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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语八年级上册Unit 9...

更新时间:2021-10-23 浏览次数:91 类型:同步测试
  • 6. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。

    1. (1) She was very happy. She passed the e.

    2. (2) Mr Smith was on holiday and was not a for the party.

    3. (3) There is a c this evening. I can listen to great music.

    4. (4) The children didn't go to bed u their mother came back.

    5. (5) We gave him a present, but he did not a it

  • 12. 补全对话

    A. That's too bad.

    B. Yes, that's right.

    C. Oh. I'm sorry I can't.

    D. Are you free on Wednesday?

    E. What will you do on Friday?

    F. On Monday I have a piano lesson.

    G. Let's go to his birthday party together.

    A: Tim, I'm going to take a vacation next week. Can you come with me?

    B: I have too many things to do next week.

    A: What do you have to do?

    B: Well...

    A: What about Tuesday?

    B: I have basketball practice on Tuesday and Thursday.


    B: No. I have to go to Frank's birthday party.


    B: will go fishing with Grandpa. And I have to finish the science homework on Saturday.

    A: Maybe next time. I'll call you after the vacation.

    B: OK. Thanks for asking.

  • 13. 阅读理解

    Dear Judy,

        Thanks for remembering my big day! When your gift arrived I was very happy. I love the cookbook. It's very interesting! I like it very much.

        Thanks again.



    Dear Heather,

        The pants are gorgeous! I can' t believe you made them yourself. They look like something from boutique (精品店). With a gift like this, I'm not worried about being another year older.

        Best wishes!



    Dear Friends,

        Thank you for turning my birthday party into a concert. I'm so happy now! I'll never forget that special day. I'm very lucky to have you as friends and neighbors!



    1. (1) The three letters are all ________.
      A . reports B . thank-you notes C . invitations D . birthday cards
    2. (2) What did Mary get on her birthday?
      A . Pants. B . A dinner. C . A cookbook. D . A concert ticket.
    3. (3) The underlined word "gorgeous" means "________".
      A . beautiful B . different C . important D . necessary
    4. (4) Harry spent his birthday ________.
      A . going shopping in a store B . cooking dinner C . going shopping in a boutique D . playing with his friends and neighbors
    5. (5) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . Nancy got a pair of pants on her birthday. B . Heather bought Nancy the pants from boutique. C . Judy gave Mary a gift for her birthday. D . Harry had a good time on his birthday.

