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更新时间:2023-11-28 浏览次数:16 类型:中考真卷
  • 21. 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,使短文完整、正确。

    Last weekend at the airport, I had some time before the airplane took off. While wondering what to do, I decided it was the perfect time and place to do something 1

    Outside the waiting hall there was a girl who had 2 for sale. I told her that I'd like to buy flowers for someone else, and she could decide 3 she wanted to give the flowers to. At that moment, she was not able to 4 what I meant, so I suggested perhaps she should give the flowers to someone who looked a little sad. That was because he or she might need some 5 .

    At first, the girl answered, "That's 6 . Nobody has ever done so, as I know. " But then I explained a little more about the idea. It's just an act of kindness to a 7 , and then she understood.

    "In fact, I'm not sure what will happen," I said. "But you will have the chance to make someone have a good day. " At that time, she started to seem 8 about it. She smiled at me with her eyes wide open.

    She went to take the flowers out of the water, and I said, "Wait! It's fine to leave them there 9 the stranger comes. Then you can take out the flowers to cheer the person up. "

    At that moment, I think she was between surprised and happy because it might be her first time to meet a customer like me. I 10  for the flowers, said goodbye, and went away. What a nice day I had!

    A .  kind B .  common C .  opposite D .  honest
    A .  drinks B .  candies C .  flowers D .  toys
    A .  which B .  who C .  what D .  whose
    A .  understand B .  ask C .  require D .  express
    A .  cheering up B .  putting up C .  turning up D .  setting up
    A .  perfect B .  wonderful C .  famous D .  crazy
    A .  driver B .  stranger C .  player D .  speaker
    A .  sad B .  excited C .  afraid D .  worried
    A .  until B .  although C .  so D .  because
    A .  stood B .  looked C .  fought D .  paid
  • 22. 阅读理解                                                                                                                      

    Text 1: Liu Yang, born in October 1978, was chosen as the first Chinese woman astronaut in space in June, 

    2012. She made history. In June, 2022, she was sent to space again by Shenzhou-


    Picture A

    Text 2:Lhasa is the capital of Tibet. The Potala Palace (布达拉宫) in Lhasa makes Tibet famous all over the world. On the other hand, Tibet is also well-known for its beautiful natural sights. So a lot of visitors go there every year. 

    Picture B

    Text 3: Recently, short video platforms (平台) have offered a fun and easy way to show the traditional art forms, such as paper cutting, shadow play works (皮影戏), Peking Opera. Young users know more about traditional Chinese culture from those videos. 

    Picture C

    Text 4: Hands in the pockets — This is commonly seem in daily life. In Sweden and France, putting your hands in your pockets would be considered impolite in a business meeting, even though you may wear a suit. 

    Picture D

    1. (1) When was Liu Yang sent to space for the second time?
      A . In 1978. B . In 2012. C . In 2021. D . In 2022.
    2. (2) There are ____ reasons why Tibet is well-known according to Text 2. 
      A . two B . three C . four D . five
    3. (3) Which picture shows the traditional art form mentioned in Text 3?
      A . PictureA.  B . PictureB.  C . PictureC.  D . PictureD.
    4. (4) Where can young people learn about the traditional Chinese art forms easily?
      A . In space. B . In the Potala Palace. C . On short video platforms. D . In Sweden and France.
    5. (5) Which one would be considered impolite in a business meeting in Sweden and France?
      A . Putting your hands out of your pockets. B . Shaking hands with business partners. C . Wearing a suit with pockets. D . Putting your hands in your pockets.
  • 23. 阅读理解

    It was a fine day. The sun was shining and the wind was gentle. 

    The kids were playing in their backyard. Suddenly a little cat got stuck (卡住) under the fence (篱芭). The kids tried to free the cat, but they couldn't. So they asked their mother for help. The mother freed the cat. The cat looked so cute that the kids asked their mother if they could keep it. The mother said, "I don't mind myself, but you must ask your father, too. "

    The kids waited anxiously (焦急地) for their dad back from work. When they heard their father opening the door, they both shouted loudly at the same time, "Hi, daddy!"

    "You are surely happier than usual to see me today. What's up?" her father said.

    "Nothing daddy. We just love you so much," the girl replied. Then their mother said, "Go ahead. Ask your dad. "

    The girl told her dad what had happened and asked to keep the cat. The father said, "No, you can't. We have fed five cats up till now. Your mommy and I have no time to take care of any more. " Hearing this, the kids looked unhappy.

    Seeing the sad looks on the kids' faces, the father changed his mind. He said, "All right. Since you love it so much, you can keep it. "

    "Hooray! Thank you, daddy!" However, the father added that they must promise to look after the cat on their own.

    The kids were so happy to have another pet friend. Then the cat was given the name "Lucky" by the kids. So the cat had a place to call home.

    1. (1) Who helped the cat to get free?
      A . Its mother. B . The kids. C . The kids' dad. D . The kids' mum.
    2. (2) What did the kids want to do?
      A . To buy the cat. B . To keep the cat. C . To give the cat to their father. D . To return the cat to its home.
    3. (3) Why did the kids shout loudly when they saw their father?
      A . Because they had a question to ask him. B . Because they wanted to thank their father. C . Because they'd like to show their love for the cat. D . Because they wanted to share happiness with their family.
    4. (4) What did the father ask the kids to do?
      A . To look after themselves. B . To ask the mother for help. C . To take care of the cat. D . To give the cat a name.
    5. (5) What's the best title of the text?
      A . A happy father B . A dangerous cat C . An unhappy girl D . A new pet friend
  • 24. 阅读理解

    Nanie likes reading very much. He wanted to share his love of reading with his community, so he decided to turn his home into a library. At first, his family objected. But he talked with them and finally they agreed to support him. 

    His library began in 2000, with a collection of around 100 of his own books. He simply put the books outside his front door to see whether people wanted to borrow them. As a result, people borrowed and returned them. Surprisingly, they also began to give away other books to the collection. Some young men even helped to clean up the library and the books. 

    Today the library has grown to two million books. Known as the Reading Club 2000, the library is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. People find the library does not have member cards and no identification (认证) is needed when they want to take a book. There's also no limit (限制) on the number of books, when or whether they're returned.

    Nanie encourages the sharing of books and believes that people can do things better by reading different books. Those who have no enough money to buy books are very excited because they can read as many books as possible. More and more people are interested in this library and they have learned a lot from the books. Nanie knows that, so he will never stop. 

    1. (1) What made Nanie decide to turn his home into a library?
      A . His wish to read books. B . His wish to share books. C . His wish to support his family. D . His wish to make himself famous.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "objected" mean in the first paragraph (段落)?
      A . Disagreed. B . Supported. C . Spread. D . Decided.
    3. (3) Why did Nanie put the books outside his front door in the beginning?
      A . To sell the books. B . To collect some more books. C . To see whether people around him were honest. D . To know if people would like to borrow the books.
    4. (4) If people want to borrow books from the Reading Club 200 they ____. 
      A . must write down their names on the list B . need to get a member card first C . have to give away some books first D . can simply take the books away
    5. (5) We can know that Nanie's library ____.
      A . is the same as other libraries B . opens 24 hours, 6 days a week C . is able to help poor readers D . can provide any book people want
  • 25. 阅读理解

    In the past ten years, great progress has been made in technology. It seems like everything has been greatly improved. But there is one thing unlike them. It was invented over 100 years ago but remained unchanged until now. I'm talking about a blind walking stick.

    The white stick has been used by many blind people for a long time. However, it hasn't really been improved, until a blind engineer named Kursat decided to do something to change that. He hoped his invention would help the blind.

    He invented a smart stick called the WeWalk. The smart stick uses built-in speakers and different sensors (传感) to warn about possible dangers. It helps blind people in navigating (航行) around their environment. It makes their travel much easier. The stick is priced at around $

    500. It is less than half the price of most smart phones. Most people can afford it. This invention is going to change life a lot for the blind. 

    Kursat well understands the difficulties that the blind face. That's because he is blind himself. He decided to put his knowledge of technology into inventing something. It would not only change his life, but also the life of many others.

    "In these days, we are talking about flying cars. But the blind have been using just a simple stick. As a bind person, when I am at the bus stop, I don't know which bus is coming or which stores are around me. Now, that kind of information can be provided by the WeWalk," he said, "I believe life of the blind will be much easier and safer. "

    1. (1) Kursat invented the WeWalk to ____. 
      A . become an engineer B . help the blind C . change everything D . open a store
    2. (2) What's the third paragraph mainly about?
      A . The name of the smart stick. B . The reason for inventing the WeWalk. C . The introduction of the WeWalk. D . The future of the WeWalk.
    3. (3) Which words can we use to describe Kursat?
      A . Creative and caring. B . Smart and thankful. C . Healthy and lucky. D . Rich and outgoing.
    4. (4) Which one is Kursat's idea?
      A . Flying cars are more important than the WeWalk. B . The blind shouldn't take the bus. C . With the WeWalk, the blind can find their way more easily. D . The WeWalk can solve all the problems for the blind.
    5. (5) Where may this text be taken from?
      A . A magazine about cars. B . A magazine about health. C . A magazine about teaching. D . A magazine about science.
  • 26. 从下面选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话,其中有两个多余选项。

    Policeman: Stop! The red light is on. 

    Li Lei:  I was in a hurry just now. 

    Policeman: It's very dangerous to break traffic rules.

    Li Lei: I see. I won't do that again.


    Li Lei: Oh, it's already 8 o'clock. I'll be late for an important exam.


    Li Lei: To Xinhua Middle School. 

    Policeman: So you'll be on time.

    Li Lei: Really? Great! Thank you very much. 


    A. What are you doing?

    B. I'm sorry.

    C. You're welcome.

    D. I can give you a ride. 

    E. Where are you going?

    F. That's a good idea.

    G. It's good that you've realized it.

  • 27. 在下面对话的空白处填上适当的话语,使对话完整。话语可能是句子、短语或单词。

    A: Wang Ping, you have many hobbies, really?

    B: So I do. 

    A: ?

    B: I like collecting stamps best. 

    A: ?

    B: Because I can learn a lot from different kinds of stamps. 

    A: How long have you collected stamps?

    B: Since 5 years ago. What's your hobby?


    B: What kind of music do you like?

    A: I like soft music and rock music. Soft music can make people relaxed and rock music can make people excited. Do you think so?

    B: . Different music can bring different feelings. 

    A: Oh, I'm going to take a piano lesson. See you!

    B: !

  • 28. 根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文内容完整。每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词。                                 

    one much when in teach new they foot warm make on history

    How many pairs of socks do you own? Socks keep your feet  and protect them. Socks are a part of everyday life, but how  do you know about socks?You can learn about socks at the Sock Museum. Some socks on show are produced in  of the earliest sock factories in our country. 

    The museum people many things about sock knitting(编织). people visit the different parts of the museum, they can find out answers to some questions, such as "How are socks , what are ancient socks liker, who wore socks in the past. " Maybe the answers to the questions can help socks in a way.

    Besides learning about the  of socks, people can have some fun. There is a classroom  the museum, and they can see hand-crank(手摇曲柄的) machines. They can use these machines to make socks by . It must be an exciting and interesting experience. 

  • 29. 根据短文内容按要求完成任务,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。根据短文内容简要回答下面的问题。

    Imagine a house made of glass in the forest. You can watch the sunset(日落) in the house every night. A young artist couple made that dream come true. Nick and Lila built such a house. They made the whole thing by hand for only $

    500. Why did it cost so little? Because it's mainly made of old windows.

    Nick and Lila traveled around the country collecting windows from old houses and yard sales. They only had to buy a few new windows to complete the wall. Another cost saver—Nick's family happens to own a piece of land in West Virginia, so they built on that land.

    The crazy couple gave up their jobs and spent months just building this glass house in the forest. It sounds like a joke. Wouldn't we all love to drop everything and build a glass house in the middle of the forest, right? I'm crazy about the house and the way they made it.

    I love what Lila says about the house. "I never thought I could build such a house. When you build something like this, you feel great. Nick and Lila say the light in the house changes during the day. If you have time, you can spend the whole day just looking out of the windows, watching the light and paying attention to all those little changes. They feel a sense of satisfaction.

    1. (1) Where is the house?
    2. (2) How much did it cost to build the house?
    3. (3) Did the couple buy a piece of land for building the house?
    4. (4) How long did the couple spend building the house?
    5. (5) Why do you think the house makes the couple satisfied? (本小题答案限定在15个词之内)
  • 30. 根据短文内容完成表格。(所填内容可能是单词、短语或句子)

    Do you know someone who just can't make friends? Sometimes we may find it hard to connect and make friends. When we talk with others, some social habits need our attention.

    Talking about yourself

    Conversations are give-and-take. When you only talk about yourself, you're just taking, not giving. So learn to ask questions, and when you listen, don't prepare your next thought in your mind. When both are listening, the conversation becomes much more interesting.

    Looking at your phone

    Every time you stare(盯着) at your phone, you miss the chance to connect with another person. This is not just important with strangers, but even with friends, because looking at your phone tells everyone, "My phone is more important than you. "

    Uninterested body language

    Some people use their hands a lot when they speak, and some of us don't. But body language isn't just about our hands. It's about our whole body. When we don't look at the person we're talking with, it shows that we don't really care. I feel bad about this sometimes, too.


    Friendships are a type of relationship, so it's not proper to get too deep too quickly. Some people share their whole life story too fast, but that will make the listener feel uncomfortable.


    Social habits

    Shouldn't do

    Should do


    Talking about


    *Prepare your next thought when you

    listen to others. 


    Conversations are give-and-take. 

    Looking at

    your phone

    Stare at your phone. 


    It may make people feel your phone is

    Uninterested body language


    It may show that we care. 



    That will make the listener feel uncomfortable. 

  • 42. 阅读下面短文,将短文中划线部分的句子翻译成中文。

    It is believed that short-sightedness(近视)is caused by screen use, watching TV or reading in weak light. Researchers have found something different. They advise children to spend two or three hours playing outside each day. It can reduce children's chance of becoming short-sighted.

    The research shows that sunlight is good for people's eyes. Playing outside can prevent people from becoming short-sighted. A famous researcher, Ian Morgan said, "Humans are naturally long-sighted, but when people begin to go to school and spend little or no time outdoors, the number of short-sighted people gets larger. "

    So be outdoors. It doesn't matter if that time is spent having a picnic or playing sports.

    1. (1) They advise children to spend two or three hours playing outside each day.
    2. (2) The research shows that sunlight is good for people's eyes.
  • 43.  在动物园里,你遇见了一个外国老爷爷,他想去看熊猫,根据图示,请你为他指出去熊猫馆的路,文中不得出现真实姓名,校名,地名,词数30词左右。

  • 44.  假如你是王阳,收到好友Tom的一封邮件,请根据邮件内容进行回复。                                 

    Dear Wang Yang,How's it going? I have good news to tell you. I'll go to your school as an exchange student. I'm interested in school activities. What activities are there in your school? Can you tell me something about them?


    写作要求:1. 语言表达准确,语意通顺连贵;2. 书写工整规范;3. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名和地名;4. 词数:70词左右。(开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数)

    Dear Tom,

    Wang Yang

