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外研版初中英语八年级下册Module 10 On the r...

更新时间:2022-04-26 浏览次数:25 类型:同步测试
一、sound, noise和voice的区别
  • 1. Light travels much faster than _______in nature.
    A . noise B . voice C . sound D . volume
  • 2. If you make _______in the classroom, our monitor will ask you to leave.
    A . noise B . voice C . sound D . volume
  • 3. It may be the _______of a cat, but I'm not very sure.
    A . sound B . voice C . noise D . volume
  • 4. 选择sound, voice或noise填空。
    1. (1) Last Sunday, a group of pupils talked happily in a loud as they went to the countryside by bike.
    2. (2) Please don't make so much . Your grandpa is sleeping now.
    3. (3) The that the children made woke me up.
    4. (4) My sister Lily sings well because she has a sweet.
    5. (5) Please talk in a low . Don't wake up the baby.
    6. (6) At midnight, we heard a very strange.
三、be on和start/begin

