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更新时间:2022-03-07 浏览次数:70 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Later this month, Tate Britain will host its first Van Gogh exhibition since 1947. Here we've rounded up 4 of his best paintings before the show.

    Potato Eaters

    Potato Eaters was Van Gogh's first major work and, despite a distinct lack of colour, it was one that he was most proud of. His aim was to represent the difficulties of country life, so the farmers are painted in earthy tones with rough faces and bony hands. He was more concerned with conveying his message than achieving technical perfection in this painting.


    Van Gogh finished almost 142 pieces during his stay in the Saint Remy de Provence asylum (精神病院), where he was a voluntary patient from 1889 to 1890. This piece was started shortly after he arrived there. The hospital garden provided much inspiration for the artist during his stay there. Originally, the flowers in this work were painted purple but the red pigment (色素) faded over time and has now turned blue.

    Cafe Terrace at Night

    Despite being painted more than 130 years ago, this cafe still exists in France and has since been renamed the Cafe Van Gogh. This artwork marks the first time Van Gogh's famous post-impressionistic star-filled sky was seen in a piece, and it was painted on the ground, in person, rather than from memory. While the artwork doesn't bear his signature, it's widely known to be Van Gogh's, as he mentioned Cafe Terrace at Night in a number of his letters.

    Wheat Field With Cypresses

    This piece was inspired by the view from Van Gogh's asylum window and was finished on the spot. The work was the title of three paintings that offer an insight into his stay at the hospital.' Van Gogh was 80 pleased with the summer landscape that he made three copies there, one of the same size—which hangs in the National Gallery and two smaller copies which he planned to gift to his mother and sister.

    1. (1) Which painting did Vincent van Gogh take most pride in?
      A . Irises. B . Potato Eaters. C . Cafe Terrace at Night. D . Wheat Field With Cypresses.
    2. (2) What is the original color of the flowers in Irises?
      A . Purple. B . Blue. C . Red. D . Yellow.
    3. (3) What do the last two paintings have in common?
      A . They were the same in size. B . They had more than one copy. C . They were signed by the artist, D . They were painted on the ground.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    A fight last month between Campinas and Sao Jose do Rio Preto in southern Brazil became the scene of a spontaneous(自发的) act of kindness that spread on social media networks.

    According to the website Aeroin. net, a passenger named Sirlandia Dias Pereira was traveling with her son Caleb, who suffered from heart failure and bad a heart murmur(杂音). During the flight, she told the passenger next to her, Alex Pontes, that she was traveling so her son could be hospitalized. She also explained that she was relying on the charity of others for living quarters.

    The passenger talked to the crew of the airline and asked to use the airplane's loudspeaker, inviting the other travelers to contribute to a spontaneous collection to help the mother and her son." All of us would like to find an angel to help us. Those of us who feel moved to do s0, let's help this mother to take a little something with her. a little something we have and can share," he said.

    In a matter of minutes, passengers offered a total worth near $ 400 which goes a lot further in Brazil than in the USA), plus applause for the mother, who was thrilled with the help and repeatedly expressed her gratitude to the passengers.

    The site that first shared the story later updated the article, adding that Caleb went through surgery and Was recovering well. The website Razoes Para Acreditar reported that the story caught the attention of Brazilin TV personality Luciano Huck, who started a crowdfunding campaign to help the family.

    This story just goes to show that a kind act can go a long way towards making an important difference in someone's life. There are people in need all around us, Let's not let these chances to help others pass us by!

    1. (1) Why was the mother traveling?
      A . To get her sick son treated, B . To look for living quarters C . To experience taking a plane, D . To pick up her son from hospital.
    2. (2) What did Alex Pontes do for the mother on the plane?
      A . He gave her $ 400 by himself, B . He called for donation for her, C . He exchanged his seat with her, D . He helped her attend to her son,
    3. (3) Why did Lauciano Huck decide to help the mother and her son?
      A . He was one of the witnesses on the plane. B . He wanted to make himself well-known. C . He was inspired by the spontaneous act. D . He Was asked to offer assistance by them.
    4. (4) What is the author's main purpose in writing the text?
      A . To speak highly of a kind passenger. B . To ask us to communicate with others. C . To show the importance of first aid. D . To encourage us to help those in need.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Most people think that women are naturally kind, cry too much and think with their hearts, instead of using their heads like men. Meanwhile, men are thought to be born to be rational creatures who naturally know how to lead and do math. However, statistics on personality types report that 75. 5% of women are Feelers and 56. 5% of men are Thinkers. So, right now we see that a huge number of men about 43%一have Feeling preferences.

    According to these numbers, only 25% of women are Thinkers. A majority of women tested are Feelers, but are a majority of women born as Feelers? In many regards, women are still expected to uphold the feminine(女性的) goals of half a century ago- stay pretty, have babies, keep a tidy home, and cook a good nutritious meal every night. Now, in addition to those old standards, most women plan on working and having careers. But even in the workplace, showing a Thinking preference can be problematic. Women who take charge or offer criticism may be seen 88 bossy,

    Of courser the question goes to the Thinking men. Boys learn at a young age that being emotional or sensitive can be seen to be less strong. They have been taught not to cry to show that they are brave enough to bear any sufferings. In that case, they are more likely to be less of Feelers.

    Maybe Feeler women and Thinker men are not naturally 80.

    There is nothing wrong with being a Feeler woman or a Thinker man. Being a Feeler does not mean that you're a rollercoaster of emotions who might knock over a table at any moment, nor does being a Thinker mean that you are an infallible robot designed to make heartless decisions. Regardless of gender. your personality and preferences are completely valid; neither Thinking nor Feeling is right or wrong, good or bad. And of course, people, who prefer a Thinking style still have feelings, and Feelers can be extremely intelligent.

    1. (1) What is the common belief about men according to paragraph 1?
      A . They prefer to be math teachers. B . They tend to think with their heads. C . They seem ruder and more merciless. D . They are emotional group leaders.
    2. (2) What mainly makes women become Feelers?
      A . Their working experiences. B . The social expectations. C . The born characteristics. D . Their family backgrounds,
    3. (3) What can be learned from the last paragraph?
      A . Personality is not necessarily limited to a type. B . Feelers and Thinkers can hardly live in harmony, C . A Thinker is certain to make heartless decisions. D . A Feeler is emotionally changeable all the time.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the text?
      A . Does Personality Change Over the Time? B . Is Personality Only Determined by Gender? C . Are Feeler Women and Thinker Men Born to Be So? D . Can Feelers and Thinkers Get On Well With Each Other?
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Scientists are urging that deep sea metal mining should be stopped temporarily. They warn in a report that it can cause severe and damaging effects on Pacific Ocean areas.

    The recently-released report examined more than 250 published studies on deep Sea mining. The research was examined by the Deep Sea Mining Campaign- a collection of not-for profit organizations. The report centers on mining activities related to small metallic particles(金属颗粒), called nodules, found on the seabed. The material can contain different metals. Increasing demand for these metals has led to a rise in deep-sea mining operations. The metals are commonly used in battery manufacturing and other technology products.

    However, the scientists warn that mining for these nodules will cause irreversible(不可逆的) damage to an ocean already under pressure. The operations will affect areas across the South Pacific, including the nations of Kiribati, the Cook Islands, Nauru, Tonga and Papua New Guinea.

    The report notes that a moratorium is the only responsible way to move forward until certain conditions surrounding deep-sea mining can be met. The scientists are calling for additional study to fully understand the environmental, social and economic risks.

    Andrew Chin is the report's lead researcher. He says in a statement that nodule mining will likely result in the loss of sea life and cause damage to deep seabeds for thousands of years. He adds that the operations can put people at risk who depend on the ocean and its continued health.

    A company planning to be one of the first to carry out mining operations in the area is Canada's DeepGreen, which aims to begin by 2024. It seeks to mine metallic nodules to be used in power systems for electric vehicles. DeepGreen Chief Executive Officer Gerard Barron defended the company's plans in reaction to the report. He said deep-sea mining offered the best alternative to surface mining, which has & long history of pollution and destroying forests and wildlife.

    1. (1) Why are deep-sea mining operations on the rise?
      A . More metals are needed. B . Surface mining is banned, C . Battery industry is falling. D . The seabed is easy to find,
    2. (2) Which of the following best explains the word “moratorium" underlined in paragraph 4?
      A . Loose measure. B . Thorough study. C . Permanent deal. D . Temporary stop.
    3. (3) What can we learn from Andrew Chin's words?
      A . Conditions surrounding deep-sea mining are great. B . The damage caused by nodule mining is reversible. C . Nodule mining can cause harm in various aspects. D . People sure less likely to be affected by nodule mining,
    4. (4) What's Gerard Barron's attitude towards deep-sea mining?
      A . Opposed. B . Supportive. C . Ambiguous. D . Unconcerned.
二、任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题 2.5分,满分12.5分)
  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    According to the Journal for Happiness Studies, to gain most from a vacation, you need eight days off. If you can take that much time off, do it. But many of us can't go away for that long. Most of the time, we can just enjoy short weekends

    Stay away from work,

    You can't gain benefits of time off i you're still mentally tied into work. So set an email vacation away message, leave your work phone at home, and commit to leaving any email or phone calls until you return to work Then put your devices away until the next day at that time.

    Put the camera away,

    It's fun to take some pictures and share them on social media. However, consider limiting yourself. Think about what you're taking pictures for, and put the camera away sometimes. A visual record isn't the only way to make memories. Participation is the best way.

    When you're on vacation, have a good sleep. Schedule time to sleep for as long as you like to allow for a deep rest. Lie in bed and do nothing (try to avoid taking up your phone and diving into social media), and just relax. And even if you can't necessarily fall completely asleep, letting your mind wander can reduce anxiety and allow for greater creativity.

    Read a novel.

    It helps make you a more empathetic(感同身受的) person, and it's good for your brain, It can help you relearn how to focus on one thing at a time. Reading while on vacation can also work to beautifully connect reading a certain book with a place.

    A. Sleep.

    B. Reschedule your routines,

    C. The benefits of reading fiction are many.

    D. A weekend can also do wonders if you make good use of it.

    E. It's a good idea to spend your weekend taking pictures or reading books.

    F. If you absolutely must check your email, pick a time once per day and do it.

    G. Concentrate on taking mental pictures, or enjoying what you are experiencing.

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Noah Rupp, the Providence High School ninth-grader, is only 15. But he's already started his own charity to help the1

    Noah's Ark Project began last fall when he and his father, Mark Rupp, were on 2in Asheville, Walking back to their hotel, they3a man who appeared to be homeless and was shaking in the cold. He wanted to do4to help.

    When they returned to Charlotte, Noah5what types of products could help a person to stay6. He found a type of bright, orange lightweight sleeping bag, they are waterproof(防水的) and windproof and can be7 all year-round.

    They built website and8to raise $5,000 for the first 200 sleeping bags, Noah presented his 9to his classmates. Most were very supportive and helped him with his first fundraiser a yard sale. "We sold our own used things and bought 20 bags that winter.

    "It seems it will10much longer time to reach the goal," said Noah, Their next11 is to meet the goal this fall.

    Like other teenagers, Noah has homework, plays sports and spends time with friends. But he

    12those things well with his charity. He sets aside time each day to work on it.

    His mother, Leslie Perez, is13by her son, "What he does is14," said Perez, "Having worked through the project, I15 that no matter what life throws at him, he'll be OK."

    A . young B . hungry C . elderly D . homeless
    A . business B . experiment C . exercise D . vacation
    A . remembered B . noticed C . sought D . researched
    A . something B . everything C . anything D . nothing
    A . designed B . improved C . studied D . discovered
    A . healthy B . rich C . warm D . full
    A . shared B . used C . washed D . developed
    A . turned out B . got back C . looked forward D . set out
    A . dream B . problem C . project D . demand
    A . save B . wait C . waste D . take
    A . step B . method C . idea D . requirement
    A . combines B . connects C . provides D . balances
    A . terrified B . hurt C . amazed D . amused
    A . great B . fun C . serious D . careless
    A . mean B . believe C . assume D . warn
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Even if all goes well for you in high school, that time of life still can be tough. After all, there's so much for you(learn) academically and socially, like getting along with classmates, and dealing with teachers. But of all the(challenge), making good friends might be the most important.

    According to a new study published in the journal Child Development, best friends likely had a(significance) influence on how you behave in your 20s. Researchers found that those with strong, close bonds with their friends at age fifteen were more likely to be healthy and happy later. Importantly,  (popular), defined as lots of people liking you generally but not closely, wasn't found to have the same benefit as close friends.

    The University of Virginia researchers ran the study followed 169 subjects aged 15 to 25 every year for a decade. Then the researchers ( analyze) the 10 years of data to understand how people handled stress over time. They found that, compared to people with strong high school friendships, those who were merely popular did much ( bad) on several measures of mental health, such as self-worth, social acceptance and relaxation.

    " (like) by a large group of people cannot takeplace of building deep, supportive friendships. So trying to build close connectionsa few people should be a priority(优先考虑的事情)," wrote Joseph Allen, who coauthored the study.

  • 8. 假定你是李华,你校将举办风筝节。请给你的美国朋友Jack写邮件邀请他参加,内容包括:





  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Ashwini was waiting at the door for her children, Amit and Anika. It was the last day of their exams and she had prepared tasty snacks for them.

    "Mom, you know Rishit from my class? He always disturbed others during the exam and copied from therm.'

    "Hey, let me speak now," Anika said and kept giggling all the time. "Mom, one of the girls in my class had prepared a matchbox instead of a soapbox."

    The kids continued speaking, giggling, and enjoyed pizzas till late evening. Ashwini was pleased to know that her kids shared everything with her, If the kids faced any problem or had an interesting piece of news, they always shared it with their mother. They were not scared of or nervous about their mother.

    In the vacation, Ashwini's elder sister, Sunita, visited their place along with her two kids, Pranjal and Kanchan. Sunita observed Ashwini's friendly behavior with her kids and opposed it.

    "What is this, Ashwini? You never scold your kids. They are not scared of you," She said to her younger sister.

    "Sunita, kids should never be scared of their parents. They should feel free when they communicate with parents."

    "Weren't we afraid of our parents? Don't you remember you used to be nervous while talking to Dad? Yet we had better communication," Sunita argued.

    "Well, we are not living in the same age. We need to be more open: minded with children now."

    But Sunita was not satisfied with her explanation. She continued complaining about how Ashwini's kids were dependent on her mother for everything.

    "Why do you have to prepare different dishes each time when they are hungry? Pranjal directly calls the nearby hotel and places an order. You don't have to spend time on it,"

    Until Sunita left, she had almost brain washed Ashwini by constantly reminding her that she was not bringing up her kids properly. When Sunita left, Ashwini let out a sigh of relief



    When the school started again, Ashwini's attitude towards her kids changed a little bit,


    Ashwini noticed the change in the kids' behavior soon and found it unbearable,

