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更新时间:2022-01-31 浏览次数:78 类型:期中考试
  • 11. 听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who has a penfriend?
      A . The man. B . Both of them. C . The woman.
    2. (2) How often do they write to each other?
      A . Once a week. B . Twice a week. C . Four times a week.
  • 12. 听独白,回答问题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。

    A holiday in Chongqing


    my1and l


    not so hot


    The 1st day

    went to the 2 and enjoyed the nice food

    The 2nd day

    Visited some museums and enjoyed the night views of the city on a3.

    The 3rd day

    went shopping and met our old neighbour

    A . mum B . sister C . brother
    A . hills B . river C . park
    A . bike B . bus C . boat
  • 13. 听独白,回答问题
    1. (1) Where did the story happen?
      A . At a cinema. B . In a library. C . At a shop.
    2. (2) Why was the woman angry?
      A . Because she lost a piece of chocolate. B . Because the man was talking loudly with his friend. C . Because the man was looking for something and annoyed (干扰) her.
    3. (3) What was the relationship(关系) between the man and the woman?
      A . They were husband and wife. B . They were friends. C . They didn't know each other.
    4. (4) Why did the woman give the man a piece of chocolate?
      A . Because the man wanted to eat more. B . Because she wanted the man to keep quiet. C . Because she wanted to let him go.
    5. (5) What did the man really want to find?
      A . His glasses. B . His teeth. C . His movie ticket.
  • 14. The UK is not only _________________ island country but also _________________ European country.
    A . 不填; a B . an; 不填 C . an; a D . a; an
  • 15. — You haven't seen a film for long. Why not see a film with your father this afternoon?

    — Oh, my father isn't at home today. He _________________ Shenzhen for a meeting.

    A . has been to B . has gone to C . has been in D . goes to
  • 16. — Thanks for listening to my questions and giving me your advice, Lily.

    — _________________.That's what friends are for.

    A . My pleasure B . With pleasure C . Never mind D . All right
  • 17. Which of the following is an opinion?
    A . Beijing is the capital of China. B . It takes people about three hours to climb the bridge. C . Life is getting better in some ways. D . Many changes have taken place in my hometown.
  • 18. — How long _________________ you _________________ this school?

    — For two years.

    A . have; arrived at B . did; come to C . have; come to D . have; taught in
  • 19. —Can you come to have dinner with me this evening?

    — I'm afraid not. I _______ take care of my grandmother. She is ill.

    A . can't B . have to C . may D . could
  • 20. I don't like the red shirt and I don't like the green one, _________________.
    A . also B . either C . too D . so
  • 21. _________________ people in the world are sending and receiving emails every day.
    A . Two million of B . Millions of C . Many millions D . Two millions
  • 22. — Your French is so good. How long have you been in France?

    — _________________ l was five.

    A . Until B . Since C . When D . Before
  • 23. — I have ever seen Alice in Wonderland Ⅱ(《爱丽丝梦游仙境Ⅱ》).

    — When _________________ it?

    A . do you see B . have you seen C . did you see D . will you see
  • 24. Now I'm living far from my hometown. I feel good here, but I miss my old friends _________________.
    A . at a time B . from time to time C . on time D . in time
  • 25. — How long _________________ they _________________?

    — Sorry, I don't know. But I know that Peter is going to _________________ a nurse next month.

    A . did; marry; marry to B . did; get marry; marry with C . have; got married; marry D . have; been married; marry
  • 26. Copying others' homework is a bad habit of learning. _________________, it is never too late for you to get out of it.
    A . Instead B . Finally C . Anyway D . Suddenly
  • 27. — Where shall we go for dinner this evening?

    — The Sichuan Restaurant. I have _________________ a table there.

    A . had B . bought C . sold D . booked
  • 28. Our class _________________ _32 boys and 23 girls.
    A . is made of B . is made in C . is made up of D . is made from
  • 29. Mary didn't know who _________________ the problem she met with at that time.
    A . to talk about B . will talk to about C . to talk to about D . will to talk
  • 30. 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    A father and his daughter were walking back home on a hot summer day. On the way the daughter saw a woman1apples. She wanted her father to buy one for her. The father didn't take much2with him, but it was enough to pay for two apples. So he went to the woman, bought two big red apples and gave3to his daughter.

    Then the father smiled and asked her to share the two apples with him. After4this, the daughter took a bite from one apple. The father felt surprised.5, before he could speak, the daughter put the other apple into her mouth. She took a bite from it6.

    The father was a little7about what his daughter did.8did she act in such a greedy(贪婪的) way? He guessed maybe she was too young to understand9and giving. There was no smile on his face. Just then the daughter said," Dad, have this one. This one is much10."

    He felt11for making the judgment (判断) so quickly about a child. His12came back again. Now he13why his daughter took a bite from each apple.

    It14takes some time for us to understand things better.15don't judge(判断)anything too quickly.

    A . eating B . drawing C . carrying D . selling
    A . money B . water C . time D . paper
    A . them B . him C . her D . it
    A . changing B . seeing C . hearing D . missing
    A . Also B . However C . Certainly D . First
    A . quickly B . carelessly C . unfriendly D . widely
    A . excited B . comfortable C . unhappy D . careful
    A . When B . Why C . What D . Where
    A . thinking B . studying C . working D . sharing
    A . bigger B . sweeter C . smaller D . lighter
    A . bored B . sorry C . afraid D . worried
    A . smile B . money C . chance D . voice
    A . hoped B . believed C . knew D . advised
    A . never B . once C . finally D . usually
    A . And B . So C . But D . Or
  • 31. 阅读理解

    Free classes in April & May 2021

    We have free classes in Sunshine Kids Centre this spring. Come and choose one.

    Welcome to Sunshine Art Class!

    We will learn about art history, famous artists and learn some skills. We will have classes in parks or hills sometimes. Each class lasts 2 hours on Sunday mornings.

    Teacher: Kathy Grady

    Email address: kgrady@iss.k12.nc.us

    Welcome to Pope's Computer Room!

    You will work together and take part in designing the computer programmers. By doing this you will learn to use computers well in your lives. Remember to bring your own computer.

    Teacher: Barbara Pope

    Email address: bpope@, iss.k12.nc.us

    Welcome to Sunshine Ball Games Class!

    Be a good player in the classes! You do not have to be an Olympic athlete(运动员) to get an "A" in my class. Take part in our sports activities to keep healthy. We have all kinds of ball games.

    Teacher: Sherry Cash

    Email address: scash@iss.k12.nc.us

    Welcome to the Science Class!

    This year we will learn about science by being a scientist. We will do experiments(实验), watch,feel, listen and ask questions about our world. We will learn to care for our world. We will keep trying!

    Teacher: Denise Harris

    Email address: dharris@iss.k12.nc.us

    1. (1) The Art classes are __________________.
      A . 120 minutes long every time B . on Saturday mornings C . always in parks or hills D . about art history only
    2. (2) You can email at __________________ if you want to take computer classes.
      A . dharris@iss.kl2.nc.us B . kerady@iss.kl2.nc.us C . bpope@iss.k12.nc.us D . scash@iss.k12.nc.us
    3. (3) Mary likes playing tennis, so she can go to __________________ class.
      A . Barbara Pope's B . Sherry Cash's C . Kathy Grady's D . Denise Harris's
    4. (4) In Denise Harris's class, you __________________.
      A . should bring your own computer B . can only watch experiments C . learn to care for the world D . can't ask questions
  • 32. 阅读理解

    Matthew Thomas is an English boy. He's 15 and his brother Paul is 13, but they don't go to school. They are in Africa. They study at home. Here is our interview with Matthew about home schooling.

    Why do you study at home?

    M: Well, people in the schools here don't speak English. And we don't speak very good Spanish (西班牙语).


    M: Math, English, history and so on. But I study them in my own way(自己的方法). I use books or the Internet. And our parents help us.

    Do you like studying at home?

    M: Yes, I do - I love it! It is fun. I can choose how to do things. I can study math on Monday and English on Tuesday or history on Monday and Math on Tuesday.

    Are you lonely?

    M: No, I am not lonely. My brother and my parents are here. And Now I have some Spanish friends too.

    When do you see them?

    M: Well, I go to sports center on Saturday and Sunday and I see them there. I play sports games with some of my friends, too. That's great fun.

    1. (1) Which sentence (句子) can you put in __________________?
      A . Why do you study English? B . When do you do sports? C . What subjects do you have? D . Who is your teacher?
    2. (2) Matthew thinks studying at home is __________________.
      A . difficult B . free C . interesting D . boring
    3. (3) From the passage, we can know __________________.
      A . Matthew can get help from parents B . Matthew has many classmates C . Matthew must have math on Monday D . Matthew sees his friends every day
    4. (4) The passage is mainly(主要) about __________________.
      A . games B . health C . sports D . study
  • 33. 阅读理解

    Dear Jackie.

    Hello from Hong Kong! My class tour of China is almost over. Hong Kong is our last stop. Wear rived here on Friday night, and I'm having a lot of fun.

    On Saturday, we visited the top of Victoria Peak. The view from the top was incredible! l could see all of Hong Kong. There were also some nature trails(观景小路)on the peak(山顶). We went for a short walk and then had lunch in the afternoon.

    In the evening, I went with two friends to the Temple Street Night Market. The streets were full of people selling food, clothes, watches, bags, electronics(电器), and lots of other things. I bought some souvenirs(礼物) to bring home. It was really a great day!

    Yesterday, our group went to Disneyland (yes, there's one here)! The park was crowded, and the lines for rides were long. I waited an hour to go on Space Mountain. That was my favourite!

    Today is Monday, and we're going to Ocean Park to see the pandas. I'm really looking forivard to it! we will leave for our home in Vancouver(温哥华)tomorrow night and arrive on Thursday morning. See you soon!



    1. (1) Natalie went to Hong Kong_________.
      A . with her family B . with her classmates C . last Thursday morning D . last Friday morning
    2. (2) How many places of interest did Natalie visit when she was in Hong Kong?
      A . 3 B . 4 C . 5 D . 6
    3. (3) The underlined word "incredible" is closest in meaning to "_________".
      A . terrible B . fantastic C . small D . comfortable
    4. (4) What did Natalie do on Sunday?
      A . She visited the Victoria Peak. B . She saw some pandas. C . She went to Disneyland. D . She did some shopping.
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the letter'?
      A . Natalie has stayed in Hong Kong for 6 days. B . You can buy a computer at Temple Street Night Market. C . There were not many people in Disneyland that day. D . Natalie and her classmates come from China.
  • 34. 阅读理解

    Like many people, I have no clear idea about heroes. At some point, we all wonder if we need a hero and what a hero really is.

    Although there are a lot of differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics which give us courage and make us want to learn from them.

    A hero does something worth(值得) talking about. A hero has a special story to tell and people think highly of(高度评价) it. But a hero is not just the person with great power fame(声誉).

    A hero has powers (力量) larger than himself. Some people want to live like a hero, and they have to experience life with new and further meaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom they serve. What do they want to live and die for? If the answer suggests(暗示) they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes.

    A hero has a vision from the mountaintop. He has the power to move people. He creates new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of Britain. Without Martin Luther King, Jr, Americans might take different buses, cat in different restaurants; go for walks in different parks, and shop in different stores because of the different colours of their skin.

    There might be changes in society without a hero, but the speed of change would be rather slow. Thanks to heroes in history, they make the society develop so rapidly.

    1. (1) According to this passage, a hero is a person who always _______________.
      A . thinks highly of others B . gives us courage C . shares great fame D . stands on the mountaintop
    2. (2) If you want to live like a hero, you should _______________.
      A . listen to something worth talking about B . experience a new and meaningful life C . serve your own fame and try to be famous D . know where and how you want to live and die
    3. (3) The underlined word "vision" in the passage means _______________.
      A . 图像 B . 想象 C . 远见 D . 形象
    4. (4) Black people in America used to _______________ before Martin Luther King, Jr. 
      A . shop at the white's store B . drive buses with the white C . take walks in the white's parks D . cat in restaurants without the white
    5. (5) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . We don't need heroes anymore at some point now. B . Heroes are all the same though different in cultures. C . Our society has developed faster because of heroes in history. D . People get power from heroes to move to a new place.
  • 35. 阅读下面的材料,根据材料内容完成表格,每空1词。

    In the USA, there are many kinds of restaurants.

    Fast food restaurants are very famous. You can find McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken in many countries around the world. You look at a menu(菜单) on the counter (柜台),and say what you'd like to cat. You pay the person who brings food to you. You take your food and sit down or take it away. There's no need to leave a tip (小费).

    In a coffee shop, you sit at the counter or at a table. You don't wait for the waitress to show you where to sit. She usually brings you coffee when you sit down. You tell her what you'd like to cat and she brings it to you. You pay the cashier (收银员) as you leave.

    In a family restaurant, the waitress shows you where you can sit. Often the waitress tells you her name, but you don't need to tell her your name. If you can't finish eating everything, your waitress gives you a doggy bag to take the rest of food home. You should add fifteen per cent to the bill (账单) as a tip.

    In top class restaurants, you had better order before you come, and you need to arrive on time. The waiter shows you where to sit. If you have wine there, he may ask you to taste it. You can only refuse it if it tastes bad. When you get your bill, check it and then add fifteen to twenty percent to it as a tip for the waiter.

    The in the USA

    What you can do


    Fast food restaurants

    ●You can look at the menu and then your food.

    ●You can cat your food there or take it away.

    ●You don't to leave a tip.

    ln a coffee shop

    ●After you sit at the counter or at a table, the waitress will bring you

    ●You pay the cashier as you leave.

    ln a family restaurant

    ●The waitress shows you your

    ●She tells you her name, but you needn't tell her

    ●You can take away the rest of food.

    ●lf your bill is $100,your tip is $ .

    ln top restaurants

    ●You had better order first, then the waiter will show you where to sit.

    ●You can refuse the wine if it doesn't taste

    ●If your bill is $200,you can give the a tip from $30 to $ 40.

  • 36. 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后要求答题。

    Yellowstone is a huge park covering over 3,400 square miles in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. You can reach there by air to Cody or Jackson, 50 miles from the entrances (入口). There is no train service nearby.

    Limited (有限的) bus service is used from some of the towns near it. So when you are in the area, a car is a must. The park has 5 entrances and the entrances are open from May to October. It is a good idea to plan a trip during the good weather. And parts of the park are open in winter for snow sports.

    Be sure to prepare for different weather at any time of the year. Take enough clothes because the temperature is changeable(多变的).Take good walking shoes and thick socks, if you are going to hike. You can also see the park on horseback.

    lf you want to learn about Yellowstone, there are many talks, films and tours to help you to understand it at the National Park Service.

    1. (1) How large is Yellowstone National Park?
    2. (2) What is a must when you are in the area?
    3. (3) Why are parts of the park open in winter?
    4. (4) What do you need to take while going to do any hiking?
    5. (5) Where can you find more information about Yellowstone?
  • 50. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。

    A man tried to catch monkeys to sell them to zoos. The monkeys, however, were very c and every kind of trap(计谋) failed.

    A young boy watched the man's efforts(努力) and then took a pot (壶) with a narrow neck (瓶颈). He put a few peanuts(花生)around the pot and put lots of peanuts I it. He then t the pot to a tree and he told the man, "We should have am in a few hours."

    Some monkeys soon found the peanuts and the pot. One put his hand into the pot e and got some peanuts, but he couldn't pull his h with peanuts out of the narrow neck of the pot. The monkey was afraid and began to cry. Some of the o monkeys tried tan successfully to pull the pot off his hand.

    The boy and the man heard the noise. As the boy came near to the monkeys with a bag, the monkeys all ran away c , the one with its hand in the pot. The boy packed the monkey and the pot into the bag. The man was s and asked the boy the secret of his monkey trap." Why was it so easy for the monkey to get his hand in but so hard to get it out? "

    The boy laughed and said, "The monkey could get his hand back out if he let go of the peanuts in the pot, but he just wasn't w to let go. They never are."

  • 51. 假设你叫吴冰,在网络上读到来自英国的Simon的一封电子邮件,介绍了他家乡的变化和他的个人爱好,你也打算写一封电子邮件,向他介绍你家乡兴化的变化和你的个人爱好——阅读的情况。要点如下:

    1)家乡变化( Environment, Transport and Living conditions)2、阅读情况( Type种类.Time and Benefits益处)





    Dear Simon,

    I'm very glad to read your e-mail. In your letter, you told me about the changes to yourhome1own and your hobby. Now I'd like to tell you about mine.

    There have been great changes in my hometown Xinghua.      ▲   

    I have many hobbies. I like reading best.      ▲   

    In my opinion,       ▲   

    Yours sincerely,

    Wu Bing

