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更新时间:2022-10-18 浏览次数:55 类型:开学考试
  • 45. 完形填空

    For Sparky, it was all but impossible to study well at school. He never passed 1 exams in high school. After receiving a zero in the course, he thought himself as the 2 Physics student in the school's history. Sparky didn't do much better in sports either. Although he joined the school's golf team, he quickly 3 a match of the season. What's more, Sparky was not sociable. He dared not talk to others and would feel shocked if a classmate said hello to him outside of school hours.

    However, one thing was 4 to Sparky—drawing. He was proud of his artworks. In his senior year of high school, he tried to send some cartoons to editors. They were 5. However, Sparky didn't give up after this unhappy experience. After graduating from high school, he wrote a letter to Walt Disney Studios. He was 6 and advised to send some of his artworks. Sparky felt so excited that he drew some cartoons and sent them. He was full of 7 and waited. Finally, the reply came from the studios. But he was rejected once again.

    Then Sparky decided to write his own cartoon. In the cartoon, he described himself as a boy loser who would never fly a kite and never 8 kicking a ball.

    For Sparky, the cartoon boy was himself, who always 9 at school and whose works were rejected again and again.

    To his surprise, the cartoon character soon became. 10 worldwide. And he was known to the world for the popular comic strip "Peanuts".

    A . Chemistry B . Maths C . Physics D . Science
    A . cleverest B . worst C . tallest D . busiest
    A . watched B . played C . won D . lost
    A . difficult B . weak C . strange D . important
    A . made up B . put off C . turned down D . sold out
    A . reminded B . encouraged C . warned D . educated
    A . shame B . surprise C . hope D . anger
    A . succeed in B . care about C . bring out D . feel like
    A . studied B . failed C . disappeared D . arrived
    A . cheap B . meaningless C . famous D . creative
  • 46. 阅读理解

    One day in 1903, French scientist Edouard Benedictus stood on a ladder in his lab. As he reached up to get something on a high shelf, his arm brushed an empty glass bottle and it dropped to the floor.

    Benedictus climbed down, expecting a mess, but he found a surprise. The glass hadn't fragmented! It had broken into a spiderweb-like pattern, but it had held together. Benedictus wondered why.

    Later he knew one of his students had used the bottle to hold liquid plastic during an experiment. Later the liquid plastic dried itself. The student thought the bottle had been washed, so he put it back on the shelf. Benedicts realized the coating of dried plastic had kept the broken glass from falling apart.

    The same week, a Paris newspaper printed an article about car accidents: The car was a new and exciting invention then, and more and more people were driving on the roads. Unluckily, there were no traffic lights or stop signs yet. In accidents, people were often hurt by flying broken glass when car windows broke.

    After reading the article, the image of the broken glass bottle suddenly appeared before Benedictus's eyes.    ▲    He jumped up and ran to his lab.

    Benedictus spent the whole day experimenting. Over and over again, he coated glass with liquid plastic and broke it, trying to figure out the best way to make glass that wouldn't fragment. Finally, Benedictus put the liquid plastic between two pieces of glass and made them stick together. When he hit it, the glass-and-plastic sandwich broke, but not into pieces.

    Benedictus had done it! That's how an unexpected meeting between an unwashed glass bottle and a careless scientist led to an invention that made us all safer.

    1. (1) The underlined word "fragmented" means "______".
      A . lost its colour B . become soft C . changed to a liquid state D . broken into small pieces
    2. (2) From the first three paragraphs, we can learn ______.
      A . why the glass bottle hadn't fallen apart B . what Benedictus was looking for on the shelf C . how the student dried the liquid plastic D . what mistake the student made in the experiment
    3. (3) Which of the following can be put in "___▲___" in Paragraph 5?
      A . Could he afford a new car then? B . He forgot something really important. C . Could his accident be something useful? D . He didn't like the article in the newspaper.
    4. (4) What was Benedictus's safety glass like?
      A . B . C . D .
    5. (5) What can be the best title for the passage?
      A . A careless scientist B . New technology makes us safer C . An unexpected invention D . Failure is the mother of success
  • 47. 选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。

    A. But they have lived in silence for too long.

    B. Real-world voice control is used for more everyday tasks.

    C. Voice control systems can be used to "listen" to spoken words and then turn them into texts that deaf people can read.

    D. But what if we just talk to them normally and tell them what to do?

    E. It was mainly used to play chess and repair the astronauts' spaceship.

    F. Voice control allows you to pay attention to whatever you're doing at the moment.

    Computers and smartphones are perfect servants. They always do what they are "told". We usually "tell" them to do things with a mouse or a keyboard.

    This technology, known as voice control, has been shown in films and TV shows since the 1960s. The Star Trek TV series, which first showed up on the screen at that time, had spaceships that could reply to human voice commands. A Space Odyssey showed a computer that human astronauts could talk to.

    You might know well about Siri and Alexa, two examples of voice control systems developed by Apple and Amazon. They can be asked to do many things, from setting alarms and playing music to placing online shopping orders and controlling household appliances.

    One of the nice things about voice control is that it can be used when you're on the go. When you're driving a car or walking down the sidewalk, it can be inconvenient or even dangerous to pick up your smartphone and type on the keyboard.

    People with hearing disabilities will also welcome the technology. Some can even hear words spoken in one language and then translate them into another language.

  • 48. 语法填空

    Hita Gupta is a 16-year-old high school student from the US. She and her 10-year-old brother Divit are helping old people alleviate(减轻)(they) loneliness during the COVID-19 outbreak through care packages(包裹)and video messages.

    Hita got the idea because of her experiences of (volunteer) at an old people's home. One day, she (tell) that she wouldn't be able to visit the center for some time to keep the old people safe. "That's what got me thinking about what I could do (help) the old people fight loneliness because they weren't allowed to see any family or friends," said Hita. "Loneliness is always big problem for the old people."
      Since last spring, Hita and Divit have been sending care packages, each a handwritten note, to nursing homes. As word spread about what Hita and Divit were doing, more people joined them they quickly got a lot of support. Now with the help of volunteers in (country) from Canada to Australia, they have sent packages, cards and video messages to a large number of old people.

    "It's so easy to bring a smile to the old people and (true) alleviate their loneliness. Many of them are moved by the messages," Hita said. A worker of a nursing home said, "Thanks to their kindness, the old people have something to look forward to now. They've become much (happy) and more active."

  • 49. 假如你是王伟,从去年开始在校园电台工作。最近你收到笔友Mike的邮件,他想了解你在校电台的工作情况。请你根据下面的提示内容,给Mike回一封邮件。

    Dear Mike,

    I'm glad to introduce my job in the school radio station to you.

