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更新时间:2019-04-28 浏览次数:449 类型:期中考试
  • 5. 补全对话

    A. We went to Zhuhai too.

    B. I Visited many famous places in Macau (澳门).

    C. My parents and my sister.

    D. I went to Shanghai too.

    E. What did you eat there?

    F. I went to Macau during my holiday.

    G. Were they delicious?

    H. We had a wonderful time.

    Sam:Hi, Joy! Long time no see! Where did you go?


    Sam:Really? How was your holiday in Macau?

    Joy:It was wonderful. .

    Sam:Where did you visit?

    Joy:I visited Ruins of St. Paul and ate pork chop buns (猪扒包) there.

    Sam:How were the pork chop buns? .

    Joy:Of course. And l went to Hac Sa Beach(黑沙海滩)too.

    Sam:Hac Sa Beach? I've never heard of it.

    Joy:The sand there is black. It is special and beautiful.

    Sam:Who did you go with?


    Sam:So you spent your holiday in Macau?

    Joy:Oh, not really.  

    Sam:Did you have a good time in Zhuhai?

    Joy:Yes.  Zhuhai is a beautiful city.

    Sam:Sounds nice! I want to go to Macau and Zhuhai too!

  • 6. 读一读,选择正确的答案

    1. (1) How many kinds of food does the Healthy Eating Rainbow have?

      A . Three. B . Six. C . Seven.
    2. (2) What makes up(构成) the Healthy Eating Rainbow?

      A . Vegetables. B . Sweets. C . Fruits and vegetables.
    3. (3) What does“attractive”mean?

      A . Healthy. B . Delicious. C . Lovely.
    4. (4)          can take the place of(代替) cherries in the Healthy Eating Rainbow.

      A . Tomatoes B . Meat C . Strawberry sweets
    5. (5) Why does the writer of the poster make the Healthy Eating Rainbow?

      A . To make people eat fewer(更少的) fruits and vegetables. B . To show that fruits and vegetables are attractive. C . To show that fruits and vegetables are healthy.
  • 7. 阅读理解

    Dear Peter,

        How are you?

        I went to a birthday party at a fast food shop yesterday. It was my kindergarten friend Vivian's eighth birthday. I met many kindergarten friends at the party. They have changed a lot!

        Adam is very tall now. He was very short when he was five.

        Dora is quite short and fat now. I remember she was thin and tall when she was five. It seems she stopped growing taller. Vivian has long hair now. She had short hair when she was five. She played the violin at the party. I didn't know she could play it Bravo!

        My friends said l was the only one who had not changed much.

        I was fat and short when l was five. And I am still fat and short!

        Talk later.

    Your friend,


    1. (1) Whose birthday was it yesterday?
    2. (2) How old is Vivian now?
    3. (3) Who was tall and thin in the past?
    4. (4) How is Tony now?
  • 8. 根据资料卡的内容介绍下面这种濒危动物的相关信息以及我们应该如何保护这种动物。

    Name:Yangtze alligator(扬子鳄)

    Live in:The Changjiang River

    Food:birds, frogs, mice and so on

    Number in the past:Many

    Number now:About 130 in the wild

    What can we do to help them?

    Keep the water clean.

    Don't hunt them for food.

