giving more food to my golden fish. I  them twice.
    4. (4) In our English class Mr. Wu often  us to discuss in groups actively.
    5. (5) I'm sure the development of smart robots more people's needs in the future.
  • 33.  请认真阅读下面短文,并根据各题所给首字母的提示,写出一个合适的英语单词完整的、正确的形式,使短文通顺。

    Eat Your Greens!

    I have never been a fan of vegetables. But my best friend loves them. "Eat your greens!" he always says. So I decide to learn something more about them.

    Plants are a very important part of our diet. Because of the c their leaves vegetables are often called "greens". They p all kinds of nutrition(营养) that are very important for our bodies. For example, vitamin C gives us healthy skin, and calcium(钙) keeps our bones s. Others help to keep our hearts, blood and muscles healthy Eating vegetables does not make us f because they are low in calories.

    It's said that there are over 80,000 different kinds of plants which can be eaten on Earth. However, 90 percent of the foods we eat c from just 30 plants. This is not because they are the most nutritious, but because they are the e to grow.

    It is suggested to eat at least five different vegetables every day. It's a good h to make vegetables a main part of each meal. However, some people think that vegetables are not so popular compared with meat, so when vegetables are served together with meat, they often cmeat instead of vegetables. Others think vegetables are cooked in an unskillful way, making them not d.

    In order to help me have a healthy diet, my friend gives me good a on how to cook tasty vegetables. I am on my way to a healthier lifestyle.

  • 34.  请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。

    A teenager with autism swims toward victory

    Chen Xingrong won five medals, including a gold, at the 11th National Games for Persons with Disabilities and the 8th National Special Olympics Games.

    Born in Hainan Province, Chen Xingrong could not say a word until he was 2 years old. When Chen Xingrong was found autistic(自闭的), his parents were worried. In 2012, his father learned that swimming could help people with autism, so he spent months learning how to swim by watching videos and reading books. When Chen Xingrong was 5 years old, he began to teach him how to swim. At the very beginning, he spent three months teaching his son, but all his efforts failed. To his surprise, after another three months, he discovered that his son had developed the ability to control his breath under water, which greatly increased his confidence, and swimming soon became a key activity of the family. His father planned all his exercises for him at first, but then it was all up to him. He decided how many exercises he wanted to do, and his parents respected his choices. It was a process of self-management. With his father's help as well as his good self-management and perseverance, he succeeded in winning many medals in the swimming competitions.

    As well as swimming, learning basic life skills is also an important part of life for a teenager with autism. His father hopes that his son can live well on his own when he and his wife grow old. To help the public to know more about autistic people so as to reduce misunderstanding, he once organized about 500 people to watch an autism-themed film.

    Thanks to his father's endless efforts, Chen Xingrong has learned to buy food in the market in their neighborhood. He also does voluntary jobs at supermarkets and fast-food restaurants, such as arranging shelves and cleaning dining tables. "He is good at skillfully arranging things. He is part of the community, and I hope he will live a wonderful life in the future," his father says proudly.

    1. (1) Why did Chen Xingrong's father want him to learn swimming?
    2. (2) When did Chen Xingrong begin to learn swimming?
    3. (3) What led to Chen Xingrong's success?
    4. (4) How did Chen Xingrong's father help the public to understand autistic people?
    5. (5) What can you do for people with autism? (请自拟一句话作答)
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