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人教版(PEP)六年级下学期Unit3 单元测试

更新时间:2022-04-30 浏览次数:61 类型:单元试卷
  • 6. ( )  情景交际。

    ⑴How did you go to Turpan?   

    ⑵What did you do last night?   

    ⑶Are you all right?   

    ⑷What happened?   

    ⑸I took lots of pictures.    

    A. Sounds great!

    B. I went there by car.

    C. I read books.

    D. I'm OK now.

    E. I hurt my foot last Saturday.

  • 7. 找出各句的应答语。

    ⑴What happened?                                         A. It's six o'clock.

    ⑵What's in the bag?                                       B. I visited my aunt.

    ⑶Did you go to Shanghai last Monday?        C. There's a book in it.

    ⑷What time is it?                                            D. No, I didn't.

    ⑸What did you do yesterday?                        E. I fell off my bike.

  • 8. ( ) 选词填空。

    cook   be   tired   visit   go   at do   play   watch   fly

    I busy last weekend. In the morning,I my grandparents with my mother. They noodles for us. Then I to the park with my friends. We football in the park and kites together. We were but happy. After dinner,I went home. I my homework and TV at home. I went to bed 11 o'clock.

  • 9. ( )  重新排列字母,组成正确的单词。
    1. (1) c m a p
    2. (2) f s h i
    3. (3) r d e o
    4. (4) h t r u
    5. (5) b h t o u g
    6. (6) g t i f
    7. (7) e l f l 
    8. (8)  h c a e b
    9. (9) k e t b a s
    10. (10) a u l g h
  • 10. ( )  阅读短文,选择正确的答案。

    I'm Mike. I had a very busy weekend, but it was interesting. On Saturday morning, I cleaned my bedroom. 
    In the afternoon, I did my homework. It wasn't difficult and I finished it quickly. In the evening, I cooked a big dinner 
    for my family. On Sunday morning, I got up very early. Then I read an interesting storybook. In the afternoon, I went 
    to see a good film. 

    1. (1) Mike's weekend____. 
      A . was bad B . was interesting C . was busy but interesting
    2. (2) On Saturday afternoon, Mike____. 
      A . went to see a movie B . did his homework C . cleaned his room
    3. (3) Mike got up____ on Sunday morning. 
      A . early B . late C . very late
    4. (4) Mike's homework is____. 
      A . easy B . difficult C . good
    5. (5) Mike thought the film____. 
      A . was bad B . was scary C . was good

