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冀教版(三起)六年级下册英语 Unit 3 What wil...

更新时间:2023-06-26 浏览次数:14 类型:同步测试
三、这儿填什么最恰当 ?
  • 7. 选词填空。

    faster,   after,   looked at,   picked,   couldn᾽t park,    to play,   fast,   went,   to pick

    One day,school, Danny and Li Mingto the park . Danny the beautiful flowers. He wantedflowers for his mother. Li Ming said he pick flowers in theor the police officer would catch him. Danny thought after he them, he ran and he ran very ,even   than the police officer.

  • 8. 根据故事情景和汉语提示,填入适当的单词将故事补充完整。

    Summer holiday is coming. Taotao and Mini want  to go on trips.

    They will go to Qingdao( 坐船). They  will put on( 他们的 )swimsuits and ( 游泳 )in the ocean.

    They will( 躺 )on the beach.

    They will( 照相 )on the beach.

    They are happy. So this is a dream. ( 原来是一场梦。)

    I hope their dreams can come true. ( 我希望他们的美梦成真。)

