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更新时间:2023-08-04 浏览次数:95 类型:中考真卷
一、语言知识运用 满分10分
  • 1.  从B栏中选出与A栏中相匹配的答语。 



    Where is my hat? 

    A. Sure, you can.

    How was your school trip? 

    B. It's mine.

    Could I have some snacks? 

    C. It's on the sofa.

    What club does she want to join? 

    D. It was wonderful.

    Whose dictionary is that? 

    E. The swimming club.

二、单项选择 本题共10小题,每小题 1分,共10分. 
  • 2.  —Have you heard of Xu Feng can, ____ excellent pilot?

    —Yes, she made every effort on ____ way to growing into a real pilot.

    A . the;/ B . the;a C . an;the D . an;/
  • 3.  —Jack, when are we going to buy a birthday gift for our grandma, today or tomorrow?

    — ____ are OK. I am available.

    A . All B . Both C . Neither D . None
  • 4. —What abilities should a dog trainer have?

    —I think he should be responsible and never ____.

    A . give away B . give out C . give back D . give up
  • 5.  ____ the times keep changing, young people in China have shown the same promise.
    A . But B . Unless C . Although D . As soon as
  • 6.  Siheyuan is a kind of ____ building around China with a history of more than 3,000 years.
    A . central B . traditional C . musical D . national
  • 7.  The Wandering Earth II ____ with the public since it came out.
    A . has been successful B . is successful C . was successful D . will be successful
  • 8. —If we don't go in the right direction, we'll get lost ____ .

    —Certainly. The proper direction is like a light in the dark.

    A . lately B . quietly C . easily D . differently
  • 9.  Lots of Chinese young people ____ were born after 1995 use door-to-door cooking to save time.
    A . that B . those C . which D . /
  • 10. —Hanfu lovers ____ walking down the street in many cities.

    —Well, wearing hanfu helps to understand the Chinese culture.

    A . can be found B . can find C . must be found D . must find
  • 11. —Do you know ____?

    —It was introduced through the Silk Road.

    A . why pepper was planted in China B . what pepper was used for in China C . when pepper was discovered in China D . how pepper was introduced to China
  • 12.  根据短文内容,在 A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个正确答案。

    It was a summer noon. As I drove along the road in a mountain, I could see some pretty wildflowers. When I turned the corner and saw some 1  picking up litter on the roadside, I stopped 2  and smiled at them. They volunteered here on such a hot day. How helpful they were! I 3  a spring day long ago.

    When my children were younger, we often took a walk around the lake near our home. One 4  day, we noticed much litter lying there. The next day, we brought a big litter bag and started to pick up the litter along our way. 5 , the bag was nearly full. Tired but 6 , we put the bag in an empty bin. We 7  before we went home and took one last look at the lake as the sun set. It looked more beautiful than ever.

    I know this world's problems sometimes seem 8 , but how can we solve them? The 9 is that everything we do kindly can make a difference. Every time we pick up a piece of litter, we make a difference. Every smile we share makes a difference. Our small act of being 10 can make this colorful world even better.

    A . children B . drivers C . volunteers D . policemen
    A . driving B . walking C . running D . riding
    A . talked about B . wrote down C . looked for D . thought of
    A . autumn B . winter C . spring D . summer
    A . Normally B . Finally C . Suddenly D . Actually
    A . surprised B . excited C . bored D . worried
    A . stopped B . danced C . waited D . moved
    A . useful B . simple C . hard D . possible
    A . story B . truth C . news D . class
    A . busy B . polite C . lazy D . kind
  • 13.  根据短文内容,判断下而各小题的正误。

    In ancient China, people passed down plenty of classic stories from generation(一代人) to generation. Here are the stories of two famous characters.

    One person is Che Yin. He was from a poor family, but he loved studying. He had to work in the daytime, so he could only study in the evening. However, there was a problem. He couldn't afford a lamp(灯). He didn't worry about that in summer. In the evening, he caught some fireflies (萤火虫), put them in a bag and used it as a lamp. This lamp was not very bright, but Che Yin could do some reading by lamplight in the evening.

    The other person is Sun Kang. He was smart, but he was so poor that he couldn't go to school. So he studied at home. He had to read just at night. Like Che Yin, he couldn't buy a lamp. On snowy nights, he went out and read in the snow. Why? There was the light of snow outside.

    Later, people use "Nang Ying Ying Xue" to say that a strong spirit is very important no matter how hard the life is. When we are having a hard time in life, don't lose heart. Never let life knock us down. Even in the hardest situation, there is hope that encourages us to move forward.

    1. (1) Che Yin could study from day to night. 
    2. (2) Che Yin put fireflies in a bag as a lamp on summer evenings. 
    3. (3) Like Che Yin, Sun Kang could afford a lamp. 
    4. (4) Sun Kang did some reading by the light of snow outside at night. 
    5. (5) Che Yin and Sun Kang set a good example to us. 
  • 14.  根据表格内容,在 A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个正确答案。

    The world is full of possibilities, so stay open to all the new ideas. Who knows? You might be the next person who can and will change the world!

    New Washing Machine

    Remya Jose from an Indian village made a pedal-powered (脚踏式) washing machine by herself. It is kinder to the clothes than the electric washing machine. The clothes can be conveniently washed even when the electricity is out. Also, it can help people to get some exercise while washing.

    New Blanket

    One 13-year-old girl, Alyssa, got an idea from a Facebook story. She collects chip bags. For each bag, she starts by opening and washing it. Then she sticks all the bags together and turns them into nice blankets (毯子). So far she has turned 10,000 chip bags into 200 blankets. She also given them away to homeless people all over Wales.

    New Armor

    He Yanhong a young woman from Chengdu, thinks nothing can go to waste. In February 2022, millions of people watched a video of her making a suit of armor (盔甲). It looked many and fantastic. It was made of some old everyday things.

    New Artwork

    An African artist Koffi made his artworks by using old phones. He took down the parts of old phones, painted them and made them into different artworks. Koffi helped people pay more attention to recycling.

    1. (1) Who invented the pedal-powered washing machine?
      A . Koffi. B . He Yanhong. C . Alyssa. D . Remya Jose.
    2. (2) What's the order of making the blankets?

      a. sticking chip bags together. b. washing chip bags. c. opening chip bags. d. collecting chip bags.

      A . d →c →b →a B . a →b →c →d C . b →a →c →d D . c →a →b →d
    3. (3) Where does He Yanhong come from?
      A . Africa. B . Chengdu. C . India. D . Wales.
    4. (4) Why did Koffi make artworks with old phones?
      A . To get some exercise. B . To make money as much as possible. C . To help homeless people. D . To help people pay more attention to recycling.
    5. (5) Where is the text probably from?
      A . A story book. B . A newspaper. C . A novel. D . A guidebook.
  • 15.  根据短文内容,在A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个正确答案。

    The first marathon (马拉松) of the modern Olympic Games took place in 1896. Now marathon is a popular sport across China. On April 26, more than 300,000 runners took part in 26 marathon events nationwide, reported China Daily.

    Teenagers have also taken part in marathons actively. Xu Qian, a 15-year-old boy from Suqian, Jiangsu, loves running. He took first place in the 5-kilometer Happy Run of the Jingdong Suqian Marathon on April 2. For Xu, the race meant months of training and preparation. He ran about 30 to 40 kilometers each week ahead of the run. "The 800-meter run at school is more about speed while a marathon tests a runner's endurance and psychological quality (心理素质)", he said. When he felt tired during the race, he told himself to fight on.

    As well as one's fighting spirit, kindness from the people also plays a part in helping runners get to the finish line. Li Zhouzi from Shanxi took part in a 3-kilometer Kid Run of the Berlin Marathon in Germany in 2019 when she was 10. The support from the people cheering along the course (跑道) really encouraged her. "When things were hard, they cheered me on. The simple words ‘keep it up' meant a lot to me and I was encouraged to keep going to the end," Li said.

    1. (1) How many runners took part in 26 marathon events nationwide on April 26?
      A . More than 3,000. B . More than 30,000. C . More than 300,000. D . More than 3,000,000.
    2. (2) Why did Xu Qian run 30 to 40 kilometers each week ahead of the run?
      A . He wanted to help more runners. B . He had nothing to do but run. C . His father wanted him to do so. D . He trained in preparation for the race.
    3. (3) Which of the following best explains the underlined word "endurance" in Paragraph 2?
      A . 想象力 B . 创造力 C . 忍耐力 D . 自控力
    4. (4) What encouraged Li Zhouzi to keep going to the end?
      A . The people's support. B . The finish line. C . Other runners' help. D . The hard things.
    5. (5) What is the best title for the text?
      A . The Meaning of Marathon. B . The History of Marathon. C . Runners from China. D . Hope for the Future.
  • 16.  阅读下面短文,把A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。

    What color of wearing may make our day cheerful? Probably, dopamine(多巴胺) clothes have been a trend(潮流) on some short videos.  So they can get more dopamine and feel happy. But is there really any science behind this?

    This kind of chemical can influence how we feel. According to Science Magazine, there is no study about how colorful clothes can increase dopamine, but there are ones that show a relationship between the clothes we wear and how we act and feel.

    One study found that wearing red can lead to a better physical performance in soccer over the last 55 years.  Another study showed that wearing green can make people more creative.  Perhaps it can remind us of the nature. Yellow has signs of warmth. It makes people feel warm. 

    Maybe there is more science to be waiting for us to study.

    A. Wearing yellow can bring people happiness, energy and excitement.

    B. It encourages people to choose colorful clothes.

    C. Dopamine is a chemical(化学物质) in our brain.

    D. Green has also been found to help people relax.

    E. It showed that teams in red uniforms always played best in home games.

  • 32.  根据对话内容,用恰当的单词、短语或句子补全对话。

    Two friends are talking on the phone.

    A: Hello, Mike speaking.

    B: Hi, . How is it going?

    A: Not bad, Laura. ?

    B: I am writing a report about the future jobs.

    A: Sounds interesting!  when you grow up?

    B: I want to be a doctor in the future.

    A: Great!  this job?

    B: I think it is difficult but meaningful.

    A: I agree. I believe you can make it.

    B: .

    A: You're welcome. See you then!

    B: See you!

  • 33.  根据短文内容,在每个空格处选择一个恰当的词,并用该词的适当形式填空,使文章意思完整且符合逻辑。每空一词,不可重复使用。                                 

    us if in back touched difficulty all fourth anywhere teach

    Zhu Jinxiang has carried his disabled classmate Zhong Huaqiang for nearly 10 years. They are from Jiangxi Province the southeast of China. Zhong can't walk and Zhu has helped him deal with all the he faces at school.

    Zhu carries Zhong on his , walks into the classroom and puts him on his seat every day. The two boys sit next to each other. When he finishes class, Zhu will turn to ask Zhong at once  he wants to drink water or go to the bathroom.

    Zhu and his friend Zhong began to study in the same class in the  grade in primary school. They have known each other and been friends. Zhu is always with Zhong anytime  at school.

    With the help of Zhu, Zhong does well in his subjects and helps Zhu with his studies. "We help each other. I get him through the little things in life and he supports me in the study. This makes better and better," Zhu said.

    Their teacher, named Xiao, said that their story  their classmates how to help each other. The friendship between the two classmates has also  many people on the Internet to do amazing and kind things for their friends.

  • 34. 每个人的成长,都经历过很多次尝试,有成功、有失败、有欣喜、有泪水……请以"My First Try"为题,用英语写一篇短文,记录你成长中的第一次尝试。


    My First Try

    When it comes to the topic of "My First Try",

