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更新时间:2022-03-15 浏览次数:67 类型:高考模拟
一、听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
二、听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) When will the speakers have the party?
      A . On Friday. B . On Saturday. C . On Sunday.
    2. (2) What will the man do next?
      A . Listen to music. B . Study for exams. C . Have some food.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the man say about the quiz show?
      A . It starts too late. B . It's boring. C . It's funny.
    2. (2) What will the speakers probably watch?
      A . The talk show. B . The quiz show. C . The program on pandas
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the man ask the woman to do?
      A . Look after the house. B . Take a painting course. C . Go to Scotland with him.
    2. (2) What do we know about Lucy?
      A . She is younger than Maria. B . She is doing her summer job. C . She is easy to get along with.
    3. (3) What is the possible relationship between the speakers?
      A . Classmates. B . Husband and wife. C . Father and daughter.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What inspired the man to make a model spaceship?
      A . Video. B . A teenager. C . A TV program.
    2. (2) What is the man doing now?
      A . Designing a model spaceship. B . Trying to make the model spaceship fly. C . Making a new design of the model spaceship.
    3. (3) Whom does the woman suggest the man ask for help?
      A . His father. B . Their teacher. C . Their classmates.
    4. (4) Where will the man fly the model spaceship?
      A . At a big park. B . At his back garden. C . In the school playground.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where does the race start?
      A . At the local football ground. B . At the post office near the park. C . At the main entrance of the park.
    2. (2) What can every runner get this year?
      A . A T-shirt. B . A football. C . A water bottle.
    3. (3) Who can run in the race free of charge?
      A . Children under 8 years of age. B . Adults registering in advance. C . Children between 8 and 15 years of age.
    4. (4) What's the purpose of making the announcement?
      A . To introduce a running race. B . To describe a beautiful park. C . To encourage a healthy lifestyle.
三、阅读理解(共 15小题,每小题2分,共30分)
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Tell us your story

    "China and Me, Five Years from Now"

    Dear friends,

    You're welcome to tell your China story. As China is well on its way to achieving its 14th Five-Year Plan goals, the country is more open ever and more appealing to every member of society. Wouldn't it be wonderful to capture your memorable moments in China through your lens or put them into words?

    We would be so happy to hear your voice in this contest. Please feel free to share your memories and impressions with us by article or video. Just check the contest procedures below and let's get started!

    About the contest

    Co-organized by authoritative organizations

    This contest is hosted by China Daily and is co-sponsored by the Bank of China and the Society for International Human Resources Development of the Institutions of Higher Learning (SIHRDIHL).

    Prestigious award ceremony

    A prestigious award ceremony and online forums will be held in July in Beijing.

    Awesome prizes await you

    While reviewing the submitted works, online forums will be held for international students. Also, China Daily website will set up special areas for collecting and displaying works.

    Works will be posted on

    * China Daily website * China Daily app * China Daily social media platforms

    Who can enter

    The contest is open to international students and expats (旅居国外者). Regardless of whether you are in China or not, you are welcome to send us articles or videos showing your China story if you know China, love China or look forward to discovering more of the country. The contest is not open to organizations for companies. Please participate as an individual.

    When to submit

    The Rules

    Articles and Photos

    Word count: Between 500 and 1,000 English words

    Photo format: JPG or PNG

    Photos should reflect the theme of the article, including but not limited to photos of people or landscapes. You can upload no more than 10 photos, each within 5MB. Every photo should has a caption of no more than 200 English words.


    Format: MP4 or MOV

    Dimensions: 1280×720 pixels

    File size: The video file size should not exceed 4 GB, and the maximum video length should be 4 minutes.

    Submit a caption about the content of the work, and when and where the video was taken in

    200-500 words.


    The submitted works and videos should be copyrighted; do not use the materials or video clips with copyright disputes.

    How to submit

    Click on one of the two icons below to fill in the following information and upload your material or videos below.

    1. (1) What do you know about the contest?
      A . The contest is designed to celebrate economic development. B . Only the Bank of China sponsored the contest. C . Submitted works will be printed in newspapers. D . Works should be handed in before June 20, 2021.
    2. (2) What will winners of the contest get?
      A . Have works shown in a certain section of the website. B . Have a chance to display works at online forums. C . Get a prize with their colleagues as a team. D . Take part in a great award ceremony online.
    3. (3) Which of the following will result in disqualification?
      A . Writing an article of 600 English words. B . Preparing five photos, each with an illustration of 400 English words. C . Shooting a video of 4 minutes in a MOV format. D . Having the exclusive legal right of the works submitted.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    My dad was a nice man who didn't talk very much. He used to work as a mechanic fixing army planes, but he was sent back after getting injured. Later, he opened a garage with his friend, who sold it behind his back. People took advantage of him, but he couldn't turn down a favor.

    That's why I felt more than a little confused when a policeman called my office, asking me to pick him up at the station. The old man was found walking alone along the highway. When a police patrol car stopped him, he explained that he was traveling to Nebraska to claim his million dollars.

    "What million dollars?" I asked Dad, who was sitting quietly in the passenger's seat as we drove home. Dad took out a wrinkled letter and read, "We are now authorized to pay one million dollars to Woodrow T. Grant of Billing, Montana. "

    I never knew dad wanted to be a millionaire. I asked him what he would do with the prize money, to which he replied that he wanted a new truck. His driver's license has expired (失效) fifteen years ago when he reached his seventies.

    I knew that the letter was a scam (骗局), but the old man was as stubborn as a mule. He even slept with that stupid letter in his hand. He memorized it word for word. I didn't think he could memorize anything anymore. He wouldn't stay at home either, but ventured out onto the highway again and again, until the police sent him back. In the end, I had to give up. I called in sick at work and the two of us set out in my car to claim his prize.

    We traveled past several states. Dad remained silent, while I found it hard to control my temper. Finally, I decided to ask the question. "Why on earth do you need a million dollars for a stupid truck?" Dad replied, "The rest is for you. I wanted to leave you something." His words made me speechless.

    The following day, we arrived at our destination. Dad's heart leaped with joy as I opened the car door for him. He marched toward the specific spot marked in the letter. However, when someone answered the door, he saw their puzzled expression. At that moment he knew that he was not a millionaire. He stood there in stunned silence as tears rolled down his cheeks.

    On our way back, we stopped at a truck-dealer's. Dad cast his eyes towards his favorite truck, and then he looked at me. I realized the truth of his disappointment, so I decided to buy it for him. We drove his treasured vehicle back home with the wind in our face. Although I was tired, what I felt at that moment is something money cannot buy.

    1. (1) The son picked his father up at the station because ________.
      A . his father was injured while fixing army planes B . his father got involved in a scam C . his walking along the highway worried the policemen D . he drove his truck with an out-of-date driving license
    2. (2) Which of the following best describes the father?
      A . Determined. B . Greedy. C . Generous. D . Forgetful.
    3. (3) What can we infer from the text?
      A . The son persuaded his father to claim the money. B . The son accompanied his father to the destination with joy. C . The father valued the letter as a way to become a millionaire. D . The father was disappointed at his inability to give his son something valuable.
    4. (4) What is the best title for the text?
      A . An Illegal trick B . One Million Dollars C . Dad's Favorite Truck D . A Stubborn Millionaire
  • 13. 阅读理解

    In the future, chances are we don't need to depend on human donations for life-saving skin grafts (移植).

    That's the goal of Xeno Therapeutics, a biotech non-profit organization. The US Food and Drug Administration approved the group's initial application for temporary skin grafts removed from genetically modified (基因改良) pigs. This means that they can start testing pig skin grafts on people who have experienced severe burns.

    Skin, the body's largest organ, plays an important role in blocking pathogens (病原体) from reaching our organs inside. It also helps the body keep a constant temperature. People with severe skin damage are at a high risk of developing deadly infections as a result of changes in temperature.

    At the moment, the only skin grafts available in the US come from the dead people who have agreed to be organ donors, or patients who have gone through surgery to remove skin after large weight loss. These human skins used for grafts are not easy to find.

    Xeno Therapeutics, which gets its name from animal-to-human transplants, has raised pigs that have skin remarkably similar to our own. Grafts from these pigs are therefore more likely to hide without being detected by the host's immune system — at least temporarily. The idea is that they could be used for immediate burn treatment, followed human skin graft treatment later.

    "I'd say that just like comparing a Coke with Pepsi, it would be hard to tell which was the human skin and which was the pig graft," said Xeno Therapeutics CEO Paul Holzer.

    The non-profit organization has been working to conduct the clinical trials, which will only be testing the grafts' safety and tolerability in six patients with severe burns. Assuming the results are positive after a month, the grafts will need to pass through two more stages of testing before they can be approved for widespread clinical use.

    Several other groups around the world are working to make animal organs suitable for clinical medicine. In Brazil, researchers are exploring using tilapia skin as temporary bandages for burn victims whose skin is regrowing.

    1. (1) What's the aim of Xeno Therapeutics?
      A . To make profit from the grafts. B . To modify pigs genetically. C . To apply pig skin on human patients. D . To test people with severe burns.
    2. (2) Why is skin important to human beings?
      A . It keeps one's temperature changing. B . It helps us recover from deadly diseases. C . It prevents itself from being damaged. D . It acts as a protective layer for our body.
    3. (3) What is Paul Holzer's attitude towards the pig skin grafts?
      A . Doubtful. B . Worried. C . Confident. D . Ambiguous.
    4. (4) What can we know about the grafts?
      A . They won't be put to use until they pass tests. B . Brazilian doctors have also applied pig skin for grafts. C . Animal skin has been used on six patients safely. D . Only skin removed from pigs can be used for grafts.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Mercury (汞), an unusual element, is poisonous and can be found just about everywhere. It can also exist as an organic compound, the most common of which is methylmercury (甲基汞). While we can take steps to avoid both elemental and inorganic mercury, it is much harder to avoid methylmercury.

    Most of the mercury in the environment comes from coal-burning power plants. The concentration of mercury in the air from power plants is very low, so it is not immediately dangerous. However, the mercury is then washed out of the air by rainstorms and eventually ends up in lakes and oceans.

    The mercury in the water doesn't immediately get absorbed by fish, as elemental mercury doesn't easily spread into cells. However, methylmercury spreads into cells easily, and certain bacteria in the water change the elemental mercury to methylmercury. Methylmercury in the water spreads into plankton (浮游生物). Small animals eat the plankton and absorb the methylmercury in the plankton and then large animals eat small animals and absorb the methylmercury. Because each animal passes the methylmercury much more slowly than it absorbs it, methylmercury builds up in the animal over time and is passed on to whatever animal eats it.

    As people became aware of the concentration of mercury in fish, many reacted by removing seafood from their diet. Scientists have studied the effects of mercury. By determining the levels of mercury consumption that cause any of the known symptoms of mercury poisoning, they were able to identify a safe level of mercury consumption. The current recommendation is for humans to take in less than 0. 1 microgram of mercury for every kilogram of weight per day. This means that a 70-kilogram person (about 155 pounds) could safely consume 7 micrograms of mercury per day.

    Nutritionists recommend that, rather than remove fish from our diet, we try to eat more of the low-mercury fish and less of the high-mercury fish. Low-mercury species tend to be smaller fish while high-mercury species tend to be the largest carnivorous (食肉的) fish. Awareness of the particulars of this problem, accompanied by mindful eating habits, will keep us on the best course for healthy eating.

    1. (1) What does Paragraph 3 mainly explain?
      A . The relationships between small animals and large animals. B . The process by which large animals absorb mercury. C . The reasons why mercury in the water isn't harmful to fish. D . The difference between methymercury and other types of mercury
    2. (2) What should people consider when eating seafood to ensure a safe mercury intake?
      A . The other meats they are eating. B . Where seafood was caught. C . What they ate the day before. D . Their own body weight.
    3. (3) Which of the following about mercury poisoning does the author agree with?
      A . Its symptoms remain unclear. B . It's not a big deal. C . It can be avoided effectively. D . Its consequence is immediate.
    4. (4) What can we learn from the text?
      A . It's impossible to avoid mercury completely. B . Humans get mercury mainly from fish consumption. C . Inorganic mercury is more harmful than organic mercury. D . Mercury from power plants can gather together easily in the air.
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Many people might feel lost during a major transition(转折)in life. Life coaching, however, is the best choice for anyone who is looking for ways to get through the tough path of life.

    Some life coaches might focus only on certain types of situations, like advancing careers, while others may be willing to help with nearly any life transition.

    A life coach will often act as an advisor for his clients(客户). Many times, he will also be able to look at a client's life with n fair eye and ofter fresh ideas on certain situations. In doing so, the life coach will usually be able to help his client work through any problems he may face.

    During this interview, the life coach should find out what the client's wants, needs and goals are in life.

    How to help each client is different to everyone, and it is a very individualized process. Because of this, a life coach must develop plans based on each client's strengths, weaknesses, abilities and so on. A life coach will also usually take each client's morals and values into consideration.

    Some life coaches may be able to find employment with a few select universities and corporations. There are also a handful of large life coaching firms that hire life coaches as well. The majority of life coaches  however, work for themselves, opening their own life coaching practices.

    A. Methods that work for one client may not work for another.

    B. A good life coach should try to satisfy all the needs of his clients.

    C. He is often expected to listen closely to their concerns and problems.

    D. Before a life coach can help a client, he first needs an in-depth interview.

    E. Life coaches offer guidance to all types of people in different stages of their lives.

    F. In some cases, life coaches may work together and offer a wider range of services.

    G. Generally, there are no strict education requirements for starting a life coaching career.

五、完形填空(共 20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)
  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    People love to ask, "What's your secret?" Sometimes they want to know how I perform 1. Other times they want to 2 how I went from an adopted child to the Olympic champion.

    My answer to both is the same: a mix of talent, hard work and catching the right 3 when given the opportunity. I was 4 to have both a gift for gymnastics and the chance to 5 it, and I did devote myself to 6 it. But many people aren't so lucky.

    Do you know that 7 there are nearly 400,000 children and youth waiting to be 8 in the United States? But as 9 as 3% of adopted kids go on to earn a bachelor's degree, compared to about 30% of the general 10. They simply lack the support, resources and opportunity to 11 their potential.

    So I want to 12 for these kids because I was adopted myself. My road to 13 began on the day my grandfather adopted my 14 and me. My birth mother suffered from drug addiction, and when I was just three years old, my sister and I moved around until I was six and my grandfather made the 15 move to adopt us.

    Finding a family made me feel like I 16. Finding a passion, something I loved, made me feel I was important. 17 my country and being part of such a 18 Olympic team matters.

    Our 19 shouldn't shape us or keep us from our goals. My hope is that I can help other adopted children realize their 20 in the months and years ahead.

    A . excellently B . independently C . gratefully D . publicly
    A . judge B . know C . write D . conclude
    A . answer B . idea C . chance D . moment
    A . special B . strong C . sensitive D . fortunate
    A . discover B . hide C . develop D . accept
    A . running after B . picking up C . looking for D . getting over
    A . in advance B . in time C . in conclusion D . in reality
    A . taught B . adopted C . recorded D . recommended
    A . clear B . few C . soon D . far
    A . population B . comment C . knowledge D . education
    A . enlarge B . exchange C . realize D . decorate
    A . arrange B . send C . pay D . speak
    A . exercise B . wealth C . passion D . success
    A . mother B . coach C . sister D . friend
    A . brave B . sudden C . common D . quick
    A . cried B . mattered C . grew D . started
    A . Leaving B . Representing C . Remembering D . Choosing
    A . brilliant B . formal C . serious D . modern
    A . requirements B . appearances C . abilities D . circumstances
    A . promises B . weaknesses C . goals D . effects
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Up to now, Apple has pulled all vaping-related (电子烟相关的) apps from the App Store. The move comes after a group of vaping-related illnesses  (result) in over 40 deaths so far and a previously  (health) teenager needing a double-lung transplant to survive.

    Apple has never allowed vaping apps on its App Store,  enables people to buy vaping products. But in the past it did allow apps to offer  (inform) about vaping or even allowed users to control the lighting or temperature of their vaping devices.

    But that's all changed today. Apple will remove all 181 vaping-related apps  its App Store today. Apple said: We take great care  (treat) the App Store as a trusted place for customers,  (particular) for the youth, to download apps. We're constantly evaluating apps to determine risks to users' health and well-being. Recently, experts ranging from the CDC to the American Heart Association have attributed a variety of lung injuries to  (use) vaping products. We agree. As of today, these apps are no longer available to download.

    People who have previously downloaded the pulled apps will still be able to use them on their iPhone  iPad; however, developers will not  (allow) to even push updates to those existing apps.

七、短文改错(共 10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌交换修改作文,请修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。




    2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第 11处起)不计分。

    Many holidays are celebrate only in the United States. Americans celebrate their independent from Britain on July 4. Memorial Day, celebrated on the last Monday in May, honors those which have died in military service. Labor Day, observed on the first Monday in September, is in order celebrate the country's workforce. Thanksgiving, another distinctive American holiday, falls on the four Thursday in November or dates back to colonial times to celebrate the harvest. Presidents' Day, mark the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, was a federal holiday that occurs on the third Monday in February. The contribution of veterans (老兵) are honored on Veterans' Day, observed on Nov. 11. The contributions of civil rights leader, the Martin Luther King Jr. , are remembered on the third Monday in January.

八、书面表达 (满分25分)
  • 19. 高中三年的生活接近尾声。回顾过去三年,你和朋友之间一定有很多美好的回忆。请你写一篇文章,介绍你的一位好朋友,要点如下:





