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更新时间:2023-07-10 浏览次数:132 类型:中考真卷
  • 11.  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Avery and I are good friends, but once something unpleasant happened when we both tried for roles in Alice in Wonderland. 

    Avery really1 to be Alice and I was sure she could get the role. However, it2 that I was picked to be Alice and Avery only got the part of the March Hare. "Do you want to practice together with me?"I asked. "Sorry, I' m busy this week,"said Avery, 3 looking at me. "And I will be always busy. "

    That night at dinner, my parents noticed I was not that4 about getting the lead role. They wondered what happened. "Well, Avery was not picked to be Alice, but I was. She was unhappy. Maybe she will throw away our5 . "

    My father said,"Don' t worry about it. I think this is a6 for you to be an extra-good friend. "

    "Dad' s right,"said my mother. "Sometimes7 our friends do well, we may have feelings of envy and don' t know how to act. Try giving8 a lttle time, space and understanding, and she will change her mind soon. "

    Over the next week, I tried my best to give Avery some9 . Then one day, on the way to our practice, I10 her. "I just want to say, you' re such a great actor when acting as the March Hare. "I smiled. She seemed happy and11 how she underslood the role. When I asked her to help me with my role, she agreed and smiled, too. She12 said sorry to me for acting that way at first. Later, we became13 to each other.

    I've learned that people often have a14 time dealing with envy and disappointment (失望). If you have similar15 ,you could try taking my parents'advice. Give your friend a litle time, space and understanding. This might be the perfect time to be an extra-good friend.

    A . promised B . hoped C . forgot D . chose
    A . turned out B . found out C . carried out D . tried out
    A . till B . from C . like D . without
    A . excited B . careful C . nervous D . worried
    A . energy B . treasure C . friendship D . courage
    A . game B . chance C . story D . dream
    A . before B . whether C . unless D . when
    A . them B . him C . her D . it
    A . advice B . space C . fun D . trouble
    A . met B . left C . answered D . thanked
    A . faced B . missed C . explained D . supported
    A . even B . never C . almost D . seldom
    A . stricter B . quieter C . luckier D . closer
    A . smart B . great C . careless D . difficult
    A . activities B . mistakes C . experiences D . interests
  • 12.  阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。                                 

    Enter to become a BBC young reporter

    Young people aged from 11-18 are invited to send stories about"Me and My World" as part of the BBC Young Reporter Competition. Here' s some information about it.

    ●The thing needed

    To take part, you don' t need to send us a finished report. Just provide your story idea. You can either write it down or record it as a video. 

    ●The prize for winners

    With the help of BBC programme makers, winners will produce and share their reports on the BBC' s TV and radio channels and online. 

    ●More information

    Visit our website at tinyurlcom/TWJ-BBCYoungreporter and send your story idea before June 30. 

    1. (1) Which of the following students can take part in the competition?
      A . Tom aged 6. B . Lucy aged 10. C . Ben aged 16. D . Amy aged 20.
    2. (2) The winners will produce and share their reports with the help of____. 
      A . the winners' parents B . BBC programme makers C . the winners'teachers D . BBC interview directors
    3. (3) If you want to go for the competition, you need to____. 
      A . write songs about "Me and My World" B . prepare a finished report on your own C . read news reports on the BBC website D . provide your story idea before June 30
  • 13.  阅读理解

    The next day, Peter held up a notice as The Green Dragon came out of the tunnel towards the cottage (a small house in the country). The notice said, "LOOK OUT AT THIS STATION. "

    The old gentleman saw the notice. He looked out at the station as the train came in. He saw a lttle girl—it was Phyllis—running towards his carriage. He stood up and leaned out of the window of his carriage. 

    "Please read this, "Phyllis said, and put a letter into his hand.

    The train left the station. The old gentleman sat down and read the letter. It was from Peter. The letter said:

    Dear Mr. We do not know your name. 

    Mother is ill, and the doctor says we must give her some special things. But Mother can't afford them. We do not know anyone here because Father is away, and we do not know where he lives. Father will pay you, or ifhe has lost all his money, I will pay you when I am a man. I promise you. Please get all the things on this list, and give them to the station master tomorrow.

    The letter was signed by Peter, Roberta, and Phyllis. 

    The old gentleman read the letter and smiled. Then he put it in his pocket and started to read his newspaper again. 

    That night there was a knock on the door of the cottage. The porter from the railway station was there. 

    "An old gentleman gave this parcel (包裹) to the station master," he said. "It's for you. "

    The parcel was full of everything on the list of special things to make Mother well again. There was a letter from the old gentleman. It said:

    Dear Peter, Roberta, and Phyllis,

    Here are the things on your list. I am very happy to give them to you, and I hope your mother is soon better. When she asks where the things come from, tell her they are from a friend. When she is well, you can tell her the truth. She may say that you were wrong to ask a stranger for these things. I think you were right. 

    The letter was signed"G. P. "and something that the children could not read.

    "I think we were right to ask the old gentleman for his help," Peter said. "The important thing is for Mother to feel better. "

    1. (1) When Mother was il, Peter, Roberta, and Phyllis tried to get help by____. 
      A . meeting the station master B . looking for a greater doctor C . waiting for Father at the station D . writing a letter to the old gentleman
    2. (2) What does the underlined word"it" in paragraph 6 refer to?
      A . The notice. B . The letter. C . The money. D . The newspaper.
    3. (3) Which is the right order of the following events?

      a. The old gentleman read the letter from Peter. 

      b. Phylis put a letter into the old gentleman' s hand. 

      c. The old gentleman gave a parcel to the station master. 

      d. The porter gave the parcel to Peter, Roberta, and Phyllis. 

      e. Peter, Roberta, and Phyllis read the letter from the old gentleman. 

      A . a-b-d-e-c B . a-e-d-b-c C . b-a-c-d-e D . b-c-d-a-e
    4. (4) Which of the following best describes the old gentleman?
      A . Helpful. B . Funny. C . Brave. D . Clever.
  • 14.  阅读理解

    Seiichi Sano, an 89-year -old Japanese man, rides a wave at Katase Nishihama Beach, Thursday, March 30, 2023. He has been recognized as the oldest male to surf (冲浪) by the Guinness World Records. 

    But maybe he will just keep surfing. "I think it would be interesting to try to surf until I' m 100," Sano said. "I think I take better care of myself when I have dreams like this. Even now, I take better care of myself than I did before. "

    Sano said he got the idea to try surfing from a worker at his local bank. The man's skin was

    always dark and he did not look like a usual worker. His secret to keep healthy and energetic, he said, was surfing. So, Sano found a teacher. 

    Sano gets out most weekends on the black-sand beach. "I don' t consider myself an old man," he said in his wet suit, board standing next to him. "I have never thought of myself as an old person. I always feel that I can still move forward. I can still do it. I can still enjoy it. "

    Several young students who also work with Sano' s surf teacher tlked about Sano. 

    "I think age doesn' t matter in surfing," a 12-year-old surfer said.

    "He is so amazing," added his younger brother.

    "To be honest, I was surprised by his age," said Sano's surfing teacher. "I was worried that he would get hurt. I did not know how fit he was. "

    Sano still works 9-to-5 at his job. Surfing helps make him less stressed. "People often say that surfing is life itself," he said. "I think it is true. "

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "recognized" in paragraph 1 probably mean?
      A . Led. B . Given. C . Accepted. D . Collected.
    2. (2) Paragraph 3 mainly tells us____. 
      A . where Sano learnt to surf B . why Sano tried surfing C . how Sano planned to surf D . when Sano went surfing
    3. (3) From the words of the young students and Sano' s surf teacher, we can infer____. 
      A . they respect Sano very much B . Sano' s age influences his surfing C . they' re worried about Sano' s work D . Sano is often hurt when practising
    4. (4) According to the passage, we know Sano____. 
      A . is too old to start surfing B . gets bored with surfing C . feels stressed after surfing D . enjoys a lot from surfing
  • 15.  阅读理解

    Many of us have seen rainbows in the sky once the sun starts

    shining again after it rains. For us to see a rainbow, the conditions need to be just right. We need some water drops in the air, like rain or even fog, and we need the Sun to be behind us and quite low to the ground. This is because a rainbow is created by light passing through water drops. 

    The light that comes from the sun seems white to us. But the white light we see is made up of a mix of different colors. When the light goes through a raindrop, these colors can separate out. 

    Each of the colors in the rainbow has a different "wavelength" (波长). Raindrops look like lttle balls. When light hits one of these lttle balls of water, the light can change direction. We call this "refraction"(折射). Each of the different wavelengths is refracted differently. If the light hits the raindrop at the right place, the refraction separates the wavelengths out into their different colors.

    We are taught there are seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. But this isn't exactly true. Blue and green are next to each other in the rainbow, which is why we can see turquoise (a mix of blue and green). Brown is a mix of red and green. But they aren't next to each other in the rainbow, so we don't see them mix to make brown.

    We would never see black and white in a rainbow. Black is what we see when there' s no light at all. On the other hand, white is a mix of all the colors together. When light is refracted by raindrops, it separates the white light out, meaning it is no longer white. 

    1. (1) We can see a rainbow under the right conditions because
      A . the raindrops are like little balls B . the light goes through raindrops C . the sunshine seems to be colorful D . the weather is foggy after it rains
    2. (2) According to the passage, what can we know about the colors in the rainbow?
      A . They can become brown or black. B . There are only seven colors in all. C . They mix to make the white light. D . Their own places can be changed.
    3. (3) Which part of a magazine may this passage be taken from?
      A . Science. B . Health. C . Culture. D . Fashion.
    4. (4) What' s the best title for the passage?
      A . How are the colors received in the rainbow? B . When can the colors turn blue in the rainbow? C . Which colors aren' t covered with light in the rainbow? D . Why can't we find white, black and brown in the rainbow?
  • 16.  阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺连贯,其中有两项是多余选项。

    "I feel my heart beating, my eyes widen and almost automatically (自动地),I start to smile,"Prayitno Goenarto said. This is how he feels when he sees a new kind of bird.

    Goenarto is a birdwatcher and wildlife photographer from Indonesia. He is now 31 years old. When he became sick in college, his doctor asked him to go out more often for sunlight, exercise and fresh air. 

    A birdwatcher needs to know a lot and be brave and strong. Goenarto spends most of his time working in the wild. He knows where and when to find different kinds of birds. Sometimes he has to go deep into the forest to find the shy birds. He might get lost. He has to look out for snakes and some big animals. Once, Goenarto went to a faraway island to look for some rare birds. He worked in wet clothes for the whole trip. 

    Goenarto loves his work. Birdwatching helps him stay healthy and he can make friends with other birdwatchers. This helps more people learmn about birds and take action to protect them. That's the best part of the job!

    They study and protect the rare birds. Terry Townshend is a British birdwatcher in China. He has studied Beijing swifts for over ten years. Xu Zhuo protects red-crowned cranes in Heilongjiang. Her father, aunt and grandparents also spent their lifetime looking after the birds. Now the young girl has the job. 


    A. It can be dangerous. 

    B. It rained heavily every day. 

    C. Most birds are active in the daytime. 

    D. That's when he started watching birds. 

    E. If we do nothing, there may be none left soon. 

    F. Moreover, he catches wonderful moments of birds. 

    G. In China, there are lots of birdwatchers like Goenarto. 

  • 22.  根据短文意思和首字母提示,写出一个完整正确的单词。

    The traditional Chinese lunar calendar has 24 solar terms (节气) in a year. Ancient Chinese

    people created this system to m the change of time based on the sun' s position. In ancient times, this system guided farming activities. It t, farmers what to do according to the changes in temperature. Today, 24 solar terms still play an important role in Chinese people's e life. They remind people of the changes in s and to eat suitable food. This ancient time system has gained new charm now. In Bejjing 2022 Winter Olympics, the director used a new countdown (倒计时) method, showing 24 solar terms instead of numbers. This creative method was grealy p by people around the. world. They are amazed by the wisdom of Chinese people. 

  • 23.  从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确的形式填空(每个词或短语只能用一次)。                                 

    long;  invent; depend on; at the end of; make a speech;

    put up;  play chess; hand out; the pride of; pay attention to

    1. (1) Fresh water is important. Life on Earthit. 
    2. (2) The Yellow River is China' s secondriver after the Yangtze. 
    3. (3) The exchange students from Australia will arriveJune. 
    4. (4) Simon always stays up late. Doctor Ma advises himhis health. 
    5. (5) These volunteersthe tent already. Let' s say thanks to them. 
    6. (6) —Sandy, where is Millie?

      —Shenew books in the classroom. 

    7. (7) Tomorrow I' ll visit my grandparents. Iwith my grandpa. 
    8. (8) How great these Chinese astronauts are! They areour country. 
    9. (9) Professor Wangon teenage problems to us at 2 yesterday afternoon. 
    10. (10) Papermaking is one of the four greatfrom ancient China. 
  • 24.  阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题,每个题目的答案不超过5个单词。

    One day, a young boy named Zhang Liang was walking along a bridge. He saw an old man stting there. One of the old man' s shoes was left under the bridge. 

    "Go over there and get my shoe, young boy! "the old man ordered. Zhang Liang felt surprised, but he still picked it up for the old man. The old man said, "Five days later, please come to meet me at the bridge early in the morning. "

    Five days later, Zhang Liang went there as promised. But the old man came there before him. The old man got angry about his lazy habit. 

    Zhang Liang was asked to come again. The next day, Zhang Liang arrived earlier than before. But the old man was still before him. The old man became much angrier and asked him to get there again the next morning. 

    This time, Zhang Liang arrived at the bridge late at night. He spent the whole night there. When the old man came the next early morning, he was happy to find Zhang Liang there earlier than him. 

    The old man nodded with a smile and gave Zhang Liang a valuable book. Zhang Liang read the book carefully day and night and learned many skills from it. Many years later, he became a wise general (将军) and made great achievements. 

    1. (1) Where did Zhang Liang get one of the old man's shoes?
    2. (2) Who came to the bridge first five days later?
    3. (3) Why was the old man angry with Zhang Liang?
    4. (4) What did the old man give Zhang Liang at last?
    5. (5) What can we learn from Zhang Liang?
  • 25. 走进江苏,游历各地。众多外国友人暑期将参加"Go Jiangsu"旅游活动。假如你是李华,请你 ton根据以下图片及文字提示,以"Welcome to Lianyungang" 为题写一篇 英语短文,邀请他们走进家乡连云港,品山海文化,游大圣故里。

    1. 词数90左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;
    2. 文中应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯;
    3. 文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、校名等信息。

    Welcome to Lianyungang

    I'm Li Hua from Lianyungang, Jiangsu. I'd like to recommend my hometown to you.

