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更新时间:2023-10-25 浏览次数:40 类型:中考模拟
  • 11. 根据对话内容,从文后选出适当的选项补全对话。

    A: Hey, Bob! You look unhappy. What's wrong?

    B: Hi, Annie! It's just about my mom. It drives me mad.

    A: Keep cool! What does your mom nag you about? 

    B: "Get up now. Drink more water. Be back by ten. Don't watch TV ..."

    A: Well, all the mothers like saying these words to their children to show their care.

    B: But I'm fifteen now. I think I can decide for myself.

    A: I agree, but it takes time for your mom to change. Do you remember the poem we've learnt "Mom Knows Best"?

    B: Of course. "Mom knows best, and for me she wanted only the best!"

    A: Yes, understanding is important. If she knows that everything is fine, she will never nag.

    A. Almost everything!

    B. Maybe you're right.

    C. Try to understand her.

    D. She never stops nagging(唠叨)me.

    E. I still remember the most moving sentence.

  • 12. 完形填空

    Time magazine has picked the best inventions of the past year. From the biggest space rocket ever to a smarter headset, Time magazine has picked 200 new inventions in 2022. Sometimes, a piece of technology doesn't have to be famous. Here is an invention that is close to our lives.

    1  back

    Even though you might be too old for 2 , you have to agree that putting your face deeply in a teddy bear can make your unhappiness less when you feel 3 . These toys produced by an American company(公司). Hugimals can hug you back! According to 4  website, each toy is weighted with glass beads(弹珠) inside. With a weight of about 2 kilos 5  toy can give users the feeling of being hugged.

    A .  Talking B .  Hugging C .  Shouting
    A .  prizes B .  toys C .  magazines
    A .  healthy B .  free C .  down
    A .  its B .  my C .  your
    A .  weighted B .  empty C .  traditional
  • 13. 完形填空

    My parents were going to take a holiday and I took them to the train station. After seeing them off, when I walked back to the parking lot, the rain was 1 down. At this time I saw an old lady walking slowly towards a bus station. Clearly, she had no umbrella. I walked over and 2 her where she was going. It turned out she was heading to the same town as I was, only a 20-minute drive." I can offer you a(n) 3 , "I said politely. She happily accepted and showed her 4 .

    We had a 5 talk on the way and the lady shared something about her story. She was 86 and going to the nursing home where she just put her beloved 6 last week. She couldn't drive because of her age. Then she had to 7 every day. Tears(泪水)fell down while she talked about her husband. I tried to hold back my own tears but failed. 8 I dropped her off at the nursing home, I gave her some dried flowers I had in the car that I bought two days ago.

    I would rather see the flowers 9  by the old couple than just take the flowers back home. Tears fell down her face and she thanked me greatly again. When I went back to my car, I felt a little satisfied. Everyone will be 10  someday and needs to be cared for in a warm society. I was very happy to be able to help her in some way.

    A .  pouring B .  taking C .  climbing
    A .  advised B .  touched C .  asked
    A .  umbrella B .  lift C .  flower
    A .  money B .  fears C .  thanks
    A .  warm B .  strange C .  stupid
    A .  sister B .  husband C .  mother
    A .  take a train B .  ride a bike C .  take a bus
    A .  As B .  If C .  Although
    A .  enjoyed B .  grown C .  bought
    A .  rich B .  old C .  successful
  • 14. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。

    Room for rent(出租): 37 Tulip Avenue, Haddington Town.

    We have one room in a shared house. You will share with three other people.

    We have: 

    ●One large room with bed, desk and table

    ●A shower

    ●Shared kitchen with all equipment

    ●Shared TV and DVD room

    The house is in a quiet street. There's a small garden. There's no car park but the house is only five minutes' walk from the train station and shops. From the station it's only ten minutes'ride to the city.

    Rent: £ 100 a week.

    Three weeks' rent paid before living in.

    No pets or children.

    For more information, please communicate with us: Mrs. Edna Greene, 26 Railway Street

    Tel: 01985756634

    Email: HYPERLINK "mailto: EdnaG@yahoo.co.uk" EdnaG@yahoo.co.uk

    1. (1) You need to pay less than £400 for the room this May.
    2. (2) The large room is convenient for a renter who keeps a dog.
    3. (3) There are at least two ways to get more information about the room for rent in the shared house.
    4. (4) The writer who introduces the house clearly wants to sell it at a good price.
    5. (5) People can see this notice from Canada on a website about office equipment.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    You hear or read a story a hundred times, but when you read it again, you'll learn something new, isn't it amazing?

    In the Middle Ages, a man traveled to a city where many people were building a new church(教堂)in the square. He walked up to a strong man cutting rock and asked him what he was doing. "I am a stone mason," the man said. "I spend all my days cutting and forming stones."

    The traveler then walked over to a man cutting a long piece of wood high above him and called out the same question to him. "I am a carpenter," the man called back. "I spend my days cutting and hammering(锤打)wood."

    Finally, the man walked into the church. He saw an old woman sweeping the floor while she was singing happily to herself. He asked her what she was doing. "I am a cleaner, I am building a glorious church," she said ."Everyone will like it when they see it for the first time, it's so fascinating."

    I always read that story with a smile on my face. I saw it as a lesson in taking pride in your work and seeing the value in your job. But this time my mind cleared and I saw there was an even deeper meaning in this story. It wasn't only about how you feel about your job but also about how you live your life.Each one of our lives here is a church. Each act we decide is a stone we lay. Each act of kindness we do is the wood we cut. Each moment of love we create builds it up higher and more beautiful.

    1. (1) How does the writer begin the passage in Paragraph 1?
      A . By asking a question. B . By introducing a city tour. C . By making a book list.
    2. (2) Which explanation can be suitable for the underlined word "glorious" in Paragraph 4?
      A . verb. to praise B . adj.(of weather)hot, with the sun shining C . adj.very beautiful, admiring and unforgettable
    3. (3) What is the writer's deeper understanding in the last paragraph?
      A . Everyone should take pride in the Middle Ages. B . The stone mason, the carpenter and the cleaner loved to read stories. C . Each act we decide, each act of kindness we do and each moment of love we create make us better.
    4. (4) Which one is the best structure of the passage?
      A . B . C .
  • 16. 阅读理解                                                                  


    Researchers from the USA and Brazil turned apple waste into clean energy. Apple waste produced by making apple juice went through dry anaerobic digestion(干式厌氧发酵). This is a process where the waste is dried and put into a closed object. The waste is then broken down, producing energy. The energy can be used to run machines in the factory in which it is made.


    Car parking has been hard for people in some big cities. Researchers at Rutgers University in the USA recently have developed an automated(自动化的)parking system that means drivers don't have to worry about parking their cars. Drivers would just need to drop their cars at the gate and expect them at another gate later. Researchers are now testing the system using toy cars.


    With this wearable beanbag, you can lie down as you want! Takikou Sewing, a Japanese clothing company, has recently created a wearable beanbag that allows you to comfortably sit or lie down anytime, anywhere. The bean-like clothes let you lie down, lie on your stomach, or even sit where you are playing on your phone without needing a bed or sofa. 


    You have heard of drug-sniffing(缉毒的)dogs, but have you ever heard of drug-sniffing squirrels? According to CCTV, Chongqing recently announced new members for its local police—drug-sniffing squirrels. The Chongqing police told the public that these squirrels are small and quick, and are able to search through tiny or high spaces that dogs cannot reach.

    1. (1) In which part of a magazine can we read the passage?
      A . Building. B . Life. C . Travel.
    2. (2) What is Passage A mainly about?
      A . Recycling. B . Cleaning. C . Medicine.
    3. (3) What can we learn from Passage B?
      A . Science can create a convenient life. B . The system using sports cars is being tested. C . Drivers can change their cars with the system.
    4. (4) Why are the pictures given in Passage C?
      A . To show how to make a beanbag. B . To show different ways to use a beanbag. C . To introduce a new Japanese clothing company.
    5. (5) How do drug-sniffing squirrels work in Passage D?
      A . By following drug-sniffing dogs. B . By making friends with policemen. C . By searching through tiny or high spaces.
    6. (6) Which of the following would be the best title for the four passages?
      A . No energy, green world. B . No drugs, automated world. C . Better life, wonderful world.
  • 22. 在空格中填上适当的单词, 使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。 

    M—Mary        J—Jim

    M: Hi, Jim! Do you know that Panda Xiangxiang has returned to China from Japan? 

    J: Yes. She is now in Bifengxia Research Center in Ya'an.

    M: Time flies! I still remember Ueno Zoo in Japan held a  collection activity for her when she was born in 2017. People in Japan brought lots of suggested names together from different people. Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, the president of the Japan Panda Conservation Association,  8 out of 320, 000 names.  discussing with China, they named it Xiangxiang.

    J: Is Tetsuko Kuroyanagi the writer of the book The Little Girl at the Window

    M: Yes. It has been one of the bestselling books since it  in 

    1981. It's from her true experiences in a primary school. The funny book makes at school and parents care more about children's real need. So it has made a difference to modern .

    J: And what does the name "Xiangxiang" mean?

    M: It means beauty and a happy life.

    J: It  be hard for the Japanese to say goodbye to Xiangxiang!

    M: Sure. The zoo even held a photo show of her growth.

    J: Why can't Xiangxiang stay in Japan for her whole life?

    M: Because according to CWCA, pandas born should be back to China at 4. It's better for them to start their new family and they are China's national treasures.

    J : You are right. Pandas are not only cute animals, but a  of our country.

    M: Oh, how I expect to volunteer in Bifengxia Research Center!

    J : We can volunteer there after 18. The volunteer work usually includes sweeping, cleaning and making food for pandas. It is wonderful to get such a .

    M: I can't wait!

  • 23. 从下面方框中选出10个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通顺 (每词限用一次)。                                  

    cloud   drink   friend   give   part   rain   sad   though   value   where   who   wide

    Friends are important to us. The theme is quite popular in both Chinese and Western poetry. The two poems below are  known in their cultures. Do they have the same theme? 

    A Farewell Song

    By Wang Wei

    No dust is raised on the road wet with morning ; The willows by the hotel look so fresh and green. 

    I invite you  a cup of wine again; West of the sunny pass no more friends will be seen. 

     (Translated by Xu Yuanchong)

    The poet Wang Wei has to say goodbye to his friend Yuan Er in the spring he values their friendship. The poem first describes a fresh and bright scene after rain. Here, the poet uses a typical form of saying goodbye in Chinese culture: the willow (liu). is painful. He knows that they might not see each other again, but the poet doesn't want to show much . Instead, he wants to take the time and toasts (敬酒) to say goodbye to his friend

    A Time to Talk

    By Robert Frost

    When a friend calls to me from the road And slows his horse to a meaning walk, I don't stand still and look around. On all the hills I haven't hoed (用锄头锄地). And shout from I am. What is it?

    No, not as there is a time to talk. 

    I thrust (猛推) my hoe in the mellow (松软的) ground, 

    Blade-end up and five feet tall, 

    And plod (缓慢地行走): I go up to the stone wall For a friendly visit. 

    The poem shows readers the moment of a visit. Although this kind of visit will make most people happy, it's troublesome for the worker who is busy with his job. In such a case, what would you do? The poet gives us his answer: In his eyes, friendship is a lot . He would put down his work and enjoy the time with friends. Friendship should priority (优先考虑). After all, work might be forgotten in a few days or months.

  • 24. 根据短文内容,从短文后的A~F选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文。 

    The Wandering Earth II came out on January 22, the first day of the Chinese New Year. The film tells the story of human beings building planetary machines on the surfaces of Earth and the moon to push Earth as the sun rapidly burns out. They all mentioned that "the film is the top science fiction in Chinese film history".

     In the face of disasters(灾难), instead of leaving our home planet, Chinese people try to bring Earth on their travels, for they have a deep love for the country where they have lived for long.

     Unlike the characters who save the world in most Western superhero films, The Wandering Earth II focuses on a group of common people from different countries and backgrounds who make sacrifices(牺牲)to protect their home. A total of 300 characters from all countries bravely come together to save Earth.  He leaves his family to take part in the planet—saving project.

    The movie also shows the spirit of unity(团结一致)that runs through the blood of Chinese people and can be shared with the rest of the world.  And it seems truer today as courage and unity can win over difficulties, both in science fiction and in reality.

    A. One is a Chinese astronaut Liu Peiqiang.

    B. What makes the movie unusual is its characters.

    C. It is what brings Chinese people everlasting hope.

    D. You must have been surprised by the technologies in it.

    E. Chinese people have a strong sense of home and country.

    F. The film surprised many people and received high praise.

  • 25. 根据短文内容,完成图表中所缺信息。 

    ChatGPT, a powerful AI chatbot(聊天机器人) tool, has swept the world in the past months. It hit the 1 million-user mark in five days and won 100 million users in just two months. Compared with other chatbots, ChatGPT uses a much bigger database(数据库). It can also learn things by itself. For example, if it provides a wrong answer, you can tell it the right one and it will make corrections. While it has surprised the world, ChatGPT has also caused both excitement and worries in teaching, training and learning.

    According to a survey covering over 100 educators and 1, 000 students, around 89 percent students said they'd used it on homework. About 48 percent said they'd already used it to complete at-home tests. Over 50 percent said they used ChatGPT to write an article. 34% of the educators said they believe ChatGPT should be banned(禁止)in schools and universities while the rest supported students having access(使用权) to it.

    Some universities and schools have banned the use of ChatGPT, such as public schools in New York City. The move comes from growing worries that the tool could make it easier for students to cheat and be used to spread wrong information. Besides, the tool does not build creative-thinking and problem-solving skills, which are important to lifelong success. However , some think bans on AI software like ChatGPT are not wise. Instead of simply banning it, using it in a scientific way can free teachers and students from repetitive work so that they can pay more attention to creativity. To avoid cheating, instructions on proper use should be given. AI is a tool people will use but then change our learning and teaching so that we can continue to have honesty.


  • 26. 假如你是李华,今年四月,你班举行了以"阳光心态,启航未来"为主题的班会,旨在关注青少年心理健康,你感受颇深。你的英国同龄笔友Tom想了解此次班会,请根据提示给他写一封邮件。

    注意: 1.需全面反映图文信息; 2.文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称; 3.词数80~100。

    参考词汇:阳光心态,启航未来with a sunny mindset, sail for the future

    青少年心理健康young people's mental health

